That's a twist

Coffee sounds good in there. Why sour cream?

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I have a hard time believing LK is an intimidated victim given her “I’m not responsible for whatever my multiple personalities might do” (or something threatening to that effect that she posted on FB before the MB thing exploded). I don’t think she’s at all honest with herself and isn’t a very likable, certainly not honest, human being - and is totally responsible for the chain of events that have become her current reality. But, maybe because it’s Christmas, I’m just feeling that we ARE totally doing the “mean girl” thing and maybe we should just step back and let karma do her thing.


Wow, uh, that’s a stretch! Someone can tell you to be careful and come from a good place. Someone can tell you to be careful and it isn’t a threat. It was just a suggestion. You came off a bit aggressive, that’s all.

What I said does not sound threatening. You’re being dramatic. I’m just saying you should be careful with your words, especially when you have all of these pending cases out there. That’s it. It was purely advice. That you don’t have to take. I wasn’t being threatening. I did not say you were threatening, but getting close to. PLEASE READ for comprehension.

Why are you so fixated on my posts that you’re misreading where as others have literally called you “whitetrash with a trust fund” said something about your sobriety? but mine are the ones you choose to misread and be offended by. Okkkk.

Edit: you alluded to a subpoena being served in the next days. That’s a big thing to throw around. You said those who do not believe you will have to redeem themselves, that could be taken or seen in a certain way. Like, the non believers will have to pay! Type thing. See, I could stretch things too! But I won’t.

Again, I didn’t say they were threats, but (as you do yourself) people can take things a certain way and IME one should be careful (not a threat, friendly advice that you have no obligation to take) when one has a lot of cases/legal matters surrounding them (there are some civil suits you’re involved in, no?). But that’s my view, my experience. It could be different for you. It could be different in your court system. And obviously you have a trusted legal team, so it’s ultimately their word you should abide by.

Now, it’s purely your decision how you act, and you can completely ignore what I say. As you’re already doing. So I’ll step back now, as clearly things are not open for discussion.
I wish you the best moving forward and hope that you may find peace.


But wait, I’m back with an important question: what is “Potatoes Anna” ? @YankeeDuchess

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Because it’s the bees knees in a chocolate cake. The recipe I posted up thread calls for a cup of SC


Yes, 100% true. And she claims that anybody who disagrees with her or calls out her bullying behaviour is bullying her.

She alternately claims that LK relentlessly harassed her and ruined her business. And that her haters make her viral and boost her business, and that DH isn’t a business, it’s just a page where she likes to “f—k with stupid dressage bi—-s.” I think that last bit was actually from an online conversation with LK. so honestly, who can believe anything she claims? The story changes with the wind.

So although LK does allegedly have a long history of harassing / bullying people based on what people posting here who know her have said, I doubt this is the case here. Anytime SW claims to be “bullied” it usually means someone is trying to hold her accountable for her vile posts.


Well, someone with a name like @YankeeDuchess has got to be the imperial and supreme answer to any question in North America.


I think you start with small potatoes, and in some cases it doesn’t matter depending on your personal preferences…🤣. Merry Christmas CC. 😀


Buttermilk is another way to make cakes extra-fluffy.

Adding coffee to chocolate cake batter pumps up the chocolate flavor.


Ina Garten’s chocolate cake recipe uses both and it is insanely good!

Adjusted for altitude :


My mom used to add applesauce instead of oil in her cakes.

Merry Christmas to everyone.


You can use either applesauce or sour cream to great effect. I usually swap off depending on my mood.

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If you are gearing up to post that I am deserving of hate as a “well documented LIAR!!!”, perhaps I should disclose:

  I am not an actual Duchess. 

  The choice of screen name is not descriptive, but rather aspirational. I aspire to be a Duchess. The landed estate. The weekend house parties. The clothes. The horses. 

    And not merely a modern duchess like Kate or Camilla. I aspire to be an eighteenth century duchess. 

    Why YankeeDuchess?  Well, I’m American not British, and, more importantly, just plain “Duchess” was taken. Naturally, I assume the COTHer “Duchess” is the real deal. 

     Why aspire to be an eighteenth century duchess?  Makes my aspirations to compete at Grand Prix look eminently plausible by comparison.

I have to admit her comments in the days following the shooting were horrific. I was particularly appalled that she wrote something like “hard to kill someone without a heart” or something along those lines. Who says that kind of thing?


A++ answer. I would also like to be an eighteenth century duchess.

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I met her once. I know of her through friends, and I’ve seen screenshots of her behavior before.


Yall, I really want some chocolate cake now, you are killing me.

LK, and others, in the spirit of the holidays and all, do you have any fun plans with your ponies? Or any good food planned? This is definitely a year to celebrate still being here!

My family is kinda all over the place so I just had lunch with my dad and sister and am laying on the couch watching Gossip Girl. Was planning on going to the barn, but I think Rain won’t complain having yet another day to roll in the mud without me destroying all of his hard work. I really don’t feel like trying and failing to curry it all off today.

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Went on a hike with family and my dad lost the car keys somewhere along the way, so brother is currently hiking back the way we came, to try and locate the keys. Christmas is always an adventure.


I am going to the barn now to hand walk, then back to cooking turkey, potatoes Anna and apple pie.

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My youngest spent last night throwing up… We’re in “quarantine” (convenient for avoiding in laws). Kid deserves a Christmas bonus for this one.