That's a twist

@Scribbler you seem to be in Canada. Are you a lawyer?

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See post 635

Totally late to the discussion but I had to jump in. We had a prime rib that I cooked all by myself for Christmas dinner. It was a huge gamble as I’ve never prepared a prime rib and they’re so danged spendy. It turned out awesome and was way less work than a turkey. Yay!

A high school teacher gave me a great way to make the right choice without remembering the rule. Say or write the sentence in the singular and that will tell you which to use. F’rinstance, “Makes me glad that I/me am a nobody…” HTH!


So helpful! Thank you!!!

This is within the first three pages of the original thread:

“@From the victim’s public FB page:

On it! 👌
If I didn’t live in the house on the premises (part time from my other home in NC) & the past 2 weeks hadn’t provided me with SOLID GOLD in terms of plotting, bullying, sexual remarks, body shaming, etc… causing me to get SafeSport involved… I’d be O U T “yesterday.”

But, Bc the trainer(when he was in very bad need of money) basically forced us to get every quality horse I own to him/ immediately- I’d be much more easily able to move 5 horses- which was his exact plan. To trap us here - thinking it would be impossible to move so many horses, thereby being able to force us deal with “new rules, prices & extras for already included show costs,” has always been the scam I didn’t see coming.
Now that he’s “miraculously” come into some money from … an “insurance claim,” (more on that & what we actually know to be fact) on pm. 😉😎”


@NotGrandPrixYet yes, everyone acknowledges that Lauren said she called safe sport

The confusion comes in when randos start saying she called safe sport with allegations of child abuse.

Which no one can point to evidence supporting that rando poster claim


It suggests she is not. Is that your point?

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   LK answering questions posed to her by SS about the children when SS follows up on an initial report that did not allege child abuse is NOT accurately described as “LK filed a report with SS alleging child abuse by MB.”
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I believe that you all are in denial if you want to keep believing that she did not. That’s what SS does, is protect minors from abusers. They didn’t specifically say sexual abuse, they are saying child abuse. If you take the picture posted a number of posts ago (of LK’s post) and put it with the quote that I posted from the original thread, it’s pretty apparent that she initiated a report alleging MB engaged in some kind of child abuse.


Where can you show that her initial report that SHE initiated (by her own admission) “did not” (that’s definitive) allege child abuse. What other reason would one initiate a SS report?


I assume if I explain again, the 6th time won’t convince you if the first 5 didn’t. Anyway…

She admits she made a report to SS because she felt harassed, threatened, body shamed by her trainer. SS follows up with her, MB, the others. As part of the FOLLOW UP, SS inquires of LK about the children. That is DIFFERENT from LK initiating an allegation of child abuse against MB.

 I am NOT claiming definitively that her initial report “did not” allege child abuse. I am saying that I have not seen evidence that backs up the claim of@MorganSercu that she knows definitively that LK DID file a report alleging child abuse.  

 I described a hypothetical scenario consistent with everything LK has said that does NOT involve her filing a SS report alleging child abuse against MB.  

I am not making a definitive claim one way or the other. I’m pointing out that no one has cited statements by LK that establish the claim of @MorganSercu


fwiw, safe sport is not exclusively about minors. Please take the training.


You are implying that I am dense. Why don’t you go back to that photo and read the first three lines of what LK posted?

”Maybe you’re not aware of Safe Sports (sic) purpose. I WAS (caps for emphasis). They’re pretty much only interested in minors.”

Is LK a minor? No. So if she was aware, then what she wrote implies that the report initiated was about a MINOR.


I’m just going by what LK wrote.


but what she wrote has been posted

she did say she called safe sport on michael.

she did not say it was in relation to a claim of child abuse for abusing his girlfriend’s kids, that’s just what other people have said she meant.

So an assumption

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I did not read her writing to suggest her call was about minors, I read it that she believed safe sport was not particularly keen on pursuing her complaint because it wasn’t about the sexual abuse of minors.

and indeed Michael is currently on the ss list as a result of criminal disposition, presumably shooting his client, not criminal disposition involving a minor, as is used when applicable.

isn’t is funny how people can read the same words and reach different conclusions? Language is imperfect.

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   I read that to mean she, LK, was NOT AWARE that Ss is primarily concerned with minors. Therefore, she may have reported to SS that she felt bullied, harassed, body shamed etc. Perhaps SS enlightened her and said, well, in terms of bullying behavior, we deal with bullying behavior toward minors, but not bullying behavior toward adults. For bullying complaints, complain to USEF.  Is any of this bullying being addressed toward the children on the site?

    SS is not exclusively concerned with minors, as Ladyj79 said. If there is a sexual relationship between trainer and client (relationship of power or authority over someone) that is considered abusive even if the client is an adult. 

     With respect to bullying, I believe that bullying is in their purview if a minor is being bullied, but not if an adult is being bullied.

       But since the SS training covers bullying, a lot of people may think that SS handles bullying in the case of both adults and minors.  

  And yes, I did think you were being dense.
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The fact that the first three sentences are together, and that she used “I was” (past tense), would make the majority of bright people, and/or people who don’t feign a different interpretation in order to argue their point, believe that her personal understanding was SS’s function is to protect minors. As in “I was aware”.


Also, I have read SS’s full code quite some time ago. I know and support their mission.