Hi guys! I am currently a busy college student with two horses (I ride them each 5 days a week, and it’s a workout to be sure). I’ve been very tired for the last year or so, and have gone to the doctor, who has found nothing. I do have some immune issues, allergies, and significant (fairly controlled) asthma, however, which could be really sapping my energy. Right now I sleep 8-9 hours a night but usually need a 2 hour nap in the afternoon (fine in college - really not fine when I start my Big Girl Job in a couple of months).
I do all the right things - consistent exercise, decent diet, stable sleep cycle, medication to control asthma and immune issues (no steroids other than inhaled, thank heavens).
I do drink some coffee in the morning but not after 3 pm.
Have you guys had success with CoQ10? B vitamins? something else? I just need my zip back.
Already tried iron and D vitamins (I was mildly deficient in both at one point) without much change.