That's a twist

This. They also aren’t a part of a very public attempted murder trial. I’m pretty sure a lot of people would have others coming out of the woodwork with an axe to grind.


…and continues to embarrass himself amongst the PETA “isn’t dressage inhumane” people that populate DH.


Yeah, um- that is not what I said, intended, or inferred. What I said was along the lines of most people go through their life not drawing drama and going to battle at every turn. Most people haven’t been sued or run around suing or threatening to sue or getting ready to call their lawyer or calling their lawyer back. You seem to run on adrenaline and battle and it looks like that was true long before you got shot. It’s your life to live. this amount of drama looks miserable and anxious to the average person in passing, yet you seem to love throwing more wood on the fire.

with that said I’m going to dramatically clean some cat boxes now.



While you are being Dramatic, be sure you threaten to sue the cat. If it wasn’t for that cat, you wouldn’t have to do that nasty job!!


But you’re the poster who stated very authoritatively that LK had filed a SS report alleging child abuse against MB, then were strangely silent when several people asked how you would know that, given the confidentiality of SS.

I, for one, don’t believe anything you say.

But why don’t you clarify where your inside knowledge of LKs SS report comes from before you make new sweeping claims?

One can certainly sue for defamation over a statement on Twitter, right? Your position is “No judge would get involved in a FB or BB spat” but they would get involved in a Twitter spat?


Several posters here allude to being closer to the case than the average reader. When pressed, they quickly back track to casual observer who’s “father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate” knows LK.

If you have the time, read through the original thread where you will also see I didn’t just randomly jump in on this one. :wink:


Im cat sitting for my dog sitter this week. Do you have tips for me to add dramatic flair to cleaning the litter box? Him and his wife would find it hilarious!

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Your continued attack on people you think are 'stalking" you - here’s the thing, Lauren - when you live your life on social media that you don’t lock down, people know what you are doing. People are interested in you/MB just because of the craziness of the whole situation so they are going to look at your accounts occasionally. That’s not stalking in my book. You’re quoted in the most recent COTH article saying you’ve started riding again - for example - that is a news article mostly about MB, and there is information about your current doings right there.

You’ve said that you didn’t have FB friends that you didn’t know IRL. I know quite a few people on your FB friends list and to gauge the level of truthfulness in your statement I asked a couple if they knew you IRL or ever met you in person. The answer from several of them was no.

So while I can’t begin to imagine how tough it would be to watch people question your every move and motivation when you were a victim, your most recent statements about never exaggerating is, frankly, laughable. I could come up with a list of half a dozen things you’ve “exaggerated” in the threads on COTH alone. This is part of what keeps people questioning you.

As an aside, I’ll admit, I’m getting a perverse level of entertainment to see what houseguests are going to show up next.


Well, I have 8 (sigh) litter boxes for 6 inside-only cats. (Thank GOD, I have a basement!) Since the litter boxes are all enclosed–had a cover/lid–I might get “Happy New Year!” signs, horns, glitter, hats, champagne glasses, ‘empty’ catnip containers, etc. and affix them to the boxes, if indeed, the boxes are enclosed like mine. Or you might be able to do somewhat of the same with an ‘open’ litter box.

I might enclose it just for the photo op! The wife half is deployed and my best friend so that could be well worth it! She did purchase, while deployed, a tin foil hat for Miss Kitty. Just trying to make her smile since she should have been home already!



I answered that question.

Even in Twitter you have to prove that the person using the handle is the person to whom the account belongs. Ditto for FB. It is an expensive, picky, time-consuming process.


I feel drama just thinking about cleaning cat boxes. Yikes ! So I just open the door and let them go outside. No drama in my woods, they are safe :slight_smile:

Presumably none of these posters are MB himself, as I assume you don’t get internet privileges in jail, but yes, I’ve had the perception several times that a poster may be a close associate of his.

I assume it is seriously not OK for close associates of the shooter to be bullying the victim on SM and saying things like “she bullied and provoked him endlessly until she broke his mind and made him to shoot her”. I saw something very close to that. Maybe that explains LKs references to possible subpoenas to uncover BB identities.

If you write a confidential letter of recommendation for someone for a university (student or job applicant), the university will warn the writer of the “confidential” letter that their identity will not be disclosed, up until the point that a court requires the identity, at which point they will hand it over without a fight.

Sensible people understand that just because a free BB gives you an account and lets you hide behind a screen name to post all sorts of crap, that doesn’t necessarily protect your identity in all situations.

But for a lot of these posters who have been gleefully and irresponsibly slinging mud for years, it may be too late to clean up their act. Too late to close the barn door after the horses have fled.


No you didn’t. You said Lauren didn’t call CPS because SS did. YankeeDuchess asked you how you know Lauren filed a SS claim?

@YankeeDuchess this is what I mean, posters pick and choose what they believe LK says except they KNOW until pressed and then they are just a casual observer.

ETA we typed at the same time.


I answered Iris’s question. You could try reading it.


I did through your post history :wink:


Logical deduction. If Lauren isn’t lying, she didn’t call CPS. By her own admission, she called SS about the kids. They (unlike Lauren) actually take the welfare of kids seriously, as well as having a legal obligation to do so. Lauren also had a responsibility to call CPS if she truly was concerned, but Lauren chose not to do so - even anonymously. Lauren misused SS and CPS in her misguided quest. Whatever her goal was, it wasn’t to get shot.

Funny how she was turning down offers of places to take her horses, dogs and herself but she was scared of MB. Not enough to leave with her animals.



You don’t KNOW. You’re picking and choosing what to believe. You either think LK lies or you don’t. Or you are that close and shouldn’t be posting.

What is the post # in which you explained how you knew LK filed a SS report alleging child abuse against MB?

I searched the thread once looking for your answer and did not see it. 

You said, very authoritatively, that no judge would get involved in a FB or BB spat. I alluded to a $190 million defamation suit that went to trial over a Tweet. 

  And yes, most legal stuff is “expensive, picky, and time-consuming”, even we nonlawyers already knew that.

Post 275. And I quoted it or at least attempted to.

Yeah, faint from the smell. Or throw up in the litter box. I know a person who did the latter.

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As I said above, you’d be surprised how many people land in hot water, and they could be very nice people (and often are). I, for one, would be very circumspect and thoughtful about what I said on social media about anyone else. Just because someone has to prove proposition x or proposition y, does not mean that the other party can’t sue over it. “Being right” doesn’t somehow make the process easier or better.

And I have heard judges make decisions based on social media activity in open court. In my view, it’s pretty dangerous to make blanket statements that an activity is - or is not - okay under the law, e.g. the “no judge would…” remark.

We may may have to agree to disagree on that. And that’s fine.