That's a twist

If he has partners in the LLC, that would explain why he would be sued and why it would be his other business entity. Their aim as far as Barisone could be to obtain his share of the property/LLC as a settlement. And to shield the LLC from lawsuits.


Ughh. Leave YD alone about the “term.” Shes right about the purpose & you know it. He was, in fact, denied bail/release. That is the only “FACT,” which is relevant to your blathering.


MB’s attorney, Edward Bilinkas, is considered one of the very best in his field. The charge currently is first degree attempted murder. All it takes is one juror with reasonable doubt. I have no doubt Mr. Bilinkas will earn his fee for this case, and like most high profile attorneys, he wouldn’t have taken it without a reasonable expectation of a good verdict. Personally, I have no earthly idea what MB’s prison term might end up being and couldn’t begin to speculate. For sure, I suspect Mr. Bilinikas will use everything at his discretion to help his case.

That’s not a threat, harassment, victim shaming, nothing…simple fact. Screw the forum debate about a piece of paper or a signature, 911 calls, bronze medal or anything else that has been debated for days now. As soon as the arraignment is held, Mr. Bilinkas will begin his work. I sure hope the trial is televised!!

Okay, @YankeeDuchess, time for your response. It really would help your arguments to read the other large thread for background on both parties since you’ve recently drifted on to this campaign to defend LK.


We do have her version. she says they were not doing the harassing.
He said (on 911 calls): She is harassing us, we feel threatened.
She said in posts: We were not harassing, we felt threatened.
Turns out 3 days later HE does the shooting (is alleged attempted murderer); SHE is clearly the victim of the shooting.

Until there is evidence from police reports, etc, it is the classic HE said/SHE said. I see it as victim blaming to the extent people believe the shooter and disbelieve the victim, when there is no actual evidence beyond “He said”.

My point about the documents is that it strikes me as really bizarre, and not an appropriate use of police resources to call 911 over someone refusing to sign documents. If he was attempting to intimidate her by calling 911 over documents, it does not seem a stretch to imagine him trying to intimidate her by calling 911 alleging harassment.


There are only two posters on this thread one should accuse of “blathering” and @Angela Freda isn’t one of them.


If horses go to a show, (at this show barn) they are trailered by the barn, documents are brought to organizers by the trainers, ride times, rings & judges are given to us by staff. Barn staff. This way, when several students are showing, a trainer can be assigned to each student in each of their warm ups.

We do our own online entries. (Which can 2 hrs sometimes - especially for multi day, separate shows with numerous horses needing stalls, paddocks & a multitude of classes.) I’ve had to email show managers on MANY occasions bc of mistakes in class entries, amount of total tack stalls vs horse stalls, etc… Every time I apologize. And, every time, they always reply something to the affect of “it’s no problem, this is minor compared to some other competitors requests. We’ll fix it, no worries.” Just as a trainer of a show barn show barn should do, if they make a mistake- or need to fix a mistake made a client. (I.E - student forgetting to get signatures from a horse’s owner who is NOT the rider, when the owner will not be present to sign at the entry desk to receive bridle numbers.)


I am basing my posts mostly on what I have read on this particular thread. I have dipped into several of the previous threads but have not read them in their entirety.

ETA. If, in reading the previous, closed threads, I could assume everything written was factual, or even 90% factual, I would read them. The problem with almost all information sourced from the internet, especially FB, is that a high percentage of the stuff posted is not true. If you swap it around 50 to 100 times, it then becomes accepted as fact, even if it is not true.
A. If I don’t read the previous threads, I have ignorance on issue X discussed there.
B. If I do read through all of the previous threads, I come to this thread with a bunch of unsubstantiated statements that were presented to me as fact, which may not be facts.

  It is by no means clear to me that the ignorance in option A is worse than thinking I “know” X, Y, Z are facts, when some or all of them may not be facts in option B. 
  In fact I think B is worse. It is difficult to understand the overall picture if you are relying on several premises which you take as true, but are not true.  Sort of an application of the computer GIGO idea.  Same reason jurors are rejected if they come to the case with lots of advance knowledge of the case. 

Here are statements that I have seen repeated on this thread as if they are known to be true, which after careful reading of all the information on this thread, I, in my own mind, think are untrue or unsubstantiated.

  1. They were squatters.
  2. MB was in the process of evicting them.
  3. There was an eviction notice posted on their door.
  4. The reason for her call to SS was to allege child abuse.

