I did not fully appreciate those details, and had not thought about the fact that people could change posts, and now see that that is an important factor. I appreciate your bringing this to my attention. (Sincere.)
I did, at the time, consider providing the post number to be providing a verbatim quote, and was not trying to be tricky. Given the possibility of editing posts, I now agree with you that the quote feature is the better than post #s or retyping snippets.
Not to mention that anyone can delete a previous post at any time, which will throw all succeeding post numbers right out the window.
Also, did I invent the notation QFP? I started using it on here a few months ago, quite possibly on the original thread on this whole debacle. But maybe it had been used elsewhere before that, and I just never saw it.
You’re welcome. Trust me, most of us are not mean girls.
I did not know the post numbers reconfigured. I thought they simply skipped the deleted post number. Good to know.
They definitely used to reconfigure. I don’t know if I’ve tested it since the most recent BB upgrade.
Probably…I recall seeing “QFReference” many times before but I like your QFP better! Thank you!
You’re welcome. I think I might have invented it, because somebody finally asked me what it meant. Apparently some people thought it meant: Quit F——— Posting! Which definitely was not my intention! :lol:
I just deleted my earlier post about this as a test, and the post numbers did reconfigure.
Post numbers shifted in the very recent “should I pay for a lesson I cancel at the last minute” thread when OP packed up her toys, deleted a few posts, and went home. I wouldn’t have noticed, except someone used post # instead of quote, and it made no sense after the deletion.
I wonder, based on LK’s statements that other charges may be forthcoming if others will be charged with conspiracy based on the “inadmissible” recordings? Unless names are spoken, how does one 100% identify the speakers?
Yes QFP has been along quite a long while.
Good to know. So no trace remains to the normal user. Interesting. Thank you.
Any past “bad behaviour” doesn’t seem relevant to LK being shot any more than someone’s past sexual history is relevant to being raped.
Hahaha. In this case I think I quoted @MHM moments before the deletion, so there is a trace.
But if not quoted, no.
It’s always entertaining when that happens. Another reason to quote a crazy original post for posterity before it evaporates.
Me too. However in OJ’s case nobody saw him commit the crime, which makes reasonable doubt easier. Here the shooting victims are alive and there is no doubt that MB shot them. I believe the difficult part will be proving intent / pre-meditation beyond a reasonable doubt.
I certainly don’t have the information to argue one way or another, but I would think (hypothetically speaking) any verified past provocation by either party would be fair to admit in a trial to show state of mind of either or all parties. Similar to abused women who take matters into their own hands and do harm to their abuser and end up being found not guilty. Again, perhaps I’ve watched too much Law & Order and real crime drama shows for my own good. This situation seems different than wearing provocative clothing, being raped and having John Q public say the woman asked for it because of her attire.
YIKES. I honestly, genuinely did not understand that. No more post #s for me, if neither the contents nor the number is fixed.
I genuinely was not trying to be tricky.
All good. We all have to learn the ins and outs of any SM platform.
Just FYI. There is a brief period when a post here can be edited without a trace for about 10-20 minutes after it goes up. If it is edited after that, you will see the notation at the bottom to indicate it was edited, and at what time. When you edit it, you have the option to include a reason, such as typo, etc.