That's a twist

Omg! It must have been one awful litter box!!!


That would work if they had a traditional box. They have what looks like pelleted shavings before water for the poop and a pee pad that gets changed weekly.

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Fair point. I have noted people try and getting told "No. Make your accounts private or get off social media. * bang!* "

You don’t KNOW. You’re picking and choosing what to believe. You either think LK lies or you don’t. Or you are that close and shouldn’t be posting.[/QUOTE]

Agree. We don’t know why anything may have been reported. There are minors involved, obviously, so it’s not going to be public record, which is as it should be.

As for her leaving, well I would have, but that’s pretty easy for me to say because I wasn’t in the situation and don’t know the facts. So what I (or anyone else) would/could/should do is irrelevant.


You don’t KNOW. You’re picking and choosing what to believe. You either think LK lies or you don’t. Or you are that close and shouldn’t be posting.[/QUOTE]

Yes and. …? You don’t know either. This isn’t a court - it is a forum.


You don’t KNOW. You’re picking and choosing what to believe. You either think LK lies or you don’t. Or you are that close and shouldn’t be posting.[/QUOTE]

What I remember is Lauren herself asking you to explain how you would know whether she filed a SS report alleging child abuse against MB.

Note: “Filing a SS against MB” is different from filing a SS report alleging child abuse against MB.


Well sure. That happens too. I don’t disagree with you there! As lawyers, we tend to be very risk averse and err on the side of caution, though!


:lol: The tinfoil hat kitteh! I love it.


Agree. We don’t know why anything may have been reported. There are minors involved, obviously, so it’s not going to be public record, which is as it should be.

As for her leaving, well I would have, but that’s pretty easy for me to say because I wasn’t in the situation and don’t know the facts. So what I (or anyone else) would/could/should do is irrelevant. [/QUOTE]

Exactly! Everyone wants to pick on LK for not leaving but MH stayed with her kids. Clearly things were escalating. I feel those who say LK should have left ASAP should be saying the same about MH.

But their not. They are just relishing in the fact they get to talk crap behind a screen name.

Side note, I am not commenting on MH leaving or not leaving. I wasn’t there so I feel it is best for me to give people the benefit of the doubt with regards to the safety of themselves, family and animals involved. IE who am I to question?


Her husband was so WTF. It’s classic for my friend though. Man I miss her. She will be home soon though!

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Yes and. …? You don’t know either. This isn’t a court - it is a forum.[/QUOTE]

I’m not making claims about anything

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So because you have a couple examples of some people attempting to get action from the courts (you claim) and being told “no”, you then say, very authoritatively, “No judge would …”

May I say “welcome” to all the people joining me in not believing anything you say.


She said “by her own admission”, so I’m assuming LK wrote that somewhere? IDK. When this all started, I saw screenshots from LK’s FB & IG accounts, and some on DH (after which I removed myself from DH’s page bc I didn’t want to support a webpage owner who would be gleeful bc someone was shot).

With all of the people who have been screen-shooting posts, somewhere in there I thought I saw where LK alluded to reporting MK to SS. But it’s difficult to recall for sure, with all that’s gone on and all that’s been edited/deleted. And I am not on LK’s page, bc I actually don’t friend people whom I don’t know IRL (in order to protect the youths on my page).


It wasn’t. But this girl didn’t like cats, or poop. She thought horse poop was super-gross, too. 😂

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I think the point is, If you think LK is lying why would you post in a manner that makes people think you believe it? That post was grasping at straws to further demonize LK. That’s the issue people like myself and others have. I would never be her friend. But I’m not going to go out of my way to nit pick every action. It’s ridiculous. Take away all those posts and we’d have half the posts counts. Some people like to stand in judgement. Sad really


Okay. Just to be clear, I’m not in this camp, either. And in Morgan’s defense, she seemed to accept my point in a gracious way. I don’t think anything here is as clear as people would like it to be. Well, except that LK was shot, and it likely was not an appropriate use of lethal force. That much is clear.

I get that people want answers and want to make sense of things. Normal reaction to abnormal events. I just don’t think we are there yet - not even close - factually.

 LK may well have “reported MB to SS” and may well have said as much. 

 That is not the same thing as “reporting MB to SS alleging child abuse”, which is the claim Morgan made. I recall LK herself asking Morgan how she would know that a report to SS did or did not include charges of child abuse. 

  Apparently Morgan “knew this” by “logical deduction”.  Here is another “logical deduction” from Morgan:  (I claim) I know of some examples in which a couple of judges declined to get involved in a FB spat, ergo “No judge would ...”

  That is not logic there.

I tried - my indoor cat WILL NOT use a covered box. Agreed - thank god for a basement.

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🤣. Wrong sport then!

Here Morgan says “By her own admission, she (Lauren) called SS about the kids”.

When and where did she say this?

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