So now I have a donkey! Fly sheet & mask that fit? --updated w. Donkey Tax--

She moved in last week and is settling in. OMG, so cute and sweet!

When I went to meet her I noticed her little legs were just destroyed by the flies. I ordered booties and so far so good with those. She needs something for her ears & I would like to get a fly sheet bc they are doing a number on her flank, too. :frowning:

I searched and read previous threads, but I am looking for advice on what brands of fly sheets might work for her. I know they are shaped differently than ponies. She is small standard (40 inches tall). Her measurement for sheet/blanket is 54". I have loved Schneiders for the horse. They have one pony option.

I found some donkey fly masks w ears, but was wondering if anyone had experience or preferences for any in particular. I see some on Etsy but I am not sure how durable they would be. I am leaning towards these (Ruggles donkey mask). I am in US but am willing to pay shipping from UK if it is the best option.

I am 99% sure she has Cushing’s/metabolic issues. The vet and dentist are coming this week. My vet bills this spring :weary:

OK, my bad.
Donkey tax:

Pics from her Coggins papers. She had so many pokes and prods that day. With the metabolic tests, vaccines, Coggins and microchip needle…she was not a happy girl. I had to take off her fly booties for the picture and the legs look a lot better but she is still wary of me messing with them. Poor donkey:(

She def has had bouts of laminitis, you can tell from her feet. She has a hunk of neck fat that is nuts. I asked the vet about her coat and vet said it looks normal. TBH the equine vet didn’t seem to too up on donkey knowledge. I know it isn’t like a horse’s coat but surely she should be more shed out by now? It just doesn’t look like a healthy coat. Previous owner said she eventually sheds out later in the summer. She said she loses the bangs.

I have been slathering fly eating areas with diaper cream. It has helped heal them and acts as a physical barrier for now. She will only let me do one ear, though. I ended up ordering the Ruggles mask from UK & a pony fly sheet from Smartpak. I hope they fit. I will post pics when they get here.

I also ordered a donkey weight tape, also from the UK.


Welcome to the world of donkeys! They are my favorite!

My donkey uses:
Stomp Stoppers fly wraps (custom size) - she’s on her second set, but her first set lasted 3 seasons.
Cashel Fly Mask with Mule Ears (yearling size, but I could probably size up) Hers is probably 5 years old now, so definitely durable.

She has a Kensington Pony Fly Sheet, but she never wears it. It’s too hot and humid here. I only use it when I clip her, because her skin gets sunburned when she is clipped. It fits her well enough. I didn’t pay that price for it, I got a massive deal. She also had their foal/mini adjustable front sheet when she was younger, but has since outgrown it.

She also wears a grazing muzzle year round when on grass and is on 1.25mg compounded pergolide daily.

My biggest problem is the flies destroying her knees/hocks above the boots. Fly spray doesn’t help. SWAT doesn’t help. Applying a layer of clay poultice to her upper legs helps a little, but it’s a huge mess that almost isn’t worth it. Absorbine’s Silver Honey does a great job healing the fly hot spots that develop and repelling them from the raw areas, but I’m still in search of that perfect solution to prevent it from getting to that point.

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I came for the pictures and was so disappointed :-1: :-1: :-1: :rofl:


Same! Here for the pictures and to help shop for a donkey. lol.



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I love donkeys!! Please post pix!

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Thanks for the info. Someone recommended Bug Mud poultice but I wasn’t sure about putting citronella & other irritating oils on the the open wounds.

Diaper cream is a mess but works so far. I had Krud Zapper (lard and sulfur) on the legs and it helped them heal super quickly & the sulfur probably repels bugs. It’s just a little container and would be pricey to rub it all over every day. If the diaper cream and fly clothes don’t solve it, I may go back to the Krud Z.

Why are the flies so wicked for them? My farrier said they don’t stomp. I’ve seen her stomp a little bit.

Is the compounded Pergolide bc it is easier to get into them? My horse has been doing the pills w her ration but it was after a hunger strike and heroic measures.

She is super cute, and I have very little donkey experience. I hope she gets some relief from the flies and drops that heavy coat soon!

If it’s literally just lard and sulfur that ought to be super cheap to make yourself.

She’s adorable! Poor little girl.

Her neck fat is definitely within the real of normal. And vets tend not to know a lot about donkeys. They aren’t horses. My current vet is pretty good recognizing that.

I have heard (but never confirmed) their nerve structure in their lower legs is different from horses, which is why they stomp less and get eaten alive by flies. Evolving in a dry, desert environment, flies probably aren’t as much of a “thing.”

The main reason I use compounded pergolide is because it’s cheaper than Prascend. :woman_shrugging: But it is pretty easy to get into them. She still tries to eat around it sometimes. Knock on wood, she’s had almost no foot soreness since we started it.

I will have to look into the Krud Zapper and Mud Bug Poultice. This is the first I have heard of either of those!

@TheJenners clips hers I think. I’m not sure if you are in similar areas climate-wise.

Precious pictures. She will feel so much better clipped and once her fly bites heal.

You could try a cattle tag attached to an article of donkey clothes. Might be helpful.

Personally, I stopped clipping my donkey for two reasons: it makes the fly problem worse plus she gets sunburn everywhere. Donkey hair is different than horse hair and they have no protection when clipped. That’s why she has a fly sheet- she needs it if clipped.

Donkeys only shed once a year and it’s generally later into the spring/summer than horses.


I didn’t realize how much fat there was until I tried to span her neck it with my large man hands. It’s substantial.

The diaper rash cream (zinc oxide with dimethicone) seems to be working well.

Always fascinating to learn about donkeys. Who knew about clipping. Filing that tidbit away.

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She probably does, if she’s over the age of 10 or so. Both of mine do, one I think just EMS but the other tested positive for Cushings but absolutely refuses to eat any meds for it so… we just deal.

Yes, I do clip mine. I’ll attach a pic in a minute. They don’t shed amazingly and then they roll about 80 million times a day and get these bald patches that make them look super ick. Donkeys are awesome but they can be a maintenance nightmare.



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Cute donkey!!

I just ordered this grazing muzzle for my standard donk, it arrives on Monday-

I use the shoo fly boots with great success and a fly sheet from time to time.

Just spent an entire morning at the equine specialist this week doing diagnostics on my donk. Doc thinks insulin resistance or PPID. Evidently I’ve missed a couple signs this year.

Regarding the weight tape: it’s only a guide. At the clinic my gal weighed 740 on the scales. The weight tape has her at 680. All it will provide at this point is whether or not she is loosing weight, not her actual weight. The crazy thing is her harness fits her the same, have not had to adjust any holes.

Clipping: I use to clip my girl every spring. I had a svelte donk and created 100 times more work in dealing with flys. One year she got infections from fly bites on her rear legs which turned into an $800 vet bill and that event, a few years back, was the first hint of metabolic issues. Doc said as much at the time. I no longer clip her.

Lab work will be back next week and I’ll learn what I’m dealing with.

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Ooh I like the looks of that grazing muzzle! Please report back with a review.

Yes, I’m also very curious to hear how that muzzle works.

My donk lives in her muzzle year round, so I love the idea of something softer, lighter, and easier on her teeth. She really needs a dry lot, but she is also herd stabilizer/companion extraordinaire, so I hate the idea of separating her permanently.

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