SO, I scheduled my breast reduction suurgery. for 12/20/2013

so I went for a surgery consultant today with a plastic surgeon dr.tyrone. I did all my paperwork, scheduled and paid for my breast reduction. 12/20/2013.
very excited
I’ve been thinking about it for a very longtime. just finally have the funds to just go ahead and do it. they were laughing at me yesterday, cause I just went in for a consult, and said lets do it asap. they said how about Friday the 20th, I said sure. did my mamagram, pre op and paid for it all in about a span of an hour. when I’m ready to do something, I do it.

anyone else do this?

I haven’t had a reduction (I had the opposite actually!) but I know 2 people who have. They are SO thrilled now and much more comfortable. Can I ask what size you are now and how much smaller you’re going? Will you be in the hospital for a night or two?

Good luck! I bet everything will be so much easier and more comfortable for you afterwards. Just be sure to follow the instructions on amounts you can lift!!

Oh yes.

When I went to set mine up, I said, Oh, I will see if insurance will pay. The doc’s office wouldn’t even schedule it until they knew how it would be paid for. So, I had the money saved and it would have been at least 50% OOP since it was January (deductible) and the hospital where this surgeon worked was out of network so I said screw it, let’s do it!
Jumping through all the hoops for insurance could have put it out another 3-4 months (April-May). Nope, lets do it now and I’ll be ready for riding weather;). No regrets whatsoever. Excellent surgeon and probably the best money I have ever spent.


Well, I mentioned my thoughts to Mr. FF last night. Enough to know that if/when I really go forward with this, it won’t be an easy conversation. He thinks it’s out of the blue, when it’s something I’ve had on my mind at one point or another since…well, at least over 10 years. The few comments I have said have come when trying to buy a new bra or wear a nice shirt where I huff out “OMG I don’t like these things!” He said it would be easier to digest if he heard all my reasons, which is totally fair. Worried b/c it’s surgery - a bit invasive. I will have to impress that this is serious and not another “tangent” I’m on (I’m a Gemini…we love ideas and starting things and not always finishing them lol).

At the very least, it can’t hurt to do a consult, right?

Sounds like 6-8 weeks off my horse - that hurts b/c I have a history of having to start all over again a few times now due to injuries, but long term sounds like it will be so much comfortable.

Next question for those that have knowledge…my friend said her doctor doesn’t do cup sizes any longer: I guess more the shape and comfort level? Anyhow, I’d like to go from a DD to a C…feasible? They are so damn heavy they way they are. :frowning:


Good for you. I was a 38DDD and went to a 38B in sept 13’, so I am almost 4 months out now. I promised myself to stay off the horse for 3 months and almost made it. The advise I got was to not ride until I was ready to fall off. It was good advice. If you have not already been there, is an amazing resource. For about three months I was totally obsessed with the whole thing. Feels good to be getting past that.
The surgeon must leave enough tissue to preserve the blood supply to the nipples. I asked her to go as small as possible and I feel like she did.
This is a wonderful change. It feels amazing to not have the entire front of me flying up and down at the trot. The other benefits are to numerous to mention. Pm me if you want.
Best of luck to you.
Happy little “B”

Oh I’m jealous… my consult isn’t even until February. I’m sure I’ll do mine in a whirlwind after that as well. No time to waste… best of luck. Excited to hear about your recovery if you’ll share with us.

Good for you. I was a 38DDD and went to a 38B in sept 13’, so I am almost 4 months out now. I promised myself to stay off the horse for 3 months and almost made it. The advise I got was to not ride until I was ready to fall off. It was good advice. If you have not already been there, is an amazing resource. For about three months I was totally obsessed with the whole thing. Feels good to be getting past that.
The surgeon must leave enough tissue to preserve the blood supply to the nipples. I asked her to go as small as possible and I feel like she did.
This is a wonderful change. It feels amazing to not have the entire front of me flying up and down at the trot. The other benefits are to numerous to mention. Pm me if you want.
Best of luck to you.
Happy little “B”[/QUOTE]

Thanks “little B!” :slight_smile: So, wanting to be a B isn’t ridiculous then…whew! I will check out that site asap! I think I’d even be happy to have them the same size. I have one that is significantly bigger than the other so going down to the smaller one would even make a difference. It woud be so nice to see the part of my body that is actually between my belly button and my girls…it’s been years lol! And, and I got dressed today and thought wouldn’t it be nice to NOT have to wear a minimizer bra style? I really don’t like them and haven’t for awhile…that should be enough for the hubby, but I know it won’t be. I’m going to try and not get defensive when we have the talk, but it will be difficult…to him they are great…why would I risk surgery to have them smaller. You don’t have to lug them around day in day out and even when you sit down, feel the weight of them.

