That's a twist

How do you know they got back to her?

  If this is a more subtle accusation that I am an alter for LK, or for anyone else, I’m still not.
  Perhaps the next afternoon she still felt afraid and part of the basis for her fear was the previous night’s creepy slow moving SUV.

If I were as afraid as LK claims to have been, you can bet your ass I would have been on the phone to 911 at the time I saw the SUV, not almost 12 hours later. Even the 911 operator could not figure out why she was calling when she did.


Two reasons:

  1. In all reports that SS receives, there is an initial follow up to determine if there should be a full blown investigation. In the majority of cases (60 - 70% of cases), based on the initial follow up, SS does not go on to a full blown investigation. But they would need to get back to the reporter to get details, etc, in order to determine whether or not it goes to an actual investigation. It is my belief that SS does not get involved in bullying of adults, if that was the initial report, but they would follow up to the extent of some phone calls before saying they’re not investigating.
  2. In either a screenshot of something LK had posted elsewhere, or a post by LK herself answering questions on this thread itself, LK says SS communicated with her and asked her questions in response to her report.

I’d be out of there and back to NC quicker than Richard Petty in ol’ #43.

Some newer posters appear to be obsessed with keeping this thread alive.

Please feel free to join me in rattling some chicken bones to hasten its demise. Die, monster, die!


SS is not a LE agency. But they refer to both LE and CPS, depending on the situation.

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Those hard-luck horses can steal hearts like no others. Rest in peace big sweet guy.

Well the arraignment will be soon, so that will breath new life into the whole thing again. All the same info will be brought up by people that just like watching the trainwreck, all the while forgetting that many lives were affected by this situation.

    I am not obsessed with “keeping the thread alive”, I am hoping it will peter out to a natural death in which the LK haters stop (anonymously) slinging around undocumented accusations and insults.

     Instead of rattling around chicken bones or asking the mod to close it down, why don’t you just stop posting?

Kettle meet Pot. Apparently you like getting the last word. Take it.


So everything that the “LK haters” say is undocumented, but your speculation is supposedly accurate? What makes you any more believable than anyone else?

   Mea culpa. If you (general) keep grasping at straws to try to justify your bandying about of undocumented accusations and gratuitous insults toward LK, or me, or other random bystanders, I’ll keeping clapping back and pointing out your lapses of logic, time permitting. 

   As I recall, you posted an extremely high minded, lofty post, complete with a clever paraphrase of Caesar, saying you were out of here. So why are you back?  (Rhetorical; please do not provide an answer.)

I fix the sentence in question - I did indeed misspeak and meant do not have.

We have no firsthand knowledge of how tense the situation was around the kids. We have no knowledge if the kids were even staying on the property. According to the initial court hearing in August, MB had moved his family into the barn apartment, but they did not establish at that time exactly who was staying in the barn vs maybe some other location. IF SS called CPS, MAYBE they did the right thing, but none of LK’s statements/rantings have indicated that the kids were ever in danger. Just because the shooting happened on the farm doesn’t mean the kids were in danger, ever. Bad things happen when kids are around all the time. It doesn’t unquestionably follow that the kids are in danger to the point that CPS needs to be involved.

The only ones saying that there were threats regarding their safety has been LK’s people as MB’s people are saying nothing. Of course that doesn’t mean it wasn’t happening. But it is not in my nature to believe one person’s version of the events in their entirety unless the person is me.

Do I believe that MB shot her? Yes
Do I believe he drove up to the house with the intention of shooting her? I don’t know.
Do I believe that LK was peacefully reading a book all day on the porch? Not necessarily
Do I believe that LK wasn’t the one who sent CPS after the family? Not necessarily, but it certainly appears that to some extent something she did precipitated them visiting the farm.

Does it matter even a tiny rat’s ass what I believe? Not even a little bit.

I’m as guilty as everyone else on this thread for keeping it going.

I’m not going to Felicia flounce my way out, but I’m going to try very hard to just stop posting, with the hope that it’ll die out until the next major legal issue comes out.


When I brought this up in the other thread, a certain someone had a very strong reaction to it. Interesting.

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it’s amazing how many alters LK has…

(you sound crazy)

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At least two posters stated as fact that “LK reported MB to SS alleging child abuse.”

What I did was describe a HYPOTHETICAL scenario, CLEARLY LABELED AS SUCH, that establishes that while it is conceivable that LK called SS alleging child abuse, no one has provided evidence that that in fact happened.

Yes, in the privacy of my own little mind, my inference (not knowledge), is that LK reported MB to SS alleging bullying, and in the course of the initial follow up SS personnel learned that given the whole situation, the children, if present, might be in danger. I also think that the children, if present, WERE in danger, though this is partly based on hindsight on that there was the attempted murder of two people.

If, in your own mind, you choose to assume that she called alleging child abuse, assume away. Just don’t hide behind your supposed anonymity and state it as a fact.


Yes, I did, but you seemed so lonely carrying the thread on, basically responding to yourself, I decided to jump back in. From an innocent poster asking questions to an ardent supporter in just a few pages. Got it. Plus it has been a boring, rainy Saturday where I am and I have nothing better to do than read the forum! :winkgrin:

I definitely agree with @ladyj79


so in this thread alone

I’ve been “accused” of being lk.
Denali is lk.
Yankee Duchess is lk.

did I miss anyone?

man if I’m lk, and Denali is lk, then who am I pming? :lol::lol::lol:

no but seriously, it’s fairly clear that accusing everyone of being an alter for lk is nonsense.


In one his three calls to 911, MB says “We’re under siege”. I would interpret that to mean the family- MB, his girlfriend, her children.

Surely, in retrospect, you see that the children, if present, were in danger. MB sounded unhinged on the 3 911 calls, both sides said they feared for their physical safety, there was a handgun, …