That's a twist

Obviously there is always a “burden of proof.” However, they are extremely different in criminal cases vs civil cases. The very words “preponderance of the evidence,” illustrates there IS a burden. Didn’t think this needed to be spelled out. Beyond a reasonable doubt criteria demands 98% surety - civil cases - only 51%. THATS a huge difference. You’re talking to someone who comes from a large family of lawyers. Just an FYI.
I think you & everyone else can now cease from stating “I don’t think you should have been shot, but…” There is no “but.” The sooner you comprehend that- the better for you.


Have you ever had numerous people employed by only you? Just curious. If not, and I’ll assume the answer is no, you really have no idea what kind of disputes can arise from firing people. Several “no shows,” when dealing with horses commands immediate termination. Much more disturbing revelations call for immediate termination & warning others immediately of that which an employer has discovered.
Aside from that- I have no “ongoing disputes,” whatsoever. Unless you count the shooting… But, I’m glad you feel you’re “holier than thou,” and have zero lapses in your self proclaimed “innocence.”

I guarantee - between all your all failed marriages, one of your exes might provide unflattering stories about you. Especially, if one of your 3 father in laws, was sexually harassing you - for years & years. Yeah, I doubt that revelation would go over well with the mother in law in that specific marriage - seeing as though that would make her husband (your theoretical father in law) a sex offender. Just saying. Not that you’re owed an explanation of anything… bc, you’re not.


I wonder if LK or MB could go back to August 6, 2019, what they would do differently. Hindsight is always 20/20.


Okay. My statement was actually supportive. However (hahaha), the law (generally) is that lethal force can be be responded to with lethal force, if there is no way to escape. (So under the law, there can be a “but,” or an “unless.”) Do I think that happened here? No, though as you’ve stated many times, none of us have the facts other than the fact that you were shot and probably opportunity for MB to do so. Other circumstances such as motive and other salient facts are largely unknown (to us but - lol - not to you, your attorneys, the prosecutor, the witnesses, and the defendant). So despite your thinking the worst of my post, I actually think we are on the same page.

You are correct that it is a HUGE difference, but I was clarifying it because as written, it was unclear that A burden of proof applies to every case (emphasis added). For those readers who don’t know, I thought it might be helpful to clarify because it’s easy for non-lawyers to be baffled about how the system works or what burdens of proof are. We definitely take a ton of time at trial explaining it and/or illustrating it in non-legal terms.

(I’m a lawyer, which is probably obvious at this point. Disclaimer: none of this should be construed as legal advice! Just a general statement of what the law is without regard to any particular facts and circumstances).

In any event, have a good holiday.

ETA: The “lol” after the “but” above was because I used the word “but” again. To be clear, I did not “lol” at motive or other issues related to this particular crime.


:confused::confused::confused: Do you know @TMares?

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Weird. How would you know about anything I’m doing right now- involving my horses or anything else- if you weren’t STILL STALKING MY LIFE? Don’t even try to answer that. The answer is sadly, STRIKINGLY obvious. Get. A. NEW. Hobby.

Luckily, I’ll have ample opportunities to make sure your rumors are called out. Unless you too have media hounding you for stories, (you don’t) assume your lies will be called out by me- before you have the Same larger scale platform to spew them. Attention will be called to you - just like you have always wished. I guess you’ve never heard the expression, “be careful what you wish for.” And, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop me from calling direct attention to your every lie which you’ve spewed openly on this & the other thread. Consider this a formal request to never mention my name again- refer to me in anyway- and cease & desist from attempting to defame my character.


You are wrong. No “but.”

Maybe you missed it, but the names I mentioned were directly brought up in the other thread. According to you, ONLY they can claim I’m the “bad guy,” but the minute I retort - “it’s very telling ?” Oooookay! Oh… and there are 2 names. Not a large “list.” If you are telling yourself no one would offer up stories about YOU- however true or false they maybe- if you were the victim of a shooting, you’re only lying to yourself. The end.


First of all…

Just kidding. I’m playing solitaire right now on FB. Sumbeeches keep cheating me! Way more pressing matter. That’s the extent of my online drama. You can have them. Enjoy! :slight_smile:


I made the best deviled eggs tonight. Inspired by Nigella Lawson’s Christmas show on PBS. SO yummy.

Merry Christmas one and all!


Yeah, um. No. No idea where any of that stuff erupted from, yikes, or what anyone could make of it?


