That's a twist

I guess I should be happy I’ve been “upgraded,” from “squatter,” to “deadbeat tenant.” This could be a breakthrough to the final & correct term: TENANT


Again, there is another whole side no one knows. No doubt the picture of CPS being contacted and by whom and why will be pivotal as well as emotional state. I would actually be surprised if he accepts a plea with this attorney working for him. The arraignment should be fairly soon and we’ll know what his plea will be (Not guilty I’m assuming).


I do apologize if you’ve already answered this, but why did you wait until the next morning to call about the SUV?


And, because there are two charges for first degree attempted murder- RG being the second victim, I expect there will be a LOT to answer for.

It’s in my 911 call. And, it wasn’t the next morning I called the cops. Since I’m unsure if the 911call mentions the time of the call- I can’t disclose it. However, when I did, (again, in the 911 call) I tell the officer I’m calling bc the SUV from the night before, “is back.”

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Is there a law in America I’m unaware of that allows people to shoot someone they are upset with or mad at? Otherwise I fail to see how the alleged CPS call is relevant. All it proves, if the theory that LK called CPS and MB blamed it on LK and flew into a murderous rage because of it, is that he is a dangerous man who can’t control his temper. If he is on tape making threats of violence to her prior to that day, it’s going to be tough to say the CPS call was the catalyst for the shooting. And even if his defence is that he was provoked or tormented to the point where he “snapped,” proving that he didn’t have the mental capacity to distinguish between right and wrong would be a tough sell.


Thanks for the clarification. Would have been wise of me to listen to the calls, appreciate you taking the time to answer.


Hopefully, there is some video from the porch or front door showing the events of the afternoon of August 7. Obviously, that’s the crux of the entire situation with MB’s testimony against you and RG. You installed surveillance equipment in the barn, did you install equipment at the house too?


I agree with every single thing you’ve stated. Just adding, almost every defendant pleads “not guilty,” in the beginning - especially if they’ve hired an expensive attorney. While I hope there is a trial, defendants of crimes of this nature tend to change their minds once they realize the evidence compiled against them. Then again, he isn’t a rational person so…who knows? He may feel he’ll be appointed governor post trial.

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I suspect everything legal will be fair game to introduce by both sides in this trial. It will all be up to a jury.


A plea would be best for both sides. Maybe juries aren’t so crazy in Canada, but I have followed trials in the media and been at many where it seemed the verdict was independent of facts. And it just takes one juror for a mistrial.
If LK has legal advice, it’d be wise to advise her to stop making stAtements. I’m surprised they haven’t. Not just for the criminal case but the civil ones.


Something tells me this attorney will not encourage him to take a plea if he feels the evidence will fall in his favor with a jury. IDK. As someone said, OJ and so many other high profile cases have gone for the defendant.


Juries do crazy things in Canada as well:

That being said, MB’s attorney might consider a “win” being the least amount of jail time possible for his client. MB shot someone in the chest twice, no matter how terrible anyone may have been acting the law says he doesn’t have the right to settle disputes by shooting someone. He needs to sit in jail for quite awhile.


Cameras at the house. Yes. From what I hear, (people who have visited him in jail) - MB has changed his story about the shooting a million times. To some, he’s said he doesn’t remember. To others, he “blacked out.” And to others still, “he was confused.” Balinkas, I’m sure, will try to provide the best defense strategy possible. It’s EXTREMELY difficult to say this, extremely … but, taking myself out of the equation, just for a second- I do believe an accused person of a crime is entitled to his 6th amendment right to effective counsel & due process. Being the victim, it’s a whole different ball game. I know he is guilty. Of every single charge as stated. I knew he was guilty days before… as they planned it. I just truly didn’t think he’d really try to actually murder us. To me, the very thought of taking human life elicits nausea. Unthinkable. Until it happens… And then, you begin to see things in people you never noticed before, which lead you to believe they are, perhaps, a person capable of murder, also. It’s not a curse I’d wish I’d wish on my worst enemy.


In some states, like Florida, there’s a “stand your ground” defense. Just speculating, but Barisone could say he went to the house, thought his life was in danger from LK, RG, this dog, and say he fired in self defense. Add in character assassination of LK and you might get a juror to refuse to convict.


I come back to this thread very infrequently to see if there has been any progress in the court case, but it continues to remind me of the Jerry Springer show and its ilk.
Just an unpleasant, nauseating view of how unpleasant people behave in difficult circumstances.

Thankfully the worst of them are new to this forum.

I’m sure if there are actual developments in the case it will be reported in the media. I know that some people are entertained by this sort of reality TV show-like garbage, but I’ve never understood why.


stand your ground doesn’t give you the right to shoot other people who live on the property.

That would be a different kind of self defense argument, syg will not apply here.

eta NJ is not a stand your ground state.


So, if there were cameras at the house, where are those recordings? I’m assuming with the PD? Were they your cameras or ones MB had installed earlier? Simply curious.

I am amazed MB is saying anything to any visitors unless he’s in a different kind of jail than I am aware of. Usually, prisoners are not allowed to discuss their case with anyone except their attorney under any circumstances.


Screen shot re: MBs statements from jail.


And the SUV belonged to… whom?
The story of the troubling vehicle was what?