Sidebar, Your Honor

Honestly, this is just the first of these threads I’ve happened on that aren’t 5 million post long already, where I could throw that idea out there while it was still sort of relevant. I agree any number of things could have happened after he told her to get out and she started yelling. I just think this is a plausible way the whole scenario started.


I like how you think, but this is my thoughts on what happened, using your post as a base.

My hypothetical scenario is that after CPS showed up he decided he was going to end the situation by ordering LK off the property because putting the kids in danger of removal by CPS was a line that had gone too far, he brought the gun because of the dog attack that had happened previously. (no, I do not think this was wise or rational). I think she instead got in his face, threatened him, got on the phone with her lawyer etc, and he got agitated and angry, she continued to be confrontational and her boyfriend came down who, along with LK, got physical with him (she admits to beating him in the head with her phone). He pulled the gun out and fired.

That’s it. I don’t think he planned squat, I think his particular brand of mental health and personality problems met her mental health and personality problems along with indifferent but not technically negligent LE, and with a handgun available, and this train wreck was the result.


Yeah, that also sounds plausible to me.

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There are so many plausible options.

None of which would have happened if two (three?) people had bothered to be adults.


(**) my only addition:
perhaps when RG came out, the menacing, bite happy dog came out too… And MB, having brought the gun (with only three bullets in it) to defend against said dog pulled it out aiming it at the dog.
That’s when both Lk/RG got really rough… And a tussle over the gun or it being pointed at the dog specifically, ensued.

I’d float that he went there to force them to come to the barn to speak with CPS and clear up this mess they made with a report he assumed or knew they had made.

Agreed. Tinderbox.


Or he could have pulled out the gun to defend himself, they tried to grab it, and it went off in the struggle.

I agree that the part where she said she beat him over the head with her cell phone until it broke does not seem to fit into the timeline unless there was a struggle before the gun went off.


@Angela_Freda I like your additions (to the all hypothetical thoughts we are having).

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That has always seem like a logical explanation to me.

Much more so than the idea that he was planning to kill two people and get away with it while CPS was still on the property!


I wasn’t there so I can only speculate but I have personally witnessed women of all types of builds going after a guy physically first to begin an altercation.

No idea if it happened. Just saying its possible


If she attacked first would his defense not be using that instead of insanity?


I believe they are saying he does not remember what happened, not that he is lacking sanity.

I also think it is hard to get the world to believe that a fit man should need any amount of force against a tiny woman.


It has occurred to me to wonder how others would view this situation if the roles of the big man and small woman were reversed.


Yes if he can remember anything, which he says he can’t.

That came up in one of the original threads where a poster was insisting that no matter what, because MB is male and LK is female…blah blah blah.

Some people truly believe that women are always delicate and victims and can not ever be the cause for a man to need to defend themselves.

I agree that the story line would be different if things were the other way around.


The thing that I am most interested in is the real, true and actual role of MHG in all of this. I do not see any indictment naming her, nor is she named in the civil lawsuits. If she truly WAS the instigator in all of this, pushing MB to act against LK and RG… why has she not been indicted? It will be interesting to see if she is called as a witness.

I am not a lawyer, I haven’t watched Law and Order in many years, and I come from a family of doctors - we’re slightly allergic to lawyers (I kid, I kid). So I apologize if I use the wrong terminology.


I think you make some good points, @Mersidoats.

It seems that certain people are bound and determined to ruin MHG’s life, now still. Which is so weird.


To the casual observer, it seems as if she is way down on the list of lives ruined by this event. Which is not a slam on her in any way, just an observation.

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I’m guessing there isn’t any proof to connect MHG with MBs actions. I do think she would be called as a witness to help the defense set up the scenario that led to that day.


I agree.

I’ve thought it’s a bit weird that this was all supposedly done at the behest of MHG, yet she’s managed to avoid getting named in even a civil suit. Assuming that the audio recordings that have been alluded to include her plotting the murder actually exist, I’ve got to believe they’ve been determined to be inadmissible or she’d have been indicted in the criminal case as well as at least a co-conspirator.

It seems to be all a bunch of smoke and mirrors to make it all so much more elaborate and dramatic for a certain someone.


The discussion of the audio tapes make me think of so many conversations I have had in life. Ya know those times when you are so annoyed that you say things that if taken out the context of that angry moment can make you look like a horrible human.

Heck, just yesterday I told my dog I was going to open the door and let him go find a new home. I was kidding. But darn it he was annoying me and thankfully he does not understand English.