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Sidebar, Your Honor

I completely agree with these posts. Expressions to murdalize are commonly said in frustration by just about everyone.


Oh, learned a new word. Murdalize.


What was the source of that quote?

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Are you sure? Maybe you hurt his feelings. Lol.


Laugh. Maybe that was why he was being so needy all evening. If he was out, he wanted in, if he was in he wanted out.
Probably making me prove my endless love for him because I hurt his feelings.

I used my happy voice as I said how annoyed I was…


From the other thread. Not sure who “he’d” refers to here - MB, or the child.


Yeah I use murdalize to differentiate between a mindless utterance and the real deal.


I figured it was either from the Three Stooges or Bugs Bunny.


Ha! You must know me!!


Yes, but who claimed the kid made that statement?


This came from Inigo_Montoya, who may be referencing some or the “tapes”. It could also be complete fol-de-rol, based solely in rumor, hearsay, and paranoia. Nothing was offered to substantiate this allegation.


Door wish. We play that ALL THE TIME and it drives me nuts.


Well, most of Inigo Montoya’s information seemed to come from LK, so…


Two words. Dog door. :+1:

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The same questions about tone and context would apply to the comments about the officers responses and thought about the “documents” MB wanted signed. She leads into relating that exchange with her having asked if a release from liability to allow him to kill her……and it seems to me that was a question designed to suggest to the officer something nefarious about a standard liability release we have all routinely signed in order to ride on someone else’s property. She even refers to the fact that much of the document was posted on a sign by the barn, but throw in a few adjectives and describe the paper as horrifying the police and suggesting MB was mad because he was “caught” in some horrid plan and to some it can easily paint a different picture.

That same kind of speech pattern/leading/innuendo works for threats as well. It might not look like a threat to an outsider, written down, or without seeing the accompanying nonverbal behavior, but I can assure you, it can make a person very uncomfortable and feel in danger if they are constantly subjected to it.

It is likely the same story for the idea that the BI & FM said she could stay. Remember she also said she wasn’t home at the time because RC tried to “break in”. RC was supposedly only supposed to leave a list of the “violations”. Based on the smoke and mirrors on all the other situations, it is possible that they didn’t get an actual sign off about staying but decided based on the wording of the document left that if they “fixed it” that meant they could stay when the BI & FM meant it had to be fixed and inspected by properly licensed individuals before it could be re-inhabited.


As I recall, the gun charge is “unlawful use of a firearm”. I’m guessing that pointing a gun at someone and ordering them off your property at gun point would be an unlawful use of a firearm.

Possibly the DA charged him with that so that if the attempted murder charge fails, because he successfully argues your scenario, they can still get him on “unlawful use of a firearm.”

How was the second gun charge worded?

Even he didn’t go over there planning to kill her, and just lost his temper in the moment, by shooting her I’d think he was still demonstrating intent, so still attempted murder.

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I agree my scenario still probably qualifies as attempted murder. I’m just saying what I think could have happened, not arguing for a particular verdict.


IM said that he has already pled “not guilty by reason of insanity” and that fits with civil suit against the police. He is saying that he was temporarily insane at the time of the shooting, I believe, and that he currently has no memory of an interval of time that particular day. I don’t think that he is claiming to be insane now.

I read that as the he in “he’d bash” as referring to the child, not MB.

The case that seems similar to me is the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida. Zimmerman thought Martin looked suspicious. Zimmerman approached him, even though 911 dispatcher told him not to. A physical altercation ensued. Zimmerman said he feared for his life and fatally shot Martin.
The outcome was acquittal.
Not saying Barisone will or should be acquitted.
But the cases look similar if the scenario is as suggesed: Barison e went to get them to leave or retract child abuse charges. A verbal and physical confrontation ensued and Barisone felt in danger and fired or the gun fired in some struugle.
I think the “insanity” is that trauma and stress produced a disassociate d stae, not that he was crazy.