So I did a thing today

I don’t know. I tend to see her as possibly having some siamese in there, but not close enough to give her the extreme siamese body and head type. With her devilishness, I’d suspect Abyssinian, except I think she’d have a different coat type, more like that the Abyssinians have.

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No, no new kittens, no updates on that front!!!

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Well, the day is young (thoughtfully sprinkling a trail of kibble on a path to the house…you can thank me later.)


I can’t believe how big she is. She would love a kitten to play with :smiley:




Kittens are so cute and fun but after cleaning up a shredded cardboard box that my cats destroyed as well as my new leather purse, I don’t think I could handle anymore either. My problem is one (or a pregnant one) shows up and I feed them and then I end up with more cats because I am a sucker for their cute little faces and don’t want them to go hungry.


I’ve never actually gone *looking * for a kitten - they always just seem to find me. Mick was abandoned; Rascal was chased into the barn by a skunk; Angel and Beth had to be rescued from a hoarding situation; Maximus and Tiny were abandoned; Hammie was hanging from a fence; Itty-bitty - well, I just couldn’t say no to those eyes!!!

I figure when the time is right, the next one will come along. Though my finances are finally starting to get in shape enough that I can start thinking about a new house - and maybe being able to foster … :slight_smile:


Same here. I have lost a couple of cats in the last couple of years. Now I have 4. One of my co-workers asked me if I am going to get another cat. I told her that if a stray came to my place or if I was somewhere and I saw a cat that needed to be rescued, I would do it. But I’m not going to actively go looking for a kitten or another cat. They have a way of finding you when the time is right.

I also have a couple of older cats and as we all know they can start having health problems and needing more care and vet visits when they get older.

I probably wouldn’t go actively looking for another cat until I got down to 2. :laughing:


You know it’s so much fun to think about having cats having more kittens adding a dog or two but when you start adding up the cost of the feed and then the occasional trip to the vet. Toffee and I just had one of those last week should have been something inexpensive but we decided to do blood work since she’s lost so much weight. 90 bucks for the blood work, know nothing wrong of course so you know the trips to the vet anymore usually her around $100 and when you think about adding more pets and then, of course, the neutering in the spaying and various and sundry other things gets really expensive even to keep house cats


See, right there you just cursed yourself. You will have a kitten soon.


or 2 or 3 or 4.


1st off: Need.More.Pics! :smirk_cat:

Re: teeth
Do image.
Friend had a kitten - we both adopted from the same litter - his guy ended up with doubled sets of incisors on each side.
So 8 pointy toofs in total!
It was a looooong time ago (30+yrs), but I think vet removed the surplus.
Cat ended up weighing over 20# :smirk_cat:
My sister from the same litter never got over 8.


I. Will. Try! :grin:


Here’s one from yesterday…


Thank you ! Love her !


She is so pretty!


She is SO BIG! :heart_eyes_cat:
& SO PURRRTY :heart_eyes:


OMG, and she is SO TALKATIVE. She just follows me around chatting about this and that and who knows what. My other cats only meow when they want something. Hammie has a particular little meow he does when it’s time to go to bed. But Itty-Bitty is a Chatty Cathy! I don’t know what she’s saying half the time. (The other half, I know she’s griping at me because I won’t feed her, won’t let her attack Mick’s tail, won’t go get a bird from the yard for her to play with, etc.)


That girl needs a new toy- maybe a feathery bird, with a tail, that dribbles out cat treats.

I love a kitty that talks- they make great companions for us animal peeps.

Itty Bitty is still so photogenic and dramatic. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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