Thinking about show fees - the show manager only has control over some of the costs: for starters, the facility cost is set by owner of the facility. Based on how many rings are needed, how much stabling, what type, related maintenance during show (ring dragging, watering, garbage and manure pick up etc. In my area there are 3-4 commonly used locations, and there differences. Some allow trailer in and charge small amount. One requires a stall. But lets say $125 for the Fri-Sun.
$125 stabling
$25ish for USEF/DF drug testing
$15 for qualifying rides for regionals if you want.
So: You have $150-$200 here that is beyond show manager’s control.
Office fees are set by show manager. Ours run $45.
Class fees set by show manager - ours avg. $50 (slightly less for 4th and below, slightly more for PSG and above.
So if I enter two classes in a weekend, about 1/2 of the costs are directly controllable by manager, the other 1/2 driven by outside forces.
If you show at only places where you can trailer in - big chunk of savings. If you show at schooling shows, also big savings, plus lower class fees.