After seeing what some of my neighbors’ horses are standing around in right now, I have decided that I don’t want to just leave my horses “dry lot” as is and hope for the best. You can’t really call it a dry lot when it’s mostly mud, y’know?
I was planning on 3/8 inch pea gravel. I was going to scrape the ground and dump about eight inches of gravel on top. I don’t want to put fabric underneath because I haven’t had good experiences with it and horses. I don’t want to put the grid underneath either. I’m putting grid in their shelter and around the watering area, but honestly I’m not too fond of the grid either.
After reading through some threads here, I see a lot of people don’t like the gravel, and some of those people are actually speaking from personal experience.
So, what is the best surface for a dry lot in the PNW? Where we are isn’t floodingly wet all the time, it’s just gray and damp and drippy for much of the winter. But definitely looking around, there are a lot of horses standing in a lot of mud and I don’t want that to be my horses.
So what would be an ideal surface?
(ETA: I was thinking of making one separate area sand so they’d had a nice place to lie down. I am also planning on setting up half of the barn as a run-in shelter, with a roof extension over that, so they will have a totally dry place to come in if they want)