Spinoff: Things Your Trainer Said That Cracked You Up

“That wasn’t good…it was just…less bad.” That has since become a favorite saying around the farm :lol:

A former trainer was once gobsmacked by my first pony and I. Headed around the ring she told us, "It’s a miracle you made it round! You’re looking one way, the pony’s looking the other, but nobody’s looking forward; if there was a crime you’d be the oblivious idiots strolling by.

I can’t stop laughing at this! lol

Not funny per se, but my old eventing trainer, when you did a fence, line or gymnastic well, would always say, “Do it again. Let’s see if it was talent or luck!”

First ever event trainer “sit down, sit back, sit up” (Butt in saddle, stop perching, why are you slouching?) Approaching my first ever real solid XC wall, looked like 5 feet of brick- I dunno, probably 3.5- I did exactly that and closed my eyes. (I’m maybe gonna die)

Horse was perfect, I won the event. Overheard from spectactor by my buddy watching with her jaw to the floor, “She really knows what she’d doing” LOL