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Stirrups - Share your Favorites

I think you have the kwik-out stirrups - had trouble finding a link but here’s a pair on ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/175689745258?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=175689745258&targetid=1263094004786&device=c&mktype=&googleloc=9022129&poi=&campaignid=14859008593&mkgroupid=130497710760&rlsatarget=pla-1263094004786&abcId=9300678&merchantid=119161472&gclid=Cj0KCQjwi46iBhDyARIsAE3nVraE13ESkgLDH0rKUYAC6FAHVhn6LLKFCzd_pOu9qNI5NZbFxHjDgPoaAsgYEALw_wcB

Yes, that’s it exactly! My step-sister was the one that got them initially and I inherited them when I got all her riding stuff when she got out of horses. I couldn’t remember the name but I love them. Now to see what size my feet are…you just measure the inside of the footbed, right?

Personally, I don’t like the idea of having to try to find the break away part after a fall.

I had double knee replacement in Dec 22. A few year prior to that I transitioned to MCDs with a 45 degree bend to jump and a full 90 degree for dressage. It really helped with knee pain as I think the force caused by the twisted/wrapping leather across my shin over the decades exacerbated the congenital structural issues that eventually lead to surgery. (I had a unicompartmental patella femoral replacement–or my knee caps slowly moved high and to the outside of the joint so the underside of the knee cap rubbed on the bulge and not in the grove at the bottom of the femur.) Not sure if it was the change in stirrup but for the last few years before surgery the kneecap stopped drifting to the outside. Unfortunately, it was too late to change the damage to the underside of the kneecap.

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Oooh, my saddle is black with brown accents. I might need these….


Tech Stirrups all the way. I’ve always struggled with joint pain in my knees and ankles, and as soon as I switched to Tech Stirrups it was significantly reduced. Same with my peroneal tendonitis. They’re super comfortable, shock absorbing, and I never have to worry about them getting slippery through the water complex. :wink: I haven’t had issues with them scratching my saddle, but if you are really concerned about the cheese-grater type bed then stirrup covers (Kavalkalde has good fleece covers) are a great solution.

I should add that I don’t use the safety version (personal preference). I’ve tried a few different versions and currently use the Siena Plus.

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:rofl: :rofl: My stirrup covers for my cheesegrater tech stirrups:


So I bought the Venice Tech stirrups and am kind of freaking out because there is a tiny gap at the top. Are these things USDF legal? I am going to a show tomorrow and need to not pick up any stupid eliminations.

Also I don’t want to actually use them if they aren’t so I can send them back, they are beautiful but I don’t need yet ANOTHER pair of open branch stirrups I can’t show in! Taking backups just in case. Thank you COTH! I can’t find pictures of legal/non on USDF.

Pictures of legal/not legal are in Annex A (annex—bits-saddlery-equipment.pdf) you should be able to search for that on the USEF site. or follow this link

Pg 48 - 49 has pictures of stirrups. The text says “Stirrups must have closed branches”
It doesn’t say anything about “Venice Tech” stirrups, but it does show “Tech Stirrup” with the comment “Tech Safety Stirrups
Note: Stirrups must have closed branches. This stirrup must be closed when in use.”

I have an unrelated question - there’s some language in Annex A that insinuates that metal buckles on the crown piece are not permitted. What about rolled (snaffle) bridles which have the buckles at the crown?

I don’t see anything about “buckles”.
There are two places where it says “Note: Placement of metal rings creates pressure in sensitive areas” with reference to rings at the poll.

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Thank you, Janet! My Tech Stirrups look exactly like the ones in the pic that are approved. Whew!

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Thanks! I have a rolled bridle and was going to use it for an upcoming show but started to second guess myself once I went through Annex A as a rule refresher.