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So much whinnying on TV! Bridgerton for example

I was coming to post EXACTLY this same thing. I was giggling and thinking of this thread when that scene happened.

I just started watching this and the whinnying is SO obnoxious!!


While I see it has been mentioned, I can’t believe y’all have not started ragging on Heartland. It is SO TERRIBLE! Let me begin the proceedings…

The horses make noise CONSTANTLY and since it’s set on a horse farm, there are always horses in the shots. They make very random noises that have nothing to do with anything other than horse on screen = horse noises. The amount of focus on the horses makes this way worse than Bridgerton, although they may share sound designers.

The little horse whisperer girl’s MO to train a horse is to (1) scream “WHOA” when the horse tosses its head because it is super wild (2) in the next scene cry to one of the other characters that she doesn’t know how to fix the traumatized horse, he’s too badly damaged (3) then give it some sort of tincture - they do always specify what homeopathic remedy they’re giving that horse and finally (4) explain to the same character she cried to that she just has to do TTouch to the horse, which involves rubbing two fingers in the center of the horse’s forehead for 2 seconds. This immediately and completely solves the problem, and the next scene is the horse’s grateful owners telling her how amazing of a trainer she is.

Also there was a scene of some highfaluting dressage horse practicing. It alternated between a legit upper level horse doing legit upper level things (including a closeup of legs showing three 1 tempis followed by three strides plus one more change, whoops!) and the actress that was portraying the Dressage Queen, riding a sleepy Quarter Horse, with terrible posture and floppy reins. But then back to the actual UL team! Then back to Floppy Lady! Then back to UL Team! It was amazing.

I have been heckling this show for hours. It’s absolutely horrendous, but I can’t stop making fun of it.


And now I need to go watch it, just to drive myself crazy.

The jumping scenes are similar, usually an upper body shot of an actor posting the trot interspersed with shots of a horse and rider jumping from behind.

What always gets me is their pile of hay bales outside the barn. Whenever they need to show someone doing barn work, it’s always just having the actor move the pile of hay bales two feet over. Why would anyone ever move a pile of hay bales to another outdoor location right beside the first one???

Why would anyone ever move a pile of hay bales to another outdoor location right beside the first one???

Because the constant random horse noises have made them all plum crazy.

Also, their constant falling off from a standstill and hitting their heads (but helmets are only for beginners!) have made them senseless.

It’s why the young horse whisperer rides in English tack and jumps in full cowgirl regalia, yet is still able to win the national event no problemo.

It’s why the characters are all amazed when they see a person able to clear a one foot tall crossrail from a trot.

It’s why they need 20 people to gather 15 head of cattle. And then they rope the steers while on the ground because…?

Oh my god this show is so terrible.


I watched the better part of the first season and everything you all mention was SO painful as a viewer!