That's a twist

My comment wasn’t aimed at you! I’ll admit to not reading the whole thread carefully, but it seems like you’ve been providing clarification about legal concepts, not perpetuating pointless squabbles or trying to adjudicate whose behavior is the most appalling.

I agree re: shock that dressage could ever turn into a life-and-death sort of thing. I suspect that the vast majority of this thread’s >39k views (which must involve a lot of people who aren’t here to engage in petty fights) and some of the more rational comments here are driven merely by trying to make sense of how something as generally benign as dressage could precipitate such a horrible tragedy.


@x-halt-salute ’s comment was directed at me, I assume.

Sort of but not really. By house guests she means the people who signed up just to post on the 4th thread. I can’t see how you are fueling drama here unless thinking people have lost their minds is fueling drama


I finally finished reading the entire sordid first thread, including the daily posts by @TheBlueSaddle and learned all about the tiara. Now I know why I have never been a regular on this forum…you women are nasty to each other and it just doesn’t seem to stop.

No one can make a comment without someone else arguing with them about sentence structure, grammar, did they really mean what they said, where did they get their information and outright calling each other liars. When posters clearly said they were “speculating” or “theorizing”, instead of responding with, “I see your thought process but did you consider…” rather than pile on like dogs on raw meat. Arguing and dissecting screen names for hidden meanings…anyone question if the original Duchess was simply a favorite pet’s name and not a “real” duchess!!! LOL!

And then LK popping in every now and again to stir the pot and drop intriguing tidbits to make people drool. Why? It seems to me if she stayed off SM, it would be easier on her. So many veiled threats and so much anger from so many. It seems relatively few people would even know who she is without this sad situation. I noticed she was asked several times on the first thread and I think on this one, what her contribution to the situation was and could she have prevented the outcome and she always seemed to ignore or dodge those questions. Strikes me as someone who doesn’t take responsibility for their own actions…oops, will I be sued for that statement when it’s simply an opinion? (Tongue firmly in cheek.)

Anyway, you women (people?) are not my cup of tea. To paraphrase Caesar, I came, I saw, I ran as fast as I could to the nearest exit. Toodles…


I actually understand it is similar in the US in terms of needing to prove damages plus a false claim. If any American lawyer wants to clarify that would be great
It’s different in Britain where the fact that it’s true is less of a defense.

Of course libel cases are civil cases for damages so you need deep pockets to launch them full scale.

One difference between civil suits in Canada and the US is that in general Canada requires a more quantified estimate of damages. For instance in a car crash you need to cite future lost rankings, and there isn’t the potential for sky high awards for “emotional suffering” etc. That tends to keep civil suit awards lower here.

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Well, really, all horse people have to be a bit crazy to some extent, and it’s just a question of degree. How else could you justify the time and money spent on horses, especially to compete them? But this whole situation is pretty far over the top, even for crazy horse people.

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Re your second paragraph: I think this is a somewhat fair assessment. I can see how you arrived there. I think I said this somewhere else… Here? I don’t remember. But at times it comes across as people looking to be offended. Reading what they want to out of the words, not the actual words, not actually considering what that poster might mean. Just assuming everything comes from malice, therefore returning the malice. In some cases I can understand frustrations, skepticism, and even anger to some extent. But the twisting of words to fit whatever agenda is…odd.

It’s kind of like I’m doomed with whatever I say. Someone will take it the wrong way. Someone will pick it apart. Someone will take the worst possible meaning out of what I say. I can try to clarify, prefix, disclaim, it doesn’t matter. It says what they want it to say, not what I actually said.

Now, this does not apply to everyone in this thread, and sometimes I admit that my words or explanations may be poor, but I try my best to clarify. I’ve even had some of my views change while this whole thing professes - which can be a natural result of discussion or pondering.

I think things would be easier if a lot of people stayed off of social media…but it’s like vortex. You get sucked in! Some of us can resist better than others.

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You ain’t kiddin’

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Indeed. My assessment that dressage is mostly fairly benign does not entail any assumption that most horse people are entirely sane!

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[sarcasm font] Thank you for elevating the tone of the conversation with your remarks. [/sarcasm font]

I finally finished reading the entire sordid first thread, including the daily posts by TheBlueSaddle and learned all about the tiara. Now I know why I have never been a regular on this forum…you women are nasty to each other and it just doesn’t seem to stop.

No one can make a comment without someone else arguing with them about sentence structure, grammar, did they really mean what they said, where did they get their information and outright calling each other liars. When posters clearly said they were “speculating” or “theorizing”, instead of responding with, “I see your thought process but did you consider…” rather than pile on like dogs on raw meat. Arguing and dissecting screen names for hidden meanings…anyone question if the original Duchess was simply a favorite pet’s name and not a “real” duchess!!! LOL!

And then LK popping in every now and again to stir the pot and drop intriguing tidbits to make people drool. Why? It seems to me if she stayed off SM, it would be easier on her. So many veiled threats and so much anger from so many. It seems relatively few people would even know who she is without this sad situation. I noticed she was asked several times on the first thread and I think on this one, what her contribution to the situation was and could she have prevented the outcome and she always seemed to ignore or dodge those questions. Strikes me as someone who doesn’t take responsibility for their own actions…oops, will I be sued for that statement when it’s simply an opinion? (Tongue firmly in cheek.)

Anyway, you women (people?) are not my cup of tea. To paraphrase Caesar, I came, I saw, I ran as fast as I could to the nearest exit. Toodles…


@McGurk, how was this person elevating the conversation???

Am I missing the sarcasm? that’s happened to me a lot this year…if so, yes, :lol:

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Yes, that was sarcasm. I edited to make it more clear.

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Yeah she said that. Here’s the problem. She picks and chooses what she believes out of LKs mouth. Ya can’t run around screaming someone is a liar and then go “well except I believe them this one time…”


(seriously, it’s been a terrible year for me missing sarcasm :lol:):encouragement::encouragement:

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When I read this I literally did laugh out loud. Apparently a leopard can change his/her spots. Really fast.

The exit of GreenWithEnvy (not a screen name that needs a whole lot of dissecting) comes an hour and a half after a discussion which speculates on whether anonymity can be broken and posters sued for libel if they make statements that are both untrue and damaging. Purely coincidental, I’m sure.

I didn’t see people criticizing others for grammar or sentence structure. But asking them where they got the information behind the accusations they were slinging around? That seems a useful and legitimate enquiry to me.


I think McGurk was referring with great sarcasm to the final, noble, compassionate post of GreenWithEnvy, not the nasty ones that preceded it.

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Statement says SS asked her about the safety of children on the premises, as part of a SS follow up on a report. Doesn’t establish that LK filed “a report with SS alleging child abuse by MB.” Doesn’t even indicate that they were following up on a report filed by LK on MB as opposed to following up on a report filed by MB on LK.

But thank you for clarifying.

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The statement says SS questioned her about the kids. It does not say that she filed a report alleging child abuse by MB.