My light and my love, JC Najeeb TMD (by Royal Strand x Henora W). We have no UL aspirations, but we enjoy every day together
Sorry! Beautiful horse! Beautiful mare!
I actually worked at the farm where she was bred in north Alabama. When they were going out of business and selling or otherwise dispersing the horses, the owner offered her to me. I was doing basic in hand work, tacking up, working in the round pen, etc. with some of the yearlings and two year olds, her included, and had really bonded with her - she was very smart, and willing to look to you when she was unsure. She is still one of ‘my’ horses even though I haven’t seen her in years.
Catching up on this–I also had a Go For Gin granddaughter. When I went to KHP several years ago, it was cold and not very busy and they were kind enough to pull him out after the Champions show just for me to say hello. His caretaker seemed so happy to have someone excited to meet him, and he was quite the sweet gentleman.
Cally (JC Cavalleria, showed as CMA Drama Queen) really was my horse of a lifetime. Did everything from some low level eventing, dressage through First, did hunters and eq through the Adults and a 3’ eq final, and won two Zone awards aside. She taught me so much and was lost too soon due to a pasture accident.
Now I’ve got a Big Brown daughter, Stella (JC Brown Bobbie, showing as Bright Star) who has really been stepping into some big horseshoes. I got her as a 3YO from Benchmark, did Hunter Breeding, and have done a little bit of dressage and hunters as she’s grown up, and now she’s 8, somehow. Totally naturally hunter-brained and so so easy to see a distance on with such a metronome canter and has just been so fun and easy to bring along. We were out with an injury last year but hoping we have a better year this year. Upperville aside is the big goal!
Mission accomplished.
“This Way to Heaven” aka Ben. By Niagra Causeway out of a Pleasant Colony mare (Heavens Above).
Absolutely the most gorgeous horse and just so kind as well.
Another delicious dark bay with a RH sock!
I love this! All of my favorite Thoroughbreds were mares.
One of my first, an incredible natural jumper. Thirty-some years ago:
This one was my heart
This mare I just retired. So so classy:
My latest, and most likely my last, Thoroughbred mare. Just a two-year-old this year:
Here is my boy River Lea ( JC At the Rock). He just turned 10 and I’ve had him for almost 4 years. Its been a rough but rewarding journey. I’m so grateful to have him.
I love that this thread has inspired people to post who haven’t done so for months or years. Welcome back!
Just wanted to share a cute video I found while scrolling tonight. We had both been basically retired by this time, me from a neck injury, him because I just wasn’t able to ride much anymore. It was winter time and the horses weren’t going out much because the weather had been so bad, so I liked to put him out in the indoor to give him time to move around. However, New would rather just stand around unless I walked with him, so we began to play some games. Turns out he would even follow me over poles and small jumps.
@Sarah616 I love your comment. Truly shows just how athletic and versatile these guys are. I currently am riding a warmblood, but am hoping to go back to a thoroughbred for the next one.
Your guy must be super special then, my grey is the best horse I’ve ever had the pleasure of owning.
I was JUST about to post the same thing! Love it.
Did you know your horse is a half brother to the famous Naughty New Yorker? We actually had him in our barn for about 6 months getting him ready after a layoff. A beautiful classy horse!
Yes! I’m just lucky that Bronx wasn’t as good as his older half-brother on the track, otherwise I never would have gotten to meet him.
I’ve had Bodhi since the end of September and he’s been absolutely wonderful. He’ll be 5 this month and he’s the chillest, most easy going young horse I have ever met. He’s by Souper Speedy, and his offspring have been described as being easygoing, but with heart, and that is definitely Bodhi.
Perhaps channeling his inner Bodhisattva?
What an adorable face.
In the 2nd pic he has the cutest expression. I love a dark, solid bay
I’m late to this thread, but I have a son of Go For Gin:
He’s 26 this year but still fresh as ever, in fact he needed a quick lunge before I rode today. I’ve had him forever and we’ve done a little bit of everything- hunters, jumpers, eventing, dressage, team penning, mounted shooting, foxhunting and hunter paces. I was going to retire him from showing after last year, but he still feels great so he’ll be out again this year, likely being both the oldest and naughtiest horse there. These pictures are all from last year.
There’s a really nice (seemingly) TB for sale for a low, low price on my local Craigslist.
Handsome dark brown gelding listed as 16.1hh.
I’m hoping to enable someone to give him a new good home!