Sweetie's Saga- Rest In Peace Sweet Mare

Just got bloodwork back from vet:

I have her bloodwork too. Nothing too surprising. She’s mildly anemic and the protein levels in her blood are quite low. Liver and kidney values look ok. Given her diarrhea, I think she’s losing protein through her bowel. The question is why. Parasites could certainly be contributing so deworming will be a good start.

I asked if there are any supplements to help with being anemic, going to run to tsc and worm her tonight after I go home n look at her leg and figure outbwhat needs to happen with that.


Sure she can


As I said in my post above, it is not always even.

I do think talking to your vet, like you have planned, is a great idea.



“The horses fed the high-carbohydrate diet had insulin released due to the high level of starch. As previously discussed, this caused carbohydrates to be pulled into the cells, as well other electrolytes. This depletion of electrolytes from the bloodstream caused kidney, heart, and respiratory failure within 3 to 7 days after initiating the diet due to the continued insulin spikes and subsequent depletion of circulating electrolytes. The oat hay diet was very bulky and induced diarrhea in several horses. The oat hay was also low in several necessary nutrients such as phosphorus and magnesium and deemed inadequate for successful rehabilitation. The alfalfa hay diet had the best results due to its high level of protein, phosphorus, and magnesium. Alfalfa is also low in carbohydrates, so the effects of insulin release were minimal”

Insulin release is also related to anemia, iirc
I’d wonder how anemic she is, and if it’s not due to her emaciated state, or the poor quality/quantity of food she was previously being fed.

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Could be? She has a worm load too, getting that taken care of this evening. Temp is 100.6,

Yeah but only to point she is snapping the back fetlock joint when she walks and hitting her feet with it even at a lazy walk

I do Equimaxx in fall and Quest Plus in spring. That’s all the dewormer my horses get unless fecal egg count demands otherwise. My vet calls it the perfect schedule


This swelling is not overly alarming to my eyes. Not emergency vet visit material. I would not be alarmed unless she is running a fever, not eating or three legged lame.

If it was my horse, I would try giving her a walk maybe cold hosing and see how she was in am.

ETA: I know it was suggested previously but I’d dump several more bags of shavings in there


I wouldn’t be alarmed by her bloodwork either. Naturally she had low protein and anemia. She was literally on death’s doorstep until she landed with you. Your vet will advise if they want you take action.

The best news is her kidneys and liver are working well. An excellent indication that she can make a comeback


What about a poultice with standing wrap on swollen leg and standing wrap on opposite hind?

I bet anemia is from parasites.


The low blood protein can trigger stocking up.


Agree on all points


Just left tractor supply with her wormer, I put more shavings in yesterday and today :).

Vet said just handwalk, keep an eye on her temp and since I have previcox on hand start her on that instead of banamine so she got a loading dose, and she will get wormed this evening with her night meal.

Vet also said bloodwork says she is still slightly dehydrated. So her alf hay is going in a bucket of water for her to eat and slurp up the water and her feed needs to be back to a slop pretty much.

Cautiously optimistic, she actually let me pick up her hind hoof with the bad sulcus easier today, no kicking even with the swelling, go figure.


I asked about wrapping. Vet said I can but she doesn’t think it is neccesary, just add more water, worm her, previcox and hand walking and give it a couple days. Unless her temp or leg blows up of course.


I can take a picture of my oldie’s “hospital bed” if you like. I do a layer of pellets under the big flake shavings for him. Lord knows it makes my wallet cringe at the TSC but he’s on a stall rest schedule similar to your old lady. In all the time less when I’m handling him for treatment and a bit of time in paddock am n pm. Especially with a “bad” foot, a ridiculous deep bed can help support them. I won’t say another word about the shavings though bc I know you are going above and beyond for that poor old dear.

Don’t fret too much on the dehydration either, the sample was pulled Monday n mare likely has rehydrated some since then. Obviously soaking things won’t hurt a bit and I’d probably do that too.

I like the vet cleared her for some pain management. It’ll be good to ease any discomfort she may have.

Good thing you were able to get the dewormer! My local TSC never has Equimaxx in stock. Thankfully my independent feed store always has it!


I got quest, but they had equimaxx! I was going to say I would totally mail you some! Lol, I am just glad I had leftover previcox from my dog and senior gelding! Handwalking gets put on the list, n it is supposed to start pouring rain tonight around 2am and all day tomorrow. I swear I cannot win!


Have you been conspiring with my mare… she decided to dump her slop bucket that I had put her leftover water bucket (full bucket) and pony’s leftover water in this morning with her hay… entire stall pretty much soaked…guess who got their stall stripped and completely new thick bedding, with her bucket of water-hay tied to the gates so she couldn’t dump it this time…hahaha I have thwarted you two!!! :wink: :joy:


Lol no conspiracy to dump buckets and flood stalls here. That’s straight mare hehe.

How’s she doing today?


Yep, no good deed goes unpunished.
Rescuing ain’t easy.

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Shes pretty good, ive started letting her eat outside in her lot while I clean stalls n fill water. She moves around some so about 10 min of outside time a few times a day, and a hand walk here n there. Still slightly swelled leg but not worse. Eating good, waiting for the worm poop to start. About to go get her feed n ponys hay soaking! :slight_smile: