That's a twist

Similar case here. Youngest grand daughter had a slight fever when she was here Saturday evening. By Sunday morning it was 104. Even though she had been vaccinated she tested positive for flu Type A. Her mother, also vaccinated, came down with it the following day. We are trusting that they are not contageous tomorrow.


@MyssMyst and @carolprudm I hope everyone feels better! Merry Christmas!


Foster kitten had a temp, he’s all better now. Cake is half gone (forgot to send it with my folks when they visited today). When DH gets up from his nap we’ll take a short ride, I think.

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OMG…Thank you SO MUCH. That sound AMAZING! Will try it for New Years!!!


I can’t even begin to respond to all of that. I’ll say only this- responding to people calling me names & suggesting ridiculous things (“white trash w trust fund” or questioning my sobriety) would be just as ridiculous, since it’s clear this name calling is all their poor souls can resort to in their obvious lack of factual info.
Also, I never said a subpoena WOULD be served - (read for better comprehension) - I said one could could be served. Based on certain posts, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s exactly what happens.
You were the one who first used the words “maybe she can redeem herself,” not me. So… attempting to spin the words I directly quoted from you- then insinuating those words as being “threatening,” is almost as low as resorting to name calling. Maybe, just as low. I haven’t placed them on a scale to properly weigh out which strategy of avoiding the topic at hand, is worse. So JMHO.
I haven’t singled you out. I’ve responded to many others as well.
Last, your post 185 on the “other thread,” references “the burden of proof,” in an addition to your mention of possibly “piling on in a larger suit,” to “prove that Michael conned us.” This is false. In a civil suit, a ruling is based on “the preponderance of evidence.” That is civil courts requirement. Only criminal court requires “burden of proof,” in varying degrees. And yes, I can also recall by memory the post numbers of other screen names, too. Therefore, again, you’re not being singled out.

Maybe not. Maybe not…
Although, nothing at all in my own comment could even remotely be viewed as “threatening.” The accusation that something in there was “threatening,” - or even “bordering on threatening,” followed by the advice to be “careful,” could in fact, coupled together, be seen as at least mildly threatening.

My ribs have been in the crockpot since 8 a.m. and I just removed the bones. All I has to do was pull them out of the pot- the meat just fell away.

You can make the sauce as thick or thin as you like depending on how much milk you use. We love bleu cheese here, so I make it pretty sturdy.


Extra family time! :lol:

Merry Christmas! 🎄


That is disgusting. Are you seriously resorting to insulting someone’s SCREEN NAME just bc this person disagrees with you?
I’d argue, the very fact she isn’t blindly buying into that which you spew - (having no knowledge whatsoever of anything which took place leading up to the shooting) makes her a person with an extremely open mind. You? Not so much.

We had delicious grilled Cornish hen, stuffed with Apple chunks.
Those ribs and bleu cheese sound divine.


Yes, this exactly what Wacho does. And exactly the reason for her remarks wishing me death.

Also, (and I do see you’ve used the word “allegedly,” which I greatly appreciate) not one of the people who claimed I “harassed,” or “bullied,” them, were ever actually harassed or bullied. They merely used this tragic event to make things up - hoping people would buy. Eggbutt is a person in NC who feels insulted bc I didn’t want to “train,” with her. She made a huge spectacle of this- calling every trainer in my area pleading with them not to train me. It didn’t work. She’s mad about that. Still. That’s why she posted charges against me, from literally, almost two decades ago. Only, she forgot to - or purposely did not also post the dispositions. She had to have read them. But I suppose posting evidence which shows each charge (most of them all from the same incident) was voluntarily dismissed would not be beneficial to her agenda.

-haleybot is an employee I once hired (as she herself admitted on the other thread) against the better advice of many show goers with downright scary stories of things which this woman had done at horse shows while “Nightwatch & braiding.” Because I know people can sometimes have motives for doing or saying certain things against people - I opted to ignore it & give her a chance. Needless to say, I learned the hard way I’d made a horrible mistake. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.

Girl Joey- I cant even begin. Her actions and relentless rants speak for themselves. I’m just thankful she has finally, finally left me alone. I can’t help the fact I dated some guy in hs whom she is currently dating. Nor can I help that he’s not had a girlfriend since. I’m sure GJ is curious why that is & has stalked me, harassed me and more than anything- annoyed me for the past 3 years. What’s interesting is, by her own admission, MB and MH would involve her (person with absolutely nothing to do with horses) at all. Anyone who noticed that would have to agree- this action is beyond strange. MH “reaching out,” online to a person whom I’d confided in her, had been harassing me relentlessly over a HS boyfriend- is very, very abnormal.

Anyway, just wanted to clear up as much as I could. Merry Christmas 🎄 to you!


And one more here. My son, DIL, and grandson have been hit hard by, lacking any real diagnostics, the plague. My grandson got sent home from school Thursday, apparently whatever it is swept through the entire school. Son and grandson appear to be on the mend. DIL is in the thick of it. First time ever we have had to postpone our Christmas.

I’m happy to wait. That’s one Christmas gift I don’t need.


Just wanted to note, and maybe I’m wrong here, but…

It’s kind of telling to have a catalog list of names in which you’ve had or have ongoing disputes with an explanation for each and every one on why they are the despicable person and you were somehow dragged into their drama.

I’ll be 44 this year and the only long term dispute I’ve had with anyone in my life is with my ex husband. Nothing to be googled, in the courts, criminal and definitely not on social media.

I’m glad you survived, but perhaps it’s time to wake up, count your blessings and move on towards better things instead of continuing the cycle…

Merry Christmas


:no::no::no::eek::eek::eek::no::no::no: :mad::mad::mad:

I don’t know who fed you information but I am not a trainer, have never been a trainer and will never be a trainer. I have never called ANYONE about you. Apparently your information is regarding someone else you’ve ticked off, there’ve been so many. So all this time you’ve been pissed off at the wrong person!

As far as the charges I posted about you on the other thread…I DID post the dispositions as well as the dates they were settled - several almost a year after the fact as I recall. As far as “most of them all from the same incident”, your memory must be fading. As I recall the charges, there were several people involved with separate incidents and separate dates. I was told quite a bit more about the “deadly weapon” charge but chose not to post that information because it was hearsay and had to do with an alleged place of employment and position at that business along with a completely different version of events than what you stated on the other thread. Again, being hearsay I elected to ignore that information.

Any interest I had in you and this unfortunate situation is long gone because it’s the same old story which is why I have not posted anything further. Anyone who chooses to interact with you after all the information that has come out about you now will perhaps at least have been forwarned about your past behavior. Believe it or not, there are still many people who don’t read these forums, don’t follow your SM and wouldn’t know you from Adam’s housecat.

I wish you could move forward with your life. MB is in jail. To my knowledge other than the warrants from NC and NJ, I know of no one who is concerned with you or interested in what you are doing. Apparently you have been riding and that’s wonderful. Move on. Ride your horses, Finish getting your Bronze and Silver and live a nice life. If you concentrate on that, perhaps you will stop worrying about who is saying anything about you.


I gave my horses and myself a break…no work, and some carrots with their breakfast this morning, and we spent the day cooking, and then delivering presents and meals to friends and neighbours. First Christmas that I got to spend home in many years. I’m usually on travel. It was wonderful. Merry Christmas to you all.


Yes! Of course :slight_smile: Trying to ride my ponies (failing, mostly - due to whatever the opposite of muscle memory is) to be ready for Welly! Absolutely, a year to celebrate still being here!

My idea of celebration involves LOTS of chocolate! This week’s Plated meals had some easy recipes for Christmas-y dinners, sides & desserts! We made all of them yesterday - for today! I can work off the desserts by watching new movies on fandango - a friend of mine swears this works! LOL!


For the record, I don’t think you should have been shot, regardless of what you said or did unless you also had a weapon and were about to use it in a lethal way. The end.

But correction here: Every case, whether civil or criminal, has a burden of proof. In a civil case, the burden of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence. In a criminal case, the burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt. Preponderance is a much lower standard, requiring only that the fact sought to be proved is “more probable than not” or - essentially, 51% likely (we often use percentages to explain the concept to a jury since it’s easier for people to understand). Who has the burden also can change, depending on what the claims are. Civil cases can have varying burdens of proof too - clear and convincing is another one. Might pop up in trust or dependency cases.

The differences in the respective burdens of proof is sometimes why a victim’s family might prevail in a wrongful death suit (civil) against the accused, even though the accused was acquitted of murder (criminal). The People v OJ Simpson is illustrative here.


Me two. I’m 49, DH is 63. Heck I’m wife #3 and between the two of us we don’t have a beef with anyone from our past, recent or not. This is loony tunes level coocoo.


Thank you! I’m just relieved I have a great excuse to not see my in-laws, lol. ALthough the drama on this thread has more than compensated for the lack of family drama… There isn’t enough alcohol to deal with both.


Hahah… Ok! You pretend whatever you want. You sure spent a whole lot of time making up nonsense on the other thread. The ONLY person you could’ve heard a “different version,” of facts regarding the 2003 charges - would be my ex mother law. I think the judge would know better! Are you questioning the COURT’s own disposition now? I think it’s incredibly stalkerish that you even went as far as to post and read about dismissed charges from almost twenty years ago- (literally)- but hey, do whatever kills time for you. No trainer worth training with would ever listen to you. Nor, would they train me any differently based on allegations of some person hiding behind a screen name. Especially, from a person with a VERY obvious agenda. I truly hope you find the hobby you so desperately need.

And we agree- you’re NOT a “trainer.” I put it in quotes in my last comment too. You maybe switching back n forth with your mother- (or daughter- depending on which of you began posting in the first place) but we both know who you are. I’m flattered that you’re so invested in my life as a teen/ early twenties. When you come across a charge which wasn’t dismissed- you let me know! As I said, every charge from 2003 was over the same one event. You have no idea who the players are. Therefore, you wouldn’t know if any one of those charges were brought by someone UNRELATED to the one event- which again, was dismissed.

The “harassing phone call,” from 2005 (also dismissed)- you have no idea about. Nor, will it be discussed with you. Although she’d roll over laughing in her grave at you- I refuse to disrespect her grave by associating it with the likes of you. Before you speak- you had better be a million percent sure you have ANY clue what it is you’re talking about. And stop lying about who you are. It’s sad. Since you’ve “lost interest,” I’ll be very glad to never have to deal with you again! Bye now…