Sheltering in place and needing barn time for mental health

So would I. She didn’t do anything the week after the 1st governor’s Executive Order was issued. That made it an essential operation and details were on an accompanying document for boarding facilities and horse owners. I gave her a summary of everything she needed to know to stay open. The 2nd Executive Order has the stay-at-home mandate. It didn’t change anything for essential operations. She said she had to close because of it and didn’t want the “public” on the property. She lumped boarders into public. She said she would reopen when she thought it was “possible.” and would let us know when. She fudged every date, “May 1 if possible, 5/15.” No one has been allowed on the property. Period. One staff person only. A DH went to drop off a board check and he had to leave it in the mailbox which is at the end of a dead-end road. Not allowed to drop it in the money slot in the barn. My move to a new barn fell apart. She found out where everyone going. I need outside board, he will not do a stall, so am back where I started. She says she is opening on 5/1 with “new precautions.” May 1 is a long way away. I don['t want to contemplate what the new precautions are or where she got them from.

My 25 y.o. gelding will have been standing around for a month. He was in great condition with a stiff knee that was doing well. Now I have to figure out a plan to work him back to where he was - a slow process. BO and I have been friends for 20 years. Nothing makes any sense. All I get are nasty little messages: “May 1 if possible.” She knows my mental health issues. I just don’t get it. Other people have been on the receiving end of nasty messages. It’s not a recommended business strategy from my point of view.

I spent a lot of time researching rules and policies and statutes and guidance, a favorite part of my job. It’s my retirement hobby. I was able to have an extensive phone conversation and two emails with the Assistant State Vet. Here is some of what I found in various sources.

The governor and agriculture department created guidelines so that BOs and boarders could collaborate and agree on a plan that would work so that horse owners could care for their own horses. I gave the BO all of that information before she closed. BO has the final say-so, which I don’t disagree with. It’s that she said we should shut up and get off her property. Oh, and leave our horses. Not subject to change.

She said she closed because the governor issued the stay-at–home mandate so she had to close. That’s not true. No barns in the state were ordered to close. Essential operations are exempt from the stay-at-home mandate. A person is obligated to stay home unless they are doing something essential (groceries) or work at an essential operation and can’t work from home. There are “essential horse care activities” that a horse owner can provide to their own horse at an essential operation.

She has our horses and we can’t even look at them from behind a fence. If we wanted them to have care, such as grooming (shedding season), handing walking, hosing mud off, etc. it’s $25/hour. One hour per day for a month is $700. On top of board. State vet suggested checking with the AG’s office. It’s a new one on her. I have gotten a few photos when he is in eating his grain. The “check-in videos” the BO posts on Facebook (which I keep deactivated) make it worse. There hasn’t been a decent shot of him.

It is illegal to deny a person access to their personal property. That includes livestock. The ownership of the property is not in dispute. It’s mine. She has to hand it over. If I go to court I think I would win. She has no defense, no reason to keep them on her farm, no reason to deny access has been established.

She didn’t provide anything for hand cleaning and sanitation of surfaces. She didn’t give a thought to meeting with us. She has a 24,000 sq.ft. building next to a 45 acre hayfield. That should be enough room for 16 boarders to work out a schedule.

A few people managed to get out before she closed but they had somewhere even if it was temporary. I wasn’t planning on moving in any case. I wasn’t anticipating that she would continue doing whatever it is she is doing. Now I’m without the amazing, very talented and creative instructor who left before it closed.

Some people on this board have been all over me as a terrible person because I complained too much and wasn’t willing to knuckle under to the BO (more or less). There are two reasons. First is that the state did not order any barns to be closed, and they did not place any limits on interstate or intrastate transportation of horses (w/ Coggins, etc.). They created guidance within the “essential operations” rules that is designed so that BOs and HOs could “collaborate” (their term) on a plan for their barn. Since we are not workers we don’t fit under some of the rules, so there are “essential personal activities” that include caring for your horse on someone else’s property. The second reason is refusing owners access to their personal property (horse, tack, supplies etc) even if they want to remove it and not return. She will not open before May 1. That is illegal. The courts have placed huge numbers of civil cases on hold so starting something now is useless.

It amazes me that the government puts together a plan that specifically allows horse owners to care for their horses at a boarding facility. Almost all the large barns assumed someone said they have to shut down. The guidance document the state issued uses words like “equine” and “horse” which are pretty clear. Why would you want to take over care of all of those animals when their owners want to do it?

I have to make it 8 more days (and I do have some help). He is 8 minutes from here. So close, but he might as well be on the dark side of the moon.


I would guess all the barns closed because they thought it was the right thing to do at the time, and also fear of the virus and so little information available at the time, and thinking these would be short closures. But now that it looks like it will not go back to “normal” again, it is unsustainable and unfair to keep the boarders away from their horses.


I am late to the conversation and sorry for the challenges you are encountering. It must be so hard not to see your horse for an extended period.

Here, there is a mix of approaches that barn owners have taken. However, most have done pretty much what your BO has. Essential services are considered things like feeding / mucking - not necessarily grooming, riding, etc. There has been specific advice locally that barn workers can continue to go to the barn to provide that care, but advising BOs not to allow clients - for fear of liability, if nothing else. I don’t know if the guidance is different where you are, but I am willing to bet that closing the barn to boarders in a shelter in place situation is probably not illegal. That said, the BO is risking their business - there are likely people who will be angry and remove their horses, as a result of that decision. Whether it’s immediate or not, there will likely be a big impact. And they are probably already suffering financially without lesson income and so on. Few boarding operations are profitable on their own.

That said I think this situation is super hard on everyone involved. Hope you get a resolution soon.


Actuaries would disagree with you that running on your own legs and running on the legs of a horse hold the same risk. And “just about anything” is a big bucket of things, each with different degrees of risk, to put under that one big blanket of justification for the particular risk you want to take.


I get the stress, the anxiety, the fear. I’ve been off work since March 16th and haven’t seen my horses since March 17th.
My perspective on the situation? If the barn staff were to contract COVID-19 it would be a nightmare. There are implications for everything from basic care to veterinary care, to the farrier, getting feed, etc.

Having the barn closed is not worth burning bridges over. The safety of my boarded horse is dependent on the health of those directly caring for him. That means the BO and BM who are there 7 days/wk working long hours. Not me.

And seriously? Who actually things that running or walking poses the same risk as riding? Do you wear a helmet every time you walk to the mailbox? What about a body vest?
I don’t know about you, but my legs have never spooked/bucked/bolted without my consent. And if I happen to trip I’m not worried about 1200lbs stepping on me or kicking me.


The latest data for emergency room visits and inpatient hospital stays for injuries related to sports may be of surprise to some folks. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) most recent report (2016 based on 2013 data) shows that the top 10 sports that required a visit to the emergency room (in order of visits) are:

bicycle riding (383,790 visits)
other unspecified sports activity
American tackle football
school recess and summer camp
rollerblading and skateboarding
baseball (113,420 visits)

FYI - Horseback riding injuries resulted in 18,830 emergency room visits

On the flip side, injuries related to sports that required an inpatient stay (in order of visits):

walking/marching/hiking (30,650)
bicycle riding
downhill skiing and snowboarding
school recess and summer camp
other unspecified sports activity
rollerblading and skateboarding
American tackle football
horseback riding (2,220)
basketball (2,020)

In terms of absolute numbers for ER visits and inpatient hospital stays, horseback riding ranks low when compared to other sports. However, there are also fewer people who participate in horseback riding than in other sports so the visits and inpatient stays percentage would be interesting to calculate. Unfortunately, there is not a good source for determining the absolute number of people who participate in a particular sport.


Leaving aside the issue of whether people should or shouldn’t be riding, I think what your barn owner is doing in terms of restricting your ability to remove your horse is illegal. A private barn owner can decide to shut down, either to boarders or entirely, but she can’t require you to keep your horse on her property. If you want to move I would call the sheriff’s office if she refuses access for the purpose of removing your horse. You have an elderly horse that requires regular veterinary care and she can’t deny you access to move him. If the sheriff’s office won’t help you call an attorney and have them write a letter explaining you will be there on X day to remove your property.


A friend sent me this post and I have found it very helpful with all the feelings that I have been dealing with…

A fr![](end sent me this quote and I’ve found it comforting during these trying times…



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 The Rambo Protector Test 🔍








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[h=6]Horseware[/h] 47 mins ·

Be ready whatever the weather and make your Horseware fly rugs waterproof with our Waterproof Fly liner . ☔

Composed with a waterproof polyester outer, this liner will keep your horse dry & protected from summer showers in changeable weather. The liner is cut to a shallow depth and made with an absorbent wicking midlayer to prevent from overheating during warmer days. 💯
… Our Rambo & Amigo fly rug ranges come with liner loops as standard on all horse sizes providing ease of attachment and flexibility when rugging through out the summer months.
View our full collection of fly rugs available online now.

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[h=6]Horseware[/h] 22 hrs ·

Key item | Rambo® Protector 🔍 | <a href="">#rugsforlife</a>
The Rambo Protector gives your horse the maximum coverage and protection against UV rays and flies. Designed with a non water absorbing, durable and breathable self-repairing mesh fabric which is patented and unique to Horseware Ireland.💯
… Introducing a new addition colour way this season, this rug also has a new hood shape with improved close contact fit and extended chest coverage. With this removable neck cover and the rugs liner compatibility means you can adapt this rug to suit your horse and varying weather conditions.
View our full collection of fly rugs and masks online now.

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[h=5]Horseware[/h] Yesterday at 10:00 AM ·

Did you know the Rambo Protector Rug fabric is self-repairing? 🤔

This non water absorbing, durable and breathable mesh fabric is patented and unique to Horseware Ireland and gives your horse the maximum coverage and protection against UV rays and flies. 💯
… Introducing a new colourway addition this season, this rug also has a new hood shape with improved close contact fit and extended chest coverage. With this removable neck cover and the rugs liner compatibility means you can adapt this rug to suit your horse and varying weather conditions.
View our full collection of fly rugs and masks online now.

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 <a href="">The Rambo Protector Test 🔍</a>

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  • [IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"Sarah Brydon","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-1\/cp0\/p32x32\/38942510_1748646411838735_6201829172222885888_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=riEHKLn1ByEAX_AHVCt&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=add37f6b31f6ad696b7262ec46d2dc7c&oe=5ECA62DB) Sarah Brydon This is the only fly rug that my 22 year old has not destroyed within days. This is his third year with it. Washes great, as well as being indestructible can’t recommend it enough.
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  • [IMG2=JSON]{"alt":"Jenny Forbes","data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/\/v\/t1.0-1\/cp0\/p32x32\/29540991_10156051292455993_1232306827300501573_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=7206a8&_nc_ohc=2qnc9xTBHAEAX-L1lmo&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=17c6104cd5f3a32d017eb8d9180b2355&oe=5EC881B7) Jenny Forbes Stephanie Gardiner they’re bringing out a new and improved version of my fly rug. - check it out if you haven’t ordered already x
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    [h=5]Horseware[/h] April 22 at 3:00 PM ·

    Sometimes you don't know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory...❤️🐴

    For a lot of us, dealing with separation anxiety not only from family and friends but from our horses as well can feel overwhelming. Trying to feel positive about the future or when things will go back to ‘normal’ can have us feeling a mixture of emotions every day.
    Feeling optimistic can be difficult when situations feel stressful or painful but just remember this won’t last forever and we ca…n’t give up hope.
    In time we will be reunited with our loved ones; two-legged and four doing the things we enjoy and making new memories. One day we will look back at how we handled this situation together and realise the strength, courage and resilience we had in coping during these unprecedented times.
    Stay safe, stay strong and remember better days are coming. Together but apart we will get through this. #allinthistogether
    📸 @emilywbishop.equestrian (IG)

  • It’s to avoid getting a lot of alcoholics with the DTs in the ER. Or not going to the ER at all, and dying wherever they are. This is real. Of course, many of us are not alcoholics but are appreciative of our wine these days…:wink:


    Oh my gosh, I am so sorry about my last posting!!!

    I was just trying to share the post by Emily bishop equestrian. Please disregard the rest of the post!!

    Yes, except the people I live with.

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    Ours closed because it followed the recommendations of our provincial and national equestrian association that only those providing essential care should be on the property. As it’s a full care / full training facility, there is no need for boarders to be there, and the barn owner / staff don’t need us potentially infecting them.

    It was announced to boarders on March 17, the day our provincial government placed Ontario under a State of Emergency and asked everyone to stay home except for essential errands like getting groceries. Indoor recreation facilities were ordered to close, and outdoor recreation facilities were included a few days later.

    While many local barns are ignoring this and have simply decided that owners riding their horses is “essential,” our barn decided to follow the recommendations to the letter. They didn’t ask our opinion or permission - it’s not ours to give. The decision rests entirely with our barn owner and trainer and luckily all the boarders (all adult women ranging from age 30-70) completely support them.

    I’m sure if someone wanted to leave and board elsewhere our trainer would make arrangements to have the horse shipped, but happily nobody has done that.


    Big Mama-How is your province doing as far as COVID infections?

    Our state shut down more tightly on March 23. The first week (March 16) golf courses and barns were still open.

    I live outside of Philadelphia Pa. For my county to get some of the restrictions lifted, we need to get to 30 new cases daily for 2 weeks. Right now we are over 150 new cases daily.

    I will admit I’m crestfallen about this news as it seems it will take forever before I’m allowed to go to the barn again.

    Honestly, I can pretty easily live with most of the other restrictions (ok maybe a haircut would be nice!). Not seeing my horse has been very difficult. Our barn is not doing any reduced fees for services (which I understand), so I needed to cut back on what I can afford to do for him. I’m so used to being intricately involved in his care and I can’t afford to pay for what I would be doing myself on a daily basis.

    I understand why no one can safely give us a date that restrictions can be lifted. What’s so troubling is trying to decide what to do moving forward. I think there are many people out there wondering how long they can afford a horse that they are unable to even see, let alone ride. I am paying a higher amount for board because it has an indoor and some nicer amenities. If this goes on for six months, can I afford to do this when I am unable to use these amenities personally?

    I wonder about golf courses. Will members continue to pay fees for something they can’t use?

    I realize how incredibly lucky I am not to have to worry about where the next meal is coming from, or whether I have a safe place to live. But as everyone is affected by the economic implications, it is even a worry for those that are in a better situation financially.

    It’s the helplessness of the situation that gets to me. There is literally nothing I can do to make this better, with the exception of staying at home. It sounds so easy in theory…


    @mkevent Ontario had 424 new cases yesterday. We’ve had 892 deaths total (671 deaths have been LTC residents).
    The population of Ontario is roughly 14.5 million. We’re currently testing around 12,000 people daily.

    My county has had 259 total cases, 15 deaths. Our highest number of new daily cases was 15, lately it has been less than 5 new cases daily.

    The province is currently unveiling guidelines to start reopening the province.
    The first stage (3 stage plan) is the reopening of low-risk businesses, and businesses who can immediately meet the safety requirements put forth. We’ll have to wait for some clarification to see who and what actually qualifies for reopening. Hopefully barns who can maintain physical distancing will be able to open in the first or second stage.


    Thank you Good Times. It sounds like you guys are ahead of us. My county has approximately 8,000 people and we are testing 250 people daily. Accessing additional testing is a problem.

    It was announced today that golf courses in Pa are opening May 1rst. I hope it can be done safely. They do have some procedures in place so maybe barns would be able to follow suit as well.

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    Barn opened on Sunday. We each get an hour and have to wear mask/gloves etc. I just had my first ride on him today. I cannot describe how good it felt and my horse had as good a time as I did. He was blowing out those happy snorts while we were warming up and all he wanted to do was canter, so we pretty much just did laps. We only get an hour so it’s a very short ride, but it’s much much better than nothing. My heart palpitations have stopped. I don’t feel anxious. As I said before, literally nothing changes for me once this is over. Everyone else goes back to their families, parties, picnics, etc. All I do and all I want do is be with that horse. For me now, except for my lack of my grueling 75 mile commute to work due to WFH, life is completely normal.


    So glad to hear it!

    We have “flattened the curve” in Ontario, in that new cases are remaining steady and not spiking, but we are still averaging between 450-600 new cases per day. A disproportionate number of those are in retirement homes and long term care facilities - staff and residents alike. We’re closing in on 17,000
    confirmed cases and 1,000 deaths in the province, however testing is not widespread and the number of people tested lags behind other provinces.

    Our closures and social distancing measures are working - hospitals have not been overwhelmed and we’ve had enough resources so far to keep up with critically ill patients, so that’s good news. The provincial government has laid out a framework for phases of reopening, and we are lobbying to make sure stables are explicitly included in the first wave. However the government will it set a date or out a timeline on re-opening, saying (wisely) that the date will be dictated by the rate of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.

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    I went through breast cancer surgery and radiation last fall, and am over 65, so I have to be careful. I just started going back to my trainer’s barn last week. When I’m there in the morning no other clients are there, I have my tack in my own locker, use my own brushes, and my own halter that stays in my locker. Hand sanitizer is stationed at each entrance, and lots of soap in the bathroom.

    Since it’s good weather here I ride outside, and no one is by me. Once I’m done I put my gear away, and my horse, wash my hands and then drive home. I feel like I’m safe there.

    I also take my other horses out for trail rides. Social distancing is easy. Hikers are afraid of horses so stay away. My friends and I all ride at least 10 or 12 feet apart. We drive to the trailheads separately. We don’t touch anything.

    I wear a mask if I go to the store, but only go every couple of weeks during the “senior” hours first thing in the morning. Usually there are only a couple of people in the store. Even though things are supposedly opening up in my state I’m a long way from feeling okay about going to a restaurant to eat or to meet up with a lot of people.