That wasn’t very nice Connor Swail…

Walls are different because they are not see through. They have to have full confidence in their rider as they cannot see the landing. Obviously this horse does not trust his rider. Beating him will not get him over a wall.


The sad thing I’ve come to realize about this sport, is just about anyone at the top isn’t who you think they are. I love the tenacity of the Irish riders, but I also know that a well-known one ruined my last horse (an FEI ranking horse who would stop at 2’6”…).

I’m just holding out hope I never hear anything bad about Scott Brash or Kent.


From FEI: “Earphones and/or other electronic communication devices are strictly prohibited in FEI Jumping Competitions, and such usage is penalised by elimination.”

I saw him on his other horse in this class - didn’t see this particular round - and the phone was obvious from the far side of the ring. Pretty sure he ditched it for the GP at least!

Not super surprising considering the footage of him whipping the snot out of his horse earlier this year


kinda agreeing with everyone- that round started so nicely- what a lovely horse. but that reaction is scary a beat down was obviously expected. That’s not going to make them try hard for you, imo.
Nice horse though.


Lovely horse. Hope it’s moved on to someone who will treat it kindly.