Suggestions for a new helmet?

Hi, I currently ride in a one k size medium helmet that fits great around the sides. Unfortunately, the helmet is too shallow for me. This leads to about 1/3 of my forehead being exposed when I ride. I was wondering if there was a brand similar to one k that has a deeper build to fit my taller forehead.

Not sure how similar it is to OneK, but I have used Charles Owen for years and love them, as they seem to sit relatively low on my forehead.


I switched from my OneK to a Samshield. I did have it fitted at a tack shop. I think itā€™s the first helmet that actually fit me. Hope this helps.

I love my Trauma Void. Helmet fit is so personal. Look for one with MIPS technology.


I second getting fitted somewhere. Itā€™s super important to have the helmet fitted to your head shape and how youā€™ll wear your hair in it as well.

I wore a M OneK, now have a Charles Owen (57) with MIPS. The CO is much deeper. Iā€™d also try to get fitted by a tack shop if you can! And buy your helmet from the store that fits you :slight_smile:

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What are you doing with your hair? Is it up in your helmet? If so, be sure you are fanning your hair over your head, not twisting it into a rope and putting it on top of your head.

I love my Trauma Void Lynx helmet

I have a Kask that I like and fits well, then I tried the TraumaVoids ā€“ both the EQ3 and Lynx. Both fit very well, but I prefer the Lynx. It is lower profile and seems to wrap around more. It is cheaper tooā€¦ thatā€™s a first!

Kask. Definitely sit deeper and provide more protection to the lower part of the head than samshield/onek.

The Charles Owen MyPs helmet was way too deep for my head, as was the TraumaVoid Lynx. So those would be my suggestion if you need something deeper.

Okā€¦ so MIPS helmets that are out and available NOW in the USA.

Trauma Void EQ3 (Smooth or microfiber shell)
Trauma Void Lynx (Smooth plastic in USA; Microfiber in many colors in Europe)

Charles Owen ā€œMyPSā€ Models

Tipperary Windsor Collection

Champion ā€œRevolveā€ Helmets.

Armis Polo Helmets

MIPS Helmets coming to the USA market this year:

OneK is coming out with one
Ovation is coming out with one

I have to say that after the conversations I had with the Samshield people who answered my email asking if they were going to produce a MIPS helmet, I would never recommend their products to anyone. They are fixed firmly on only being the ā€˜lightestā€™ helmet. They donā€™t care a whit about safety from my coversations.



This post made me realize that I may have the same problem I have with my own OneK - I think it looks a little perched on my head even though it fits the shape of my head pretty well. Iā€™ve been thinking I need a wide brim but maybe what I really just need is a helmet that sits down on my head a little better :smiley: Either way, I am in the market for a new MIPS helmet so thank you for the list @Xctrygirl ! I need a round fit so Iā€™m hopeful that the new Charles Owen will work for me but the sizes look limited - maybe will wait to see if the new OneK will work better.

I would look at the Tipperary wide brim too and for sure ONLY buy a helmet that fits you appropriately. Lots of new MIPS helmets will be coming. And we may get a competitor to MIPS as well in the future. The Wavecel technology used in NFL helmets is fascinating but I think thatā€™s used more to prevent having to replace the helmets after every hit. Which I am ok with in riding. I understand why that wouldnā€™t work in football.

Also guys, get your hair out of your helmets. Scientists and doctors have been saying this for a long time. Helmets need to fit snugly against ONLY your skull to do their job as best as possible. Hunter hair can be altered to look just as nice without having hair under the helmet. Function (and brain safety) should weigh out far more than fashion.


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In you research have you gotten an approximate time frame on when the OneK MIPS helmet is coming out? I want to get a new helmet and have been sitting on my hands waiting for this to come on the market, and Iā€™m evidently too lazy to reach out to the company myself. Of course now I have a whole lot of time on my hands soooā€¦

I wrote in an earlier thread on COTH ā€œMid 2020ā€ for the OneK. I think they commented on a Facebook post of mine from after my accident last fall (Sept 2019) that they would be out mid year. Nowā€¦finding that comment will be rough.

Iā€™ll try and drop them an email again.


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@Squirt and other One K fansā€¦

I emailed and they replied quickly. See below:

Hi Emily,
                   Yes, OneK has added a MIPS helmet. Helmets are scheduled to be stocking to retailers around Mid-May. Let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind Regards

So there you go. Mid may.


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@Xctrygirl XctrygThank you so much!

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I hope that Dover is going to pick up the One K with MIPS. Itā€™s always nice to be able to go in any try them on. I love my OneK but prefer the MIPS so I bought the TraumaVoid when it came out.
It appears that riding helmet technology has reached a turning point in safety using better tech. I hope it continues, despite Samshield.

The OneK rep just sent me this for what the OneK Mips will look like. And you can customize your helmet with unique colors!!!