I’m talking to my Mom about it on Sat. Not that I need everyone’s approval on this since I’m about 99% sure I’m going to at least talk to my dr about it after Xmas. Nice to have support though. Ha! No pun intended! :slight_smile:

Good luck and congrats! I will be following this thread, as I am ready to do something about my girls (42-44 DDs). Enell bras are great, but boy does it suck when I forget to change into one before I ride! :wink:

allie. I’m a DDD going to a small C. surgery is done in his surgery center with twilight sedation, not general. go home same day :slight_smile:
I am so damn excited I can’t wait. this doc is amazing. wonderful staff and I paid out of pocket as well. not that bad believe it or not

Yay! I scheduled an appt with my doctor for January to discuss. I was so anxious as I didn’t really know how to tell them why I wanted to see him so just laid it out there with the truth. When I told her how I felt, she laughed and said “Yes, just like that!”

Talked to hubby about the reasons. Still not sure he’s totally agreeing with my reasons. I get the feeling he thinks doing elective surgery is not worth any risk. Shrug. We will see how that goes as I learn more.

maxxtrot - hope your surgery goes well on Friday - sending you jingles!! When you’re up to it, let us know how you’re doing. :slight_smile:


jenn, I will. I’m pretty good with pain, high tolerance and all that. so we will see . I’m really excited.

I had it done a little over a year ago. BEST THING EVER! I went from F/G breasts to B/C. I asked for smaller breasts than my doctor usually likes to do but I explained how they really impeded riding and he acquiesced. I was lucky enough to have my insurance pay for it (back problems), I just wish I’d had it done years ago. The surgery was easy and I had very little issues, I was back riding in 2 weeks. Swelling was done at 3 months and I went and was fitted for new (pretty) bras. Good luck!

Yes congrats to all! Nothing wrong with a little nip/tuck! :slight_smile:

Good luck with your surgery and recovery MaxxTrot. I’ll be right behind you.

You go, girl. I had the girls done last December. In fact about the same time last year. Glad I did it. Spent Christmas in a drug induced stupor (great for dealing with the in-laws). The worst part was my shoulders. They will have your arms out and away from your body. I felt for a couple of days like I had been stuck on a clothes hanger. There was a bit of adjustment to your body. If you are a bit chubby, whatever you have as side and back boobs will be more prominent. I was also lucky in that my nipples were saved and I did not have to get nipple tattoos. I went braless for about 4 weeks or so. Wife-beater t-shirts and flannel shirts from wal-mart were the most comfortable. It was nice to buy cheap bras from Target that fit instead of 100 fitted ones from Nordstroms. While I still have weight issues, my shirts fit well, I am comfortable with exercise and happy as can be.

Wishing you an easy surgery and recovery. Let us know how it went. Welcome to the IBT club.

You go, girl. I had the girls done last December. In fact about the same time last year. Glad I did it. Spent Christmas in a drug induced stupor (great for dealing with the in-laws). The worst part was my shoulders. They will have your arms out and away from your body. I felt for a couple of days like I had been stuck on a clothes hanger. There was a bit of adjustment to your body. If you are a bit chubby, whatever you have as side and back boobs will be more prominent. I was also lucky in that my nipples were saved and I did not have to get nipple tattoos. I went braless for about 4 weeks or so. Wife-beater t-shirts and flannel shirts from wal-mart were the most comfortable. It was nice to buy cheap bras from Target that fit instead of 100 fitted ones from Nordstroms. While I still have weight issues, my shirts fit well, I am comfortable with exercise and happy as can be.[/QUOTE]

Marianne, he did a little bit of lipo around my sides. I did not know he was going to include that for me, but he did it on both sides as he said the same thing as you did about it being more seeable after surgery. my shoulders feel great as do I. loved the iv sedation, instead of general. very aware of my surrounding once I got home after about 3-4 hrs. feel pretty damn good :slight_smile:

best thing I’ve done so far. i feel great. my stiches are already itching. my neck and back feel so much better. i walked to the barn to see all the boys yesterday, and get to take a shower today!’

Whoo hoo!!

Wow! Glad to hear it went well and that you’re up and about already! I did not expect that so soon…but good news! Take it easy and continued jingles for your recovery. That’s so great that you already feel better being on the “wee” side! :slight_smile:

I actually told my Mom last night about my thoughts and she was really great about it; very supportive and understanding. She told me it was ultimately my decision, but that guys just don’t understand sometimes. Mr. FF will come to the specialist consult with me though…maybe he’ll start to get that this isn’t something I’m doing lightly or for “cosmetic” reasons only (wouldn’t that be going UP in size anyhow lol).

Wtg maxxtrot! :slight_smile: