That's a twist

My trainer would have done the same. And I find it odd too.


It wasn’t “out of thin air.” Eggbutt has referenced on numerous occasions, the fact I was married once- and divorced. (Again, quite a bit of stalking into my personal life- which is more than just a little bit weird & creepy.) She didn’t google this. I just googled it & nothing came up regarding a marriage from twenty years ago- nor a divorce seven years later. Eggbutt further went on to claim I have a restraining order against me from my ex MIL. I do not. Btw- I’m just catching you up on comments you obviously missed.
The reason I mentioned the whole sexual harassment thing, is bc, in Eggbutt ‘s stalking & desperately trying to find information to support her clear agenda- she spoke to this MIL. (Again, BEYOND CREEPY.) Now, idk if Eggbutt just made up this “restraining order,” which she claims there is against me- or, if said MIL told her this. Neither are exactly reliable sources of information & I still can’t fathom why the two would ever be in touch. Creepy! Nevertheless, (and since I guarantee this part was NOT discussed by the two) I’ve added a little truth of my own here. Also, bc TMares has declared herself absolutely & totally “drama free,” & “innocent,” of ever having a dispute with anyone- I wanted to remind her of certain exceptions which really can’t be avoided.

Further, I can agree MOST people don’t have publicized disputes. MOST people are NOT the subject of a high profile murder case & any disputes in their lives are private. That does not mean they’re not there. In the case of my marriage, not much to report… except according to Eggbutt. Since she opted to lie about it, (for whatever sick & depraved reason she felt she should) I’ve opted to tell the truth. Hope you are now caught up. Had my ex marriage never been brought up - no mention of sexual harassment which took place for many years AFTER the quick, mutual & mutually beneficial divorce would have occurred.

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Before this goes any further, as I stated earlier I have NEVER SPOKEN to anyone about you.

Please share the comment where I mentioned any restraining order.

And, finally, please share my “agenda”.

I do not intend to engage you again and didn’t intend to on this thread until your post made incorrect accusations against me. It is interesting you mentioned Girl Joey, who can’t respond to you and defend herself; and, you mentioned @haleybot who has an active warrant waiting in NC for you as she posted on the earlier thread.


Yes, we fully agree. On all points. I’ll just add, even it were relevant or admissible, I simply could not imagine a defense attorney bringing up charges which were dismissed. And, they all were. This would only help the DA.
I did find it interesting, in the bail hearing, Simms (an attorney) stating blatantly inaccurate claims. One such claim being, MB hasn’t a “blemish on his record.” Anyone who understands the google- can locate a list of charges in more than one state, not dismissed, against MB. Palm Beach county. NY state, etc. These, due their nature, may very well be relevant and admissible. These charges include “resisting arrest,” “assault on officer of the law,” “elderly abuse,” and more. This claim by the fired Jeffrey Simms may come back to bite the defendant in the rear. Like you, in your study and practice of law, I have been scolded my entire life (at least until I was old enough to comprehend it) for ever, even so much as exaggerating a story - as facts are facts. Speculation and embellishments have been hammered into my head as being huge “No No’s,” coming from every single family member who practices law. (Father, all his brothers and my grandfather.)
With that, I’m not sure the defendant is or ever was clear on the reality of a court’s requirement for provable facts. Luckily, we (RG & I ) have always been aware & this knowledge led us to document everything, buy cameras and record everything.
And yes, it totally sucks that I can’t disclose any of it. I truly believe I’m doing the sport a great disservice by not immediately sharing info which could literally, potentially save lives. Not everyone who should be in jail, is currently (as of yet) sitting in a cell. It’s a great torment. Partly, I almost wish I didn’t know what I now know. I do take comfort in the fact there are many others with similar stories to mine about MB & MH - and those people are absolutely terrified of MB ever being released. Like, ever. I can relate. :frowning:


I feel Ive provided you sufficient requests to stop contacting me (quoting, tagging, texting, calling, emailing etc…) mentioning me, referring to me, making any statements which a reasonable person would find to be defamatory in nature. Your refusal to stop will be taken as seriously as my request. Everything you have written here & on the other thread have been screenshot - including comments you deleted moments later.
If you actually think you’re helping these two other users, you are sorely mistaken. GJ has made enough statements to last a lifetime on the other thread. She was banned. Then, she came back as PowerBoost and got banned again. Typically, when people have “harassment,” papers against another, they do NOT use that opportunity to continuously harass,
slander, mention, reference on sm or even think about the person they’ve accused of “harassment.” GJ didn’t think twice about ACTUALLY harassing me (as opposed to her own claims) … Don’t you think I could’ve & would’ve replied to GJ on the other thread (before she was banned) if I ever GAF about her? I do not. Never have. Never will. No need to answer this. Any questions were rhetorical & I stand by firm request - explained in detail in the first paragraph & in my previous post to you. This will be my last response to you. Again - do NOT quote me, do not tag me, do not mention me. What you do in private on your own private time- have fun. If I see it … legal action will be taken.


I’m not a lawyer and I didn’t sleep in a Holiday inn last night , but isn’t recording a conversation in which you are not part of illegal? As in you yourself can be sued in civil court? Are illegal recordings even admissible as evidence in a criminal case?

As a side note the 2 family members who did test positive for the flu have recovered and no one else seems to have picked it up.


Can you really take legal action against someone quoting you on an online discussion board? I’m not trolling, I’m genuinely curious. The same with tagging and mentioning.

