UPDATE: I have started a Spreadsheet so that we can have a Master List. It can be edited by anyone, so let’s see if we can all add to it, with out it getting trashed. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvEQvR7Wztv8dEhQYUxRX0ZQZHRyZGVIWnB6THpkdFE#gid=0
Click the link in my sig line below, to go to our NEW FACEBOOK PAGE. *
I once found a TB I galloped, at Re-Run in Ky. I contacted the director there, and td her everything I knew about him, and also gave her my contact I do for any potential adopters. Not long after a woman contacted me, and eventually adopted him. She later told me that it was hearing all of my stories about his early years that sealed the deal for her.
UPDATE - Thanks to catknsn, we now have a list of every TB that has been named on this thread, so far. If you would like to add a TB - or TBs - please post their names on this thread, or contact catknsn.
The Link to the OLD COTH TB’s We Have Known List is: http://www.pretzelkitty.com/cothlist.html
Seeing how small the horse community really is, I thought it would be neat if we could post all the Thoroughbreds we have trained/ridden/owned and cared for, and compare notes. Who knows…you may find out what hapened to that TB you once galloped years ago.
I’ll start:
Axe Master
B.B.‘s Pleasure
Bubba Do
Cautious Val *R.I.P my friend *
Colonial Stand
Delightfully Irish
Dirty Bird
Feeling His Oats
Flying Max
French Warpaint
Grooming Kneedles
Happy Club
Hawaiian Query
Joe Also
Killer Creek
Lac Azure
Lady Love
Latin Maiden
Latin Beauty
Leading Easy
Lindy Beam
Lizzie Did It
Lost Sonnet
Master Rasper
Minority Stock (He was my FAVORITE, and one that I would LOVE to find)
Miss Bishop
Money Magnet
Mt. Mompers
Naughty Mist
Nicole’s Pleasure
Painted Portrait
Patton’s Charge
Repeat Peteski
Rico Raider R.I.P Major
Rio Grill
Senor WIll
Shannon’s Fame
Sharp Playgirl
Short Street
Sing Moon
Smoke Him Joe
Steel Bonnet
Sweetalkin’ Abby
U So Bad
U SO Fine
Well, those are it for now…I’ll add more later, as I think of them.