I don’t treat any of those statements as known facts, but they were swapped around as facts. I’m guessing that some or all of these unsubstantiated assertions originated on the previous threads.

In the trial it is likely that the truth/untruth of these statements will come out.


Uh… yeah. The issue isn’t the score. The scores are there. The apparent issue is the judge. (An issue no one seemed to contest when MB & MH posted it on their walls in June.) No matter the outcome, they will need to explain that… not me. And, for the last time- … nah. There already was “last time,” for what I’ve already said in previous posts.

You have no information. That must bother you. But, you will not be getting any info from me! The info, rather “content, of your posts speaks volumes of your character & seeming obsession to perpetuate misinformation. You &
@tryingtogettthere seem to have a very special interest in all of this. Don’t you have horses to ride? Friends to chat with? Anything? (Rhetorical.)


MIC DROP! (Standing O !!!)

Haha… yeah, bc, the “other thread,” is just FULL of factual information. (Is there a sarcasm text color?) Not full of even worse victim blaming with an even larger range of insanely, fabricated scenarios based on the outright lies told by those who never had a first clue. Time would be better spent reading the National Enquirer.


Glad to read that your stallion is doing better. Healing vibes from the North. I also have a bubble wrap boy, hang in there.

    Agreed. Other LLC partners want to obtain damages from LK, MBD, and RG.

I agree with everything you’ve said except that signing an excellent attorney is evidence that the attorney expects to win. I think that signing an excellent attorney is evidence that the attorney expects to get paid.


To your “aside,” - by your logic, if we were really actually harassing them, yelling threats at their windows at night & anything else they allege, had they pulled out their phones to record this - they would then be “harassing,” US. Correct? Or, had they put up cameras in the barn to surveil activity- also “harassment?” Mystery solved! They must not have wanted to document ANYTHING they’re alleging bc, they felt it would be harassment of us. Riiiight.

FTR- it CAN be considered “harassment,” if someone is following you around with their phone held up- recording your every move. However, if someone is bullying, harassing you, acting in a way which is construed as “menacing,” - you can absolutely record the behavior on your phone. If it happens at your residence & your residentially protected home surveillance cameras catch it, also- not harassment. Evidence. Now that you’re caught up on the law- you’re all set!

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Not necessarily. Reputational value commands the high bucks. A high priced lawyer typically only takes on cases where the odds of winning for his/her client, whatever that may mean, are high.

Let’s be clear here. Jurisprudence is about applying the law. The case meets the law or it doesn’t.


…and each case is judged on its own merit. Now you are all set on on how the law is applied.

If you don’t understand what is meant by that, then you are no lawyer and should not be giving what can be construed as legal advice. Rhetorical. No response necessary.


I wouldn’t bother, it’s the same horse poop that’s on here, but with a couple more crazy haters thrown in that have an old ax to grind with LK, you can’t believe anything they say they are so enraged. It got so bad the moderator had to say I was not LK or any of the people involved, and then banned this one lady that kept attacked me viciously because she was sure I was LK. Much of that was deleted before the forum was closed.
I still am interested in the case, but not going to get in to an argument about subjects like the bronze, bail, or poking the bear(so dumb) or bother with someone asking again for the hundred time, “why didn’t you leave?” It’s all just a form of harassment. People always look for reasons why something bad happened to someone else. The victim must have done something to cause it, there is a need to believe that wouldn’t happen to them because they would be smarter, more careful, or are a better person. Makes them feel safer in this dangerous world.


It’s going to be hard to have any reasonable doubt that MB shot LM. Now whether to find guilty of attempted murder the jury has to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that there was intent or pre-meditation, that might create some wiggle room. I still think a smart lawyer would convince MB to plea to a lesser charge such as attempted manslaughter or assault with a deadly weapon, if such a deal were offered by prosecutors. No lengthy trial and potentially a shorter jail sentence.


I have learned after 50 or so pages, you will argue with anything.


That’s my main issue. There are a lot of posts that state outright or insinuate that the victim MUST have done something to cause herself to be shot. That’s victim blaming.

We don’t know that the victim MUST have gone something to cause herself to be shot. Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t but we don’t have the information that she was wholly or partially responsible for the ugly situation that precipitated the shooting.

You, I, Denali, and ladyj79 have all been accused of being alters.