Casper, the pony I am talking about in this thread, is the one I’d like to loan. Unfortunately due to his owner having to move house, just lost her grandma and having to buy a new saddle after Christmas with 3 children I am continuing to ride at a riding school, which isn’t working out at the moment. I used to live 50 miles away from where I am now, so I had to move riding school and there is only one near me which I volunteer at and get a free lesson every fortnight. I have called them and made sure all of my future lessons are cancelled for the time being as I feel like there is no progress being made. Tess, is a horse I would prefer to ride due to actually progressing as well as having fun on her at the same time. I haven’t mentioned Daisy, the really strong horse I am having to ride in my only 30 minute lessons that doesn’t listen to me yet, because that is irrelevant right now. I know that my confidence will shoot back up to where it always has been when my loan situation has been sorted and once my exams are over, hense why I haven’t mentioned it now.
His owner has had him 10 years and has helped him massively, he’s not a horse I would think had been treated badly in the past. What I have wrote in the other thread is about how I am feeling about riding at the moment. I already have a plan together of exercises to complete with him in hope they help to slow and collect him but was wondering if anyone had any extra tips really. I know my confidence has been knocked currently due to my mental health worsening and my exams, once exams are over my mental health and insomnia will get better and more than likely will be in a better place to ride more often without the current stress I’m having. So far people have commented on my riding ability and have gave no tips. I appreciate everyone’s responses including yours but as I said would definitely prefer some advice on what I have asked. I am by far no perfect rider and I am very aware this will take years and years of continuous practice to achieve. I am a very determined and quick learner, already with a qualification for horse care and riding.
I’m really confused.
What is a loan pony? Do you take it as a free loan and pay all the expenses?
Or do you ride several days a week and pay a fee to the owner, who pays the expenses?
Either way, it sounds like there is enough money in your family to buy you a “loan” or “lease” ride.
Why then do you need to volunteer in order to get one half hour lesson every 2 weeks?
Are you going to have lessons on this pony? You will need them. Where will you take these lessons?
If you can afford lessons on the pony why can’t you afford lessons 2 or 3 times a week at the riding school?
Anyhow the short answer to your question about how to school a naughty pony is, get the support of a good coach.
No one here can give advice without seeing you ride. And have you actually even tried to ride this pony yet?
Gee whiz. Give it a break. So it doesn’t poke a horse in the palate. I still don’t like the bit, OK?
I don’t live with my family so I have to pay for this all by myself, I will be loaning him for 3 days per week and on each of those day have to look after and ride him. I volunteer for experience and to help out on a yard which teaches people with disabilities to ride, I also do it because I like doing it. I can’t afford 2 or 3 lessons a week as that would work out about £75 which is far too much money per week. Yes I would be getting lessons on this pony, I will be having them at the yard Casper will be staying at with a qualified instructor. I only wanted advice on how to control a strong pony, if anyone had any extra bits of advice or experience with really strong horses I wanted to know their advice. Also, I have rode him before.
Great post