We made homemade pizza in the wood-fired oven, which I really didn’t need if I’m going to continue to fit into my breeches. 🐷. I say “we” when I really mean DH. I went riding instead! I tried to YouTube how to train piaffe in hand since it seems I need to reinstall it in my little man (I’ve messed it up somehow; he’s bouncing behind now. Sigh). I wish I was better at following YouTube tutorials since I couldn’t figure out Step 2. If anyone has any tips…

Need to stop being lazy and get myself to lessons - soon - before I mess something else up!


OK. Tmares said she was wife #3, which means the husband has 2 failed marriages, Tmares may have 0 or 1 failed marriages. You need to zap her with that misinterpretation?

What is your sick fascination with taunting her?


No one is taunting…just wondering where the sexual harassment comment came from out of thin air.


I think it’s my chocolate cake :wink:

I have directly employed a # of people, as has DH with 30+ years as a contractor. One or two might say a crass thing or 2…go to court or go bananas online? Court and such? No, honestly, no. The level of wack on display? Well, no.


It’s very difficult to distinguish which statements are meant to be supportive.

That said, you’ve stated you are lawyer. You must know then, despite the common phrase in law, “you can indict a ham sandwich,” - A grand jury is presented with evidence by the DA. In this case, enough evidence was presented by the DA to get a “true bill,” ruling on First Degree murder charges. First degree indicates pre-mediation. Not “lethal force being met with lethal force.”

I’m not sure which state you are licensed to practice law- or which type of law you practice. In NJ, to be justified in using a firearm (or any weapon) to try and murder people, the defendant must be in “imminent danger without the opportunity to retreat.” Driving to our location - eliminates retreating. He came there with only one purpose. He almost succeeded. You’ll hear more about exactly how he thought he would succeed in court. Had I not miraculously pulled through & had the shot at RGs head actually hit the mark - he would have succeeded. I do not believe he is remorseful. I do not believe his cohorts are remorseful - except for being remorseful about the fact we lived.
I know for a fact 2 of them are “very pleased I was shot- but very displeased mb missed RG’s head & that I survived.” The names of the guilty will be exposed probably far before the trial. Anyone capable & who took part in the planning of a double murder must be exposed to the equestrian community Asap. They know it’s coming.

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Meaning, if I knew only what I knew then- or if I knew everything I only know now?

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I read it to suggest that in Lauren’s first marriage there was too much interest from the FIL, and perhaps that led to antagonism from MIL.

But why can’t you just quit “wondering” and leave her alone?


Wait, so now no one is supposed to question a strange post or comment at all? When did you become @La-LaPopRider 's keeper? Nothing I posted was rude, taunting, unkind, etc. Simply asked a question. This has gotten really weird. Wow. But, you know what? I WILL leave her alone.


I understand it’s difficult to distinguish, and there’s a lot of speculation on the thread and facts (for example, from the past) that I don’t believe are relevant or admissible. I have not seen the indictment, but I doubt a smart prosecutor would go before the grand jury without enough evidence to indict.

We are making the same statement of the law, i.e., imminent danger without opportunity to retreat. I think that’s generally true regardless of the jurisdiction (though I haven’t done a 50-state survey - that’s a law firm joke).

I’m trying to make/making relatively neutral statements OF the law because we are taught not to speculate without facts. And we don’t have them (yet). Well, again, aside from the fact that MB shot you. On the other hand, you know a lot more than we do. It’s probably hard when you can say some things but not all things or provide evidence. I get that. I really do. So, people just speculate because that’s what people do.

I’ll never understand someone shooting someone else unless there is an imminent threat and no means of escape for the shooter. And if it turns out it was a conspiracy? Yeah, no, don’t get it either.

Again, I don’t care what you were doing or not doing, nobody has any right to try to take a life when that person is not being similarly threatened with the same level of force. Sounds like that wasn’t the case. As mad as anyone may have been about whatever happened that precipitated the shooting, there’s civil process to deal with it. Never, ever violence. I guess I may not be TOTALLY neutral then. And I - for one - don’t give a rat’s behind how good a trainer MB is or how important he may be.

Makes me glad that the little brown horse and me (I? I never get that right) are nobodies from nowhere, that’s for sure!


Lauren thinks you have been married three times rather than you are the third wife and your husband has been had two previous wives. May this marriage be long and happy for you both.

ETA: I see someone clarified it for Lauren earlier. My sentiment stands. I hope you enjoy many more happy years together.