That's a twist

Perhaps. All WE currently know is LK’s version of events and that apparently the gun belonged to RC. We know MB was attacked at some point by a dog…and other than that, we have nothing else other than what LK has said, carefully omitting some information because she can’t disclose it.

I am not attempting to open a debate, like the other thread when self-defense was mentioned as a theory, how did the gun go off (during a struggle) etc. I’m only pointing out the absolute fact is LK was shot twice and MB was bitten by a dog and was found on the ground with RG holding him down. There were various reports of RG having a broken or badly injured wrist as well as reports of surgery on the wrist, and in the “bail hearing” he had a loosely wrapped wrist. Almost immediately after LK was discharged, a photo of RG was posted with no visible injury to his wrist at all. AGAIN, I am not attempting to start something, other than to point out, there is a whole other side of this story we know NOTHING about.


I would agree no chance for acquittal … but then you look at George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. Or OJ Simpson . Juries can be surprising. And I don’t think either MB or LL are going to be sympathetic: rich, spoiled people fighting over horses? If anything, the idea of a landlord with a deadbeat tenant may be more understandable to an average juror.


I believe in the response you quoted, I was responding to a specific REQUEST by you for my opinion!

If you don’t want my opinion, please don’t ask for it!
If you ask for my opinion, please don’t bash me for providing it!


YD: “I see it as victim blaming to the extent people believe the shooter and disbelieve the victim…”

Well, there’s something I missed. Can you please direct me to MB’s statements?


Ah yes, my apologies…when I posted: “Okay, YankeeDuchess, time for your response. It really would help your arguments to read the other large thread for background on both parties since you’ve recently drifted on to this campaign to defend LK.” I assumed you would understand I was being sarcastic.


Is there anything to suggest that Lauren was a “deadbeat tenant”?

Landlord tenant dispute definitely is not limited to tenant being in arrears.

Has anyone suggested that Lauren owed Michael rent?


Lauren has said that she did not owe rent or board, and that MB owed her $50,000.

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Really? A dark SUV in the driveway comes to mind… evidence?


You can bet the defense is going to characterize her as that, or at least as someone refusing to vacate the property.
It would surprise me if there documents for a lease or for any remodeling work credit. It would be another-he said she said issue.


No, the lesser charge would be 2nd degree attempted - if they think they can’t prove premeditation. 1st degree means premeditation. Of course, you are right, any lesser charge such as attempted manslaughter could be requested, by the defense.
Im just as interested in what his pleading & defense will be as the next person. He knows what he did. He knows what they all did. I’m just wondering how he feels is could or should possibly get away with it.


I bet he won’t. I mean, if we’re taking bets.

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I believe a lot of new information is going to come out in the trial from both sides obviously. There’s been very little about RG’s part in this situation (the bartered repairs to the house, etc) so that will be new along with all of MB and MH’s testimony and any others who were clients/visitors who witnessed any issues.


Yep! Evidence!! As I said, if I’m in fear, I will call the cops & when they come - I will have evidence to show them. That’s a perfect example of the exact thing I said I’d do- bc I did do just that.

Just a question then. Do you think RGs doctors & surgeons are lying about his injuries? I’m afraid they’d have quite a lot to answer for if they’ve produced “fake,” bills for surgeries and PT. Are they lying?

 His 911 calls.
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I did not say that. I said no injuries appeared in the photo taken, apparently by you, when you were released from the hospital. That’s all. Nothing more or less.


If it goes to trial, you are going to be described as many things, a troublesome tenant as the least. Your past history as far as accusations of harassment will be used. Your own statements about having a gun, your excessively emotional SM statements, your surveillance efforts. The defense is going to paint you as the aggressor to distract the jury.


Undoubtedly they well. And yet from a legal standpoint, none of those things is justification for MB to shoot her point blank, so likely won’t make a huge difference when it comes to a verdict. A smart lawyer won’t even want to take the chance. MB is going to do some jail time for this, no matter what. Pleading out for a reduced charge is the safest outcome.


You are not missing “a whole other side.” You are missing the whole story- period. The only info I have shared are the events of the day of the shooting - to the best I can remember them. Of course there are critical parts I can’t disclose or comment upon.
Just because MB spent the night in the hospital, for his arm, doesn’t mean he’s not gonna wear his arm sling any time the cameras are rolling- even it were 2 yrs later. RG doesn’t need to embellish his injuries by wearing a cast he was told not wear post surgery.

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@FatDinah Being a troublesome tenant is different that being a deadbeat tenant, which is the language I asked you about.

My question was whether someone was contending that Lauren owed Michael back rent, not whether or not he found her “troublesome”.