Congrats on getting it back up and running! If you are making more changes, one I would suggest is to do away with the “Off Topic” subsection. Simply have Off Topic and Menagerie Topics. And we could finally admit “Current Events” is not coming back and let it disappear!
We actually just re-opened Current Events. :winkgrin: Let the chaos ensue… :lol:
The new version seems much more phone friendly!! Thank you for fixing and getting back online so quickly
@Moderator 1 Are you aware that the off topic and menagerie posts now show in the list of threads when you use the new topics option?
Not a problem, just different than how it was in the past so pointing it out.
Thank you to all the hard work that went into getting the forum back up!
@trubandloki Thanks! We had customized that before when we first implemented the full-time OT forums. Maybe we’ll offer a poll after we get normalized a bit to see what users would prefer. Good catch–thanks!
@Moderator 1 from me, thank you and your staff for all the work that you did to restore the content and get this much missed board back online and up to speed.
Been there and done that when something “needed” (do we really ‘need’ COTH, maybe not but man, I sure missed you) goes down and the scramble begins to get it back up and running. It is not fun!!
Ditto, especially in these very trying times.
COTH is really useful for so many, an island in the rough seas of our times.
BIG THANKS for you and everyone working on keeping this afloat, glitches and all.
Edited to add, editing IS working!
@Bluey , what platform are you using for Edit and Quote?
I am using Safari on MacOS and Like, Edit, Quote are still not working.
@Moderator 1 thanks for the tip on using the navigation buttons at the top of the page
I am using Safari, a just updated three nights ago, large update, Mac OS Catalina 10.15.5.
@Moderator 1 Along with Off Topic showing when a ‘New Topics’ is run we now also see everything from Current Events. Can that PLEASE be fixed sooner than later?
It is on the list. Looks like Quote, Edit and Like are now working, and the pagination at the bottom, and I had ranked those high on the fix-it list.
@Moderator 1 yup, Quote, Edit, Like are working along with Smilies :encouragement:
Still would like (and I thought it used to do this, many moons ago) that when I use the backarrow on the browser, that it would force a page re-load.
Mark Current Channel As Read also works now :applause:
Thank you guys for all the work!!!
Oh, and the Notifications are getting automatically cleared when the topic is read.
One thing I miss is the ability to scroll down a thread and any posts by the OP were highlighted. It was fast and easy. Now you have to scroll down and look at all the names.
What are the orange bars for underneath your name? Just bling?
Those orange bars are where the Location used to be. Hoping some day they return but I’m happy that things like Quote, Edit, Like, etc were addressed early in their list
It looks like they are for some kind of reputation system which is not turned on. If you hover over them, it says “has a reputation beyond repute”. Some boards use post likes/dislikes to compute a user reputation score which would be represented by the bars.
@Moderator 1 I had a post “Unapproved” for the first time in my COTH career, and it’s just a post about my farm with pics that are already in your system, no links or anything.
I too would like the Current Events posts not to appear on the Recent Topics or whatever it is called now. The old link to it was what I had saved as my bookmark, which doesn’t work, but that’s easy for me to fix. What I don’t like is that it just shows the first post instead of the most recent post. So it looks like nothing has happened and you have to click through to see the new posts.
Is there any way to set it so the most recent posts are highlighted instead of threads? I think that was also a good way to see which posts were “hot”/getting replies. This one seems to have a list-type format (like when you have your email set to catalog the whole thread rather than the recent email, and starting with the first if that makes sense).
Thank you for your work and sorry this happened!
Are you looking for the “latest activity” view? On the forum page that lists all the topics, click on the “latest activity” tab, at the top, next to “topics” and above the “new topic” button. Is that better?
thanks! No, I am using that button but it organizes it from the first post on each thread rather than most recent, then you have to scroll through to get the actual recent activity. I find the additional clicks more annoying than the old way. Also, on “recent topics” we used to see the first couple lines of the comment, and many you could just scroll on by if not of interest. now you get the first couple of lines of the first post of the thread on “Latest Activity”. you don’t know whether to click until you go through all that. it just takes more time and is less efficient.
I see the first few lines of each post when I sort by latest activity, though? Is this not what you see?
If you’re looking to sort thread comments from recent -> first, that’s in your user settings>account>display mode, click “latest activity.” Or click the latest activity button at the top of the thread.