That's a twist

With all due respect, I provided references to two of your posts by providing the post #s so others could go back to your exact words, if you have not edited the posts or deleted them.

I now understand that It is far better to use the quote feature. I appreciate learning this point and will use the quote feature in the future.

I fail to understand how I can “paraphrase” your posts “changing the meaning of what [you] said” by providing post #s.

Please explain how paraphrasing your words is physically possible if I reference your words by providing the post number.

Have you deleted the posts?


Are you saying I’m a murderer? I didn’t threaten your horse. I didn’t threaten you. You’re “very afraid” of what? I’ve said multiple times you didn’t deserve to be shot and that MB was wrong to have shot you. I have not been threatening. You are being extremely dramatic.



I went nowhere. Again, I’ve been there for 5 years. With numerous horses. I think I would know my relationship with the barn, better than you. Before I left for Florida, I had 3 horses there. They saw me all the time… that’s just dumb. She’s always welcomed any horse I ever wanted to bring. I’m not sure if you live in a fantasy world, have no clue what you’re talking about, or just enjoy telling lies. It’s not a full service barn… and it’s not a show barn. Perhaps, you should call her? Or, ANY current boarder there now. Get the REAL story before you post fiction as “fact.”
The only times (prior to MB) horses of mine have left that property were to go the clinic. My mare was at the clinic for 2 months due to a life threatening cellulitis flare up- which the SAA test scored her 2800. Guess what? She went right back to FR after that & joined her 2 “siblings,” again… That was 15 months before the shooting. Since then, all my horses except for 1 have been sent to trainers who can ride them while I recover. This service does not exist at FR. Rest assured, when I’m able to ride all my horses myself again- they’ll be exactly where they have always been. Are we taking bets here? (PLEASE ??)

FTR- they “haven’t seen me,” bc I’ve been in NJ training for 15 months- until the shooting. As we know, I stayed in NJ for some time after that. - Then, Aiken - Then Georgia- then Raleigh. My “daddy,” has a great relationship with the owners. As do I. Where do you think I’m bringing at least SOME of my horses after Fla this season?? Yep! You guessed it!

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So you heard from none of the principles, correct? And you arent yourself the barn owner. You mention that you heard this from other boarders, rather than the owner telling you.

You see how that really isn’t necessarily a truth as you initially presented it, right?


from boarders, so definitely not the barn owner or lauren or apparently her father, whom you claim is a principle in this situation.


I do see that and I apologize for misrepresenting my information. I heard this from a boarder who wasn’t even talking to me. You are correct that that doesn’t make it factual, and I again apologize for misrepresenting it as factual.


This is not aimed at you, you just happen to be the most recent person repeating rumor as fact. You have the admirable quality however of admitting that, and apologizing.

These threads are a whole lot of nothing but largely badly sourced second third or tenth hand gossip, but there’s a real actual victim here, and a stranger to you outside of again, gossip, whom the rabble here are using to vent their frustrations against, and it’s really really awful.

A big guy went and borrowed a gun and shot her.

All of this prattle really seems to gleefully gloss over that to continue to try to paint her as a monster, and try to prod her and quote her hoping for a gotcha! moment.

It’s gross.

Do better.


This post gave me the chills.

“Either side could be used to persuade a jury to have trouble deciding who is the victim.”

  We know who the victim is. It’s the one who was shot twice in the chest and nearly died. 

   I find it hard to interpret the dichotomy presented, one half of which clearly presents MB as the victim: “did LK bully MB and he snapped”, as anything other than saying that, pending further details, MB conceivably is the victim and LK the one responsible for causing the shooting.

   Yes, the stand disclaimer is there, and the notion that MB is the victim is hypothetical, which softens the message. 

    But even with that softening of the message, even with the paucity of actual facts available, I find the view expressed, that it is not yet clear who the victim is, scary.

Oooohhh… “people at the barn used to talk about me!” They must have been as bored as you are now. Guess we’ve identified your “genie.” Alleged “people at the barn?” Cool story. That farm has been in her family for like 50 years or something. (If she wants someone gone- they’re gone.) I know this, bc, when we attend Thanksgiving dinner at her house, she shows me pictures of the land in frames over the years. When we attend holiday dinners, dinner is served, while my “daddy,” threatens them! Then we have dessert! (Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound?) RG and I are the only boarders who attend most times… Just the owners, the stable guys & their families and us.

This really doesn’t take a whole lot of investigation. There are pics & posts on FB & IG (@laurenkana) through the many years we’ve been there. Threatened people don’t normally look so happy in pictures with those who have “threatened,” them. You are truly certifiable.

2 Likes…type=3&sfns=mo…type=3&sfns=mo…type=3&sfns=mo…type=3&sfns=mo

@GiveEmEl - weird! All these horses at FR & even a shot of me with one of the owners at a holiday dinner! The links are dated. This is what is called “indisputable evidence,” proving you are a liar. You were never getting away with that. But good on ya for trying!


You all dizzy from talking in circles yet?

One thing:

I don’t get why a honest and amicable person would have so much “bad” said and spread about them. Can anyone enlighten me? Why would someone make up the “fact” that LK won’t leave a boarding stable? Like, what is there to be gained from that? Why would someone say these things if LK has a good (and obviously good, by LK’s account - pics on SM and all that) relationship with the stable owner? It’s just…weird.

Why are there so many negative things about LK floating around that she has to dispell? I just find it odd that there are so many negative things floating around without an ounce of truth in any of them? It’s not normal IME. Although, I may not know what normal is!

My views have changed and shifted throughout the course of this discussion, since that can be a side effect of a discussion, so I am looking at this a bit differently now I guess.


Those links all come up as a link to a post/photo by Dressage Hub about a horse spooking or something. I think the links are incorrect.

Side note: I only recently learned about DH, and it’s a weird, weird, place.



Who on earth do you think I am? I got my information from boarders at FR. I don’t ride with anyone. I don’t have a farm. I’m physically capable of riding a trail at a walk. [/QUOTE

I get it now, believe and post as truth gossip and everything a couple of grudge holding people say without any reserve. Don’t believe, question and provoke the person that was there, doubt the police and the charges until proven in court(which actually is ok, innocent before proven guilty and all that). Bty, horrible to post the name of that barn. Please delete, or ask forum to delete all references to named barn.


All true. Except, I “physically left to go elsewhere,” so my horses could be in a training program. (Or, NC State or the clinic nearby.) Had I never done that- all my horses would still be exactly where they were since 2015. I had zero fear of being shot or attacked. At ANY point. I’ve always been welcome to bring any of my other horses back - at any time. Still, with zero fear the owners would shoot me.

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I just tapped them & they went directly to the photos of fb which I linked. Each one. There are 3 pictures of me with various horses of mine at the barn GEE suggested I was kicked out if. One pic is of me and the barn owner (her husband) at 2017 ThNksgiving.

You’re saying my links go to DH for you? I’ll need to report that. Thanks!

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I am not logged into FB, so maybe that’s it? Not sure.

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i agree. How do I report this to moderator STAT. When I asked
@GiveEmEl to “name a barn I was “kicked out of,” I didn’t expect an answer, bc, there has never been one. It was rhetorical, mostly.
I now realize she just wanted to make I sure I knew people at my barn were “talking about me.” Nothing more. Naming a barn agree I have horses right now is dangerous & the posts she wrote really must be deleted. I have them screenshot now, anyway. Could you direct me how to report this? Tia! :slight_smile: