Shoulder blues Ridiculous update!

Ah, ZuZu, how terribly much I wish for the days when my lumbar was ok enough to clean stalls and such! I’m now just a horseman on the sidelines and find it terribly sad.

I didn’t get the fudge but did get the finger sandwiches. What an awesome show. I got to see Eve Jobs ride a few times, too.

What are you planning for your Kentucky trip? What a spectacular place. Keeneland is amazing.

not complaining really `` LIFE IS GOOD … stalls are therapeutic …would not change a thing

not a chocolate person so not a [B]fudge person

[/B]but all my friends live for that [B]Devon Fudge !

My Ky trip is all encompassing … an annual event …Wildness !


Ah, ZuZu, how terribly much I wish for the days

when my lumbar was ok enough to clean stalls and such! I’m now just a horseman on the sidelines and find it terribly sad.

I didn’t get the fudge but did get the finger sandwiches. Do you prefer the smooth or granular fudge, btw? Next time, I have to get it. What an awesome show. I got to see Eve Jobs ride a few times, too.

What are you planning for your Kentucky trip? What a spectacular place. Keeneland is amazing.[/QUOTE]

I like chocolate but am not crazy about it like some people. We went in the chocolate factory tour yesterday and they had all you can eat free samples of all their different chocolates at the end. OMG! I ate so much I was sick. We bought a ton of it to take home and the thought of it makes me ill. The Gruyere cheese factory tour sucked though. Don’t do that one. Last day here before traveling all day home tomorrow.
ETA that going to Devon and not
getting the fudge is a crime against humanity! I am going to the Grand Prix and assuming they still have some I will be buying some whether I can stomach more chocolate or not.

I am adding more pics to that link above so check back if you are interested.

Safe travels home ~

We are home. Tomorrow I go to Devon then Friday it all gets real.

Remember to get an extra big supply of fudge for the recuperation. It’s a well known fact that fudge and other chocolate heals you much faster, and is better than any other painkiller.

Sending you hugs and jingles for a great time at Devon, and a great result from your surgery.

Best of luck with the surgery, Laurierace!!!


Hoping all goes well!! I like the idea of the computer cart, If I can’t be up and busy then I need to keep my mind busy. Maybe online equine courses?

Home. Had the mobilization, said I was all the way down to 80 degrees of movement so there is a good chance that was where the majority of my pain was from so I probably won’t need surgery.

GREAT !!! Be HAPPY !!!

You are finally LUCKY !

?* ten pages of un-needed advice :lol::winkgrin:

Too early to celebrate but hopeful. Thanks everyone.

Have had the same PT guy for several years and countless injured body parts but today was the first time he ever made me cry. And I was numb! Being the difficult patient I always seem to be, I didn’t numb out in my armpit so I have severe pain where the tear is.

Hoping your procedures helped & the pain dies down. You would like Lidocaine and Flector (voltaren) patches, I think. Consider asking your Doc.

I’ll keep jingling Laurie, and hope you’re 100% and pain free quickly.

Thanks everyone. I have full mobility in most directions but not in the area where the tear is. I imagine that is not a good sign but time will tell.

Still sending you good thoughts!


I have been wanting to update on how PT was going but couldn’t think of enough swear words to do it justice. Makes me wish I went the coyote chewing it off way that Zu Zu suggested.


Ah, I am sorry. Shoulder rehab made me cry, too. And tell my poor physio that if he did that again I was going to hit him. (That got me a round of one-handed applause from my fellow-sufferers in the clinic.)

I seriously don’t know if I can do this. Everyone keeps telling me I don’t have a choice and have to push through it but that is way easier said than done. They got it moving most directions while I was out but basically have to break through the part they couldn’t get moving while I was out while I am awake? WTF?!