I’m looking at riding in my first dressage show ever in the next few weeks. (And my first horse show in, oh, 30 years.) We’re talking Intro Level at a schooling show in Zone 1. I read the USEF rules for attire. The prize list for the particular show encourages coats except during hot weather, in which “riders are encouraged to show without coats in the interest of their health.” The prize list also states that plain white riding shirts or polo style shirts with dark breeches are appropriate.
I don’t have a ton of money so I’d rather stay on the conservative side so I don’t have to run out and replace my outfit every time I progress a level. Silly as it sounds, (white) breeches with a non-contrasting full seat are the norm, right? Do most people wear actual dressage boots or just all purpose dress boots? It would figure that I have pebble-textured brown field boots and nothing else ATM because they fit my “athletic” calves. So new boots are on the list. My interpretation of the USEF rules is that your shirt must have long sleeves if you’re jacketless due to the heat. Is that correct? Are the show shirts with lace panels considered weird?