Sidebar, Your Honor

Whooooshhh! Hear that? That’s the sound of the meaning of my post going waaaayyy over your head. :rofl:


I didn’t hear anything.
I was deafened by the self congratulatory applause you were giving yourself at your own attempt at brilliant repartee.

My ears are still ringing.
Come back tomorrow night and try it again.


It honestly didn’t occur to me that my post would be at all difficult to understand, so your big long rant was a hilarious surprise. Thank you for the laugh!


Well, she did make a Ricky Martin video and design a line of faux-fur panties for a her Sorority’s charity event. She’s a supporter of the arts, a philanthropist AND a friend to the animals.

Carry on.

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You’re welcome. Happy to oblige.

How can gender be determined from an IP address?

Mod1 has referenced that their are names associated with the accounts before. I guess that name is a “male” name.

I get phone calls daily from scammers using spoofed numbers.
It is no more difficult to do similarly with the interwebz.
That may or may not be the case here, but I don’t consider a name on an account to be any significant proof.

FWIW, I have never followed the threads but often have been curious about the story.

Thank you for taking the time to write this out for those of us who have no idea about the story at all. The subject has been rehashed so many times that I’m sure you could have written this out in your sleep.

One thread on this topic is chaotic enough. We’re closing this spin-off.

One clarification: Moderation staff has never confirmed or denied the gender of a poster. That information was taken from a post made by the user referenced.