I mean, wouldn’t you serve with a proper cease and desist order instead of requesting on here? Maybe you already have, I don’t know, but you seem to have legal knowledge, so I am just curious. Or maybe something written on here suffices. I’m not sure how this all works with the internets nowadays, but find it interesting. You don’t have to elaborate if you don’t want to, but given your knowledge, I thought I’d ask as it is something I am not familiar with.


LK reminds me of when NP sued someone in the state of MD with a same-ish name of a FB profile he had been calling late at night and harrassing for several years, thinking all along he was stalking the MD chick. Who didn’t know who he was. Who had never heard of him. Neither chick had ever harrassed or bad mouthed him, but he called and stalked one, and sued the other, thinking they were both the same, who neither had ever badmouthed him. The judge dismissed his suit as a nusiance suit, but it was hysterical watching him foam at the mouth over people he thought he knew of and who were entirely ignorant of him. Bravo, LK. You just pulled a Nick Peronace rant and danced down the path of self righteousness with an imaginary foe. And its not a compliment, he’s not the brightest bulb in the box, either.


It bears mentioning that charges can be dismissed, even when a defendant is guilty, for a number of reasons. It happens all of the time. And it doesn’t even take a family full of lawyers for that to happen.


I give you props for actually being able to read/follow that post. LOL


Ah, it’s been a while since good old Nick Peronace poked his head above the parapet. Is he even still around?


Wow, this thread…just wow, the foods you all cooked for Christmas sounded amazing! Woo, those ribs, yum. I’ll agree with another poster about substituting apple sauce with oil in recipes. I’ve done it for years. It makes the batter moist without the grease.

On topic - I mentioned this issue(?), person shot on another’s property, yadda yadda. And a friend that has been involved with prisoner reform for many years brought up the ‘mental intent’ for murder. He questioned whether that intent was there. Now I’m not going to get into our whole conversation, it lasted quite a while because the rest of us were taken aback by his first comment. But he said he has counseled many prisoners that have killed people and in his personal experience there is a fine line that gets crossed when someone is in mental distress. The “murderer” isn’t shooting the other person to “murder” them, they are doing it to stop the emotional pain that that person is causing them.

Now the law, and all of us see it as murder, but my friend says many killers do not. And just as we can’t understand how someone can be pushed to commit such a violent act, they can’t understand how we don’t. (I’m sorry, I’ve written this twice and I still sound confused)

From watching TV we all know about the people that commit crimes and then won’t admit responsibility. From what my friend was saying, this isn’t the same thing. I can’t explain properly what he meant, but it follows the thought of "pushing someone’s buttons)


No. Ditto for anything you post on any public page.

It wouldn’t be granted. A judge would say to get off of social media entirely or stop making public posts.

Even if an attorney wrote a cease and desist letter it has no legal weight. An order comes from a judge and no judge is going to get involved in a BB or FB spat.


You’re funny! If you’d been following more closely, you would have gotten the joke. But you don’t, so you didn’t.

C’est la vie.

And I have no agreement, nor disagreement. This whole thing is just a soap opera I follow.


Not necessarily. If she was involved in the conversation, it’s okay. If not, there has to be a reasonable expectation of privacy. Reasonableness depends on the particular facts and circumstances. We don’t know yet what those are, which is the point I’ve been making.

i don’t know LK, but I can understand her situation. She was shot (I think we can all agree that was a fact). She likely CANNOT disclose certain information that could end some of the speculation on this thread and on other threads, some of it negative such as the stuff about things she did or didn’t do that precipitated the shooting and things the defendant (or others) did or did not do or the reasons for same. May be why facts are disjointed and fragmented at the moment. I wouldn’t want my clients talking unless I preapproved what they planned to say. Because regardless of a person’s legal knowledge, it can be detrimental. We are trained to think VERY carefully about the ramifications of every statement and action and work out every possible outcome from either one. Not everyone thinks that hard about it ( it’s exhausting, believe me - I lose sleep a lot).

I do not think anyone here would like anyone speculating about the reasons why I’d like to think I could ignore it and stay quiet, remaining above it as it were, but having never been shot (and then discussed at length in an unflattering light), well, I’m not sure about that. For example, bringing up unrelated disputes she may have had with other people to state or imply that she’s a “bad” person in other areas IS implying she did something in THIS case to precipitate getting shot. It’s the reason character “evidence” is generally inadmissible under Evidence Rule 404 to show conformity in THIS case. (Evidence is in quotes because I have not seen the pleadings, if any, in any other cases). It would be hard to deal with, much less objectively or always completely rationally and detached. Could any us be that detached? Ehhh… don’t know, but I doubt it. People don’t act objectively during non- life threatening events like breakups, job loss, etc. i doubt getting shot makes it MORE likely they would. Moreover, I frankly don’t care how many disputes someone has been in. I don’t think it’s relevant to this case at all.

All I’m saying is that I think it’s best not to speculate and to understand she cannot answer all questions or use evidence in the case to prove anything to us at this point.

Shooting someone is a very, very serious crime. And it’s not an answer to ANY problem unless the shooter’s life is in danger, and he or she cannot escape. We aren’t entitled to all the facts right now, so let’s wait and see and not guess or make assumptions about what did or did not occur in this case.


Very well said.


Not necessarily.


To be fair, most people go through their entire lives without ever being charged for anything (whether the charges are dropped or not), being served or subpoenaed, being named in a lawsuit, or being repeatedly accused of bullying or harassment. Even people who are business owners and employers generally manage to avoid such situations.


You might be surprised who can land in hot water. And they could be the nicest people (or not, but they can be). See it all the time.


Oh yes. He comments regularly (and hilariously) on DH’s Facebook pages. He’s her biggest fan girl and he uses the opportunity to tout his expertise in “training” non-warmbloods to troll for new clients.