Shoulder blues Ridiculous update!

We aren’t to the decision making point yet but I can’t imagine agreeing to surgery at this point after all I have been through. Mainly because there is a good chance the shoulder would freeze again from the immobilization.

Not sure about the opiod thing. I was so upset about how badly the PT hurt that I didn’t think to ask him what he meant. My shoulder is not chronic but I am a chronic pain sufferer which he knows although until the shoulder came along the pain was more or less gone. I hadn’t taken opiods on a regular basis in well over a year.

My PT guy didn’t have space for me today so I have an appointment with a different one. There is no question that my guy is by far the most talented in his office but this may end up being more my speed.

A friend from my office is almost four weeks out from his second shoulder surgery, and he had four anchors. He has an immobilizer, and only has been to PT four times. They do very minimal work, mostly to keep his shoulder from freezing up, and he takes percocet before every appointment. So maybe there is a way to have the surgery, and keep the mobility so it doesn’t refreeze again. I hope so.

PT was better today even though I was definitely stiffer after my ride yesterday. I am still hopeful there won’t be any surgery in my future.

Good to hear!!
fingers crossed you don’t need surgery!

The pain meds made me really sick yesterday so I gave PT a try without them today and lived to tell the tale. Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Best wishes for continued progress. Remember you can cut your pills in half or even less, too (unless they are time released but I often cut those in half anyway). Probably better to stay away for now since they bothered you.

I made it through the two weeks of everyday PT! I asked if it was likely to get worse when I go down to 3 days a week next week since I won’t be getting stretched completely every day and they guessed that it was likely to get better rather than worse since everything will have a chance to calm down a little. ROM is getting to almost 100% so it was worth it but calm would be a nice change.

Yay, superb, good going!! I guess they give you some exercises to do at home on your non-PT days? That should help, too.

Yes, I have been doing exercises which are actually all the same horrific stretches they do to me only I have to do them to myself.

Waiting in the ER with hubby following a bike accident. Good thing I had pain meds to give him in the meantime.

Awww, bummer. Best wishes. As you know, do let them know what he took so he doesn’t get too much of anything. (Yes, I’ve got a few of everything in a bottle in my bag, too.)


How’s hubby doing?

He has a broken pelvis.

Oh, my! Sounds like your luck is going as badly as ours is lately. That really stinks, especially with all of the other stuff you are dealing with.


Oh no! Sending hugs and jingles for both of you.

What a mess! I am definitely not having the surgery any time soon now. We can’t both be completely helpless at the same time. I always knew I had an awesome husband but now that I am faced with doing everything he normally does by myself it is very daunting even without the shoulder. This is definitely the least painful day so far although I am sure I have a lot of adrenaline and I haven’t done any exercises yet.

Oh . . . No, . . .

When it rains, it pours, eh?

We must remove this black cloud that has been hanging around. Well wishes to hubby.

Well on the plus side, we now own a proper shower chair. Figuring out a Father’s day gift was easy this year. We are both doing ok so far.

I guess he didn’t have to stay in the hospital?