That's a twist

So you believe that there was only one way to read what was written, and that the rest of us are just lying for sport??? Really??? oh, or dumb.

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Ladyj79 and I interpreted it the same way.

It seems likely that Lauren will pop in sometime soon and explain whether she meant “I was aware” or “I was not aware” in that post. Why don’t we let her enlighten us?


I read it as LK complained to SS about MB’s behavior toward LK. Through the complaint process she learned that SS wasn’t interested in investigating her complaint (she was not MB’s employee, for one, so she was free to pack up and leave at any time and take her $ elsewhere). LK interpreted their disinterest as “you’re not a minor, so we don’t care.”

That’s how I read her post.


In great detail? Long version: N. O.

Short version: No.

If you don’t get it now, you won’t get it later. But I’ll give you a hint - “Pot, Kettle”.

   On some issues, they do care about adults. However, I believe that when it comes to bullying behavior, they will get involved if a minor is being bullied, but not if an adult is being bullied. I believe bullying behavior directed at an adult is handled by USEF. LK has also mentioned she has USEF investigation(s) going on. Financial fraud investigations would also probably go through USEF and the courts, not SS. 

    Even if the initial report did NOT include allegations of child abuse, once she described the level of antagonism and stress, it is natural that SS would assess any risk to the children, even if allegations of child abuse were not part of the initial report.
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I still don’t get it, @Sparrowette . Re: the pot and kettle hint, I never accused you have having the supreme answer to any question in North America!

And for the record, my jurisdiction for supreme answers is limited to the US, not all of North America.


No one anywhere said they didn’t. I was stating how I read one person’s post as it was the topic of some discussion

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I am agreeing with you.

@NotGrandPrixYet assumed that the initial report must have alleged child abuse, given her premise that SS is purely involved with minors.

   The premise was wrong-  SS is sometimes involved with issues with adult reporters. Hence it is understandable that LK thought SS might address her complaint of being bullied.  Turns out SS doesn’t handle bullying directed at adults, so her complaint against MB with SS didn’t go far.
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Quoted above is a post by
@NotGrandPrixYet in which she asks “what other reason would one initiate a SS report” other than allegations concerning minors.

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Mea culpa. When I saw someone refer to LK as “white trash with a trust fund”, I did assume it was coming from a place of malice.


Goodness. Yes, some people are coming from a bad place, but not all.

Are you bored?


I’m not nearly as invested in this mess as you, for the record.


I still don’t believe the scenario put forth one bit and for multiple reasons. I don’t believe the injury happened as alleged. I don’t believe the planning happened as alleged. I don’t believe the firearm was a MB manifestation.

And for the life of me I don’t understand why anyone involved would be talking on social media AT ALL.

I look forward to proven TRUTH being revealed in a court of law. Until then I say BULL to the given story.


I as well. I frankly don’t believe any of it.


Did the police ever publicly confirm the ownership of the gun?


The only thing I recall is that the pink gun could have belonged to RC.

Someone did point out earlier on this thread that there are millions of unregistered (yet legal) guns in the US.

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While ownership of the gun has a number of possibilities, why it was at the scene and who brought it is really the crux of the whole story.

Agree with others who don’t buy the social media story. The smoking gun is more relevant than the SM smoke screen.


Yes, I agree with you, I don’t buy SM story. It will be interesting to see forensics, if it ever comes out in a trial.


Oooh you clearly didn’t read the other thread. Forensic Science is pseudoscience…

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Listen Denali, these strangers on the internet obvs have more information and research capabilities than the police officers and prosecutors. Surely they’ll all be vindicated by new and exciting information completely missed by again, the police who investigated not on the internets, and the prosecutors who brought two attempted murder charges and multiple weapons charges. totes, police and prosecutors are morons.