That's a twist

Just “flag” the post. It’s in the small menu where you can “quote” or “like” and then a box will come up where you can type in your reasoning for flagging.

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Ahhh, ok, thanks!

If you’re ever the victim of a high profile attempted murder case- (which I hope you never are) - people just dying for attention would offer up negative stories about you, too.

plus, when you start importing horses to bring up the levels, and you’re successful at it- people just view you as “entitled,” and success doesn’t make you any friends. It does the opposite. I could care less that GeE claims boarders “talk about me.” Lots if other boarders talk about them, too- no doubt.
Difference being, I was and am still too busy riding & improving my skills & knowledge to GAF. MB has plenty of negative stories going around about him… he just would never believe this. Typical narcissistic behavior. I believe depraved boarders might “talk about me.” Anytime someone has things others don’t- they always run the risk of being talked about. That’s life.


Wow, they are incredibly, incredibly stupid, and poor plotters if such a crime.
Hearing someone plan to harm me, would sure make me pack faster. YMMV


So NJ is a one-party consent state when it comes to recording conversations. That means one person in the conversation has to be aware it’s being recorded. This goes out the window in “public” spaces where there’s no expectation of privacy. It’s likely the barn would not be considered a “public” space, or at least that’s what I would expect the defense to argue. It may or may not be admissible evidence in the trial, but I expect the defense to put up a good fight and would not be surprised if it’s not allowed as evidence. The flip side is that the state may argue that the barn was a public space, or that all the parties knew there were recordings, but that seems to be a bit dicier of an argument to my non legal mind (and whether or not people admit they knew there was a recording happening, they may not have known that at the beginning, which renders it a moot argument for everything that comes before they found out).

Under more normal circumstances, people can be prosecuted for setting up this kind of recording on their own.


Maybe that was the first goal, to scare them off, when it didn’t work got mad enough to attempt to carry it out, with plans to get rid of the bodies and any recordings. LK had posted she feared for her life before the attempted murder, so if she and fiancé disappeared police would be looking hard at MB. So agree incredibly stupid as well as evil.
All pure speculation on my part!


All this talk of recording devices… installed by a “boarder”… one wonders what BO or BM allows that.

Was this a MareStare type of set up MB allowed before realising the potential for it to be used in a way that might end up verging on harassment, stalking or whatever term one might use?


Adding to the paranoia: Could the perpetuation of this thread (or rope), with the constant addition of more details, be a deliberate effort to keep horse people off the jury? (If there is a trial, which I doubt.)


So NJ is a one-party consent state when it comes to recording conversations. That means one person in the conversation has to be aware it’s being recorded.

Isn’t a conversation one where the person recording is a participant? This sounds like eavesdropping.


Yes. Thank you for this. Someone a few pages back suggested the jury’s job is to decide whether LK or MB is the “victim” in this case. Seriously? A woman got SHOT. Whether you like her or not, whether she is BSC or not, SHE IS THE VICTIM HERE.


La-La, I get the page is not available for all the links. Maybe a privacy setting? Can you save the photos somewhere public and upload them here that way?

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This thread is reminding me more and more of the Monty Python witch trial. :rolleyes:


So spreading rumours?? This is what the thread has become, random houseguests claiming they heard from so and so this and that about LK.

For the love of god, many of you need to get a freaking life already. Arguing over semantics for pages and pages because you hate LK over some GD hearsay? SMDH


But but but! Michael Barisone is a MAN!!! WHO RIDES!!!




You would be surprised how many murder or attempted murder victims hear their killer/attmepted killer plan their murder, and record it. There is a case of a woman who records her husband thinking he was cheating, then she listens back and hears him planning her murder with his affair partner. The victim, then continues to stay in the house, and live with the man, eventually being murdered.

There is a similar case with a man who overhears his wife and her affair partner.

Just because you cant believe it, doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.

No one thinks someone is actually going to murder them. In fact, most LE would tell you that the threshold of people who will actually murder or try to murder someone is extremely small.

Maybe we should all be a bit less “I wouldn’t have done that”, judgey bitches in 2020.



QFP. Sorry, no you aren’t as anonymous as you think. You aren’t helping MBs case, FYI. His friends and friends of friends think they are making LK look bad but they are making MB look like he was surrounded by unstable [edit].


She doesn’t have to prove anything. [edit]


I am not sure why you are swearing at me. Wow.

La-la posted photos wanting people to see them. I am simply telling her they can not be seen. No reason to swear at me. I was not asking her to prove anything.

If she does not want to post them a different way I am fine with that. Most people like to know when a link that works for them does not work for others.

Jealoushe, I have posted this MANY times already but I will post it again for you. Shooting someone is wrong. MB should not have shot LK.



I’ve never met MB. And “not as anonymous as you think” means what exactly? I asked who she thinks I am because she’s throwing out things about me being kicked out of farms I leased etc. I’ve never owned or leased a farm in my life, so I genuinely don’t know what she’s talking about. That doesn’t have to do with me being anonymous, it’s me questioning why she thinks she knows who I am. Again, don’t own a farm, not part of a “high drama” barn or any other kind of barn.