That's a twist

Originally posted by AnotherRound View Post
Eh. Here’s another postulation. MB goes to LK’s place to confront her about the CS visit which has him upset, brings along the gun because there is that dog which bites people, walks up to her, angry, LK grins and reaches behind her to pull out her phone to do her usual patronizing recording of MB angry, MB thinks SHE’s pulling a gun, and uses his "first’ when of course she wasn’t armed. Not like that has never happened before.

Or, the dog lunges, he starts to pull his gun on the dog, the dog leaps and pushes him over and the shots go high, into LK, the last one going wild missing the boyfriend because by then the dog has him on the ground. I could believe that more easily than believe that he had planned to murder her. Nobody would plan to murder someone that way, its entirely unblievable, and no, I don’t belive that the recordings made over previous weeks were of a murder plot. So that’s (one of) my opinion(s). [QUOTE]


I believe you’ve heard of [edit]?
You don’t get to deny truths because you don’t like them.


huh? this is super vague.

What specific demonstrable truths are being denied?


Never said they were “inadmissible.” Said I didn’t know. Names are spoken. Clearly. And, to someone else’s position, (forget who posted this) - The recordings only take place over the span of about 4-6 days. Definitely not more. Even 6 days maybe too high an estimate. It is admitted in more than one of them “she’s recording us. She’s recording us, so go out to the dumpster when you want to discuss this. No more discussions of plans in here.”
Leaving it all right there. Now that crazy people have joined this thread, throwing around INSANE theories & perpetuating blatant lies, I’m stepping away for the moment. When & IF this thread enters the (at least partial) reality zone again, maybe I’ll be back.


She knows exactly what I mean.

She was asked to leave [edit]. She refused. It’s a long story.


3, 2020, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by GiveEmEl View Post
I believe you’ve heard of [edit]?
You don’t get to deny truths because you don’t like them. [QUOTE]

I have heard of this barn! Been there for 5 years now! One of my horses is currently there. I’m certain when I show the owner this, and tell her exactly who is bringing her barn into this… she won’t appreciate it. If she wanted me gone- I wouldn’t be there. Those who disrespect the farm are made to leave- there’s no ifs ands or buts about it. She has never been anything but supportive of me & my horses.

So… what barn was I “kicked out of?” (This should be good, seeing as tho I’ve never boarded anywhere else aside from at a training barn nearby, where my first import was sent for training.) Had he not been injured badly there, causing me to send him to NC State - followed by rehab, he’d still be there. Once he WAS rehabbed, the trainer took him & me to fla to do a one month clinic w MB together. Again, we would’ve left with her at the end, but MB made us an offer we didn’t refuse, to relocate to NJ & have him train this horse (and the 2nd horse I imported while in fla) - full time. Had I opted not to go with MB, I would’ve brought both new horses to the same exact training barn the first import originally began his career, before his injury.
So… again, which barn was I “kicked out of?” Yeah. If you’re going to lie- bet your rear end I’m gonna call you out & hold you accountable for answering for yourself.



did they shoot her?

I mean, she clearly left at some point, right? like is she there now???




Your brain is full of clouds… And lies. Don’t use pain medication to pretend you forgot all about what you’ve posted here, later. Seems that’s where you were headed with that “ETA.”
Im showing this to the owners of FR tmrw. You know, when I visit my horse there. I have no doubt, she ll know exactly the “high drama,” barn, (who I refused to board at) is so desperately trying to cause drama for her. It won’t be surprising… just sad. I hear that barn has now been kicked out of the 4th place they’ve leased. Possibly 5th. It’s hearsay right now. Tomorrow, with one phone call, I will verify this information. Though, I highly doubt I was given false information from people IRL whom I trust- which can easily be verified. Next?

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3, 2020, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by GiveEmEl View Post
I believe you’ve heard of [edit]?
You don’t get to deny truths because you don’t like them.

I have heard of this barn! Been there for 5 years now! One of my horses is currently there. I’m certain when I show the owner this, and tell her exactly who is bringing her barn into this… she won’t appreciate it. If she wanted me gone- I wouldn’t be there. Those who disrespect the farm are made to leave- there’s no ifs ands or buts about it. She has never been anything but supportive of me & my horses.

So… what barn was I “kicked out of?” (This should be good, seeing as tho I’ve never boarded anywhere else aside from at a training barn nearby, where my first import was sent for training.) Had he not been injured badly there, causing me to send him to NC State - followed by rehab, he’d still be there. Once he WAS rehabbed, the trainer took him & me to fla to do a one month clinic w MB together. Again, we would’ve left with her at the end, but MB made us an offer we didn’t refuse, to relocate to NJ & have him train this horse (and the 2nd horse I imported while in fla) - full time. Had I opted not to go with MB, I would’ve brought both new horses to the same exact training barn the first import originally began his career, before his injury.
So… again, which barn was I “kicked out of?” Yeah. If you’re going to lie- bet your rear end I’m gonna call you out & hold you accountable for answering for yourself.

Lord you live in a fantasy. You have a horse there, yes. Because you refused to leave. You called your daddy to have him threaten the farm owner. You’re welcome to tell her all about this. I hope she reminds you you’re not welcome to bring any of your other horses. She keeps your one horse, again because you refused to leave, only because you pay board on time and they never see you. And “who exactly is bringing her barn into this” …you have no idea who I am. I don’t know where you went when you left [edit], I don’t care.


Uh, what? I edited it to add that in case my train of thought didn’t make sense. I’ve never deleted a post and don’t plan to. I don’t ride anymore due to an injury so please tell me what “high drama” farm I’m associated with.

How do you plan to verify? Going to have the farm owner post here? Screenshot some message you can say she sent? You and I both know she’s not on this forum.
ETA: who do you think I got this info from, a genie? People on the farm used to talk about you. Farm owner is aware she could lose clients if you bring your drama back.


What? The heck does that mean? No they didn’t shoot her. She physically left to go elsewhere but she left a horse.




Nah, I’ve been there for 5 years. This is just disinformation to stir the pot.
They own many guns. (Critters & home protection.) Over the years we’ve had minuscule disagreements- (paddocks, shavings types, etc…) - all discussed like adults & solutions found immediately. That’s the Difference between sound minded adults resolving things & narcissistic (would be) murderers plotting to take human lives.

Im glad actually. This is a perfect example of how things are supposed to be done vs. murder. I’m also very afraid now. The safety of my horse who is there has now been put in danger. Although, this barn owner is extremely competent & not someone who would ever tolerate her business & farm being named (for ANY reason) on a BB. I’ve screenshot those posts to show her tomorrow morning. She ll know exactly who is telling these lies… won’t even question it for a second.


You get that these sound like wacky half truths at best, right? Maybe half truths, but definitely all wacky.


Who on earth do you think I am? I got my information from boarders at FR. I don’t ride with anyone. I don’t have a farm. I’m physically capable of riding a trail at a walk.


I can’t provide proof because I don’t record verbal conversations with people.


What barn was I kicked out of? I don’t own a farm. I’ve never owned a farm or leased a farm. I used to board my two ponies at a farm when I was younger. Sold the ponies, haven’t been part of an actual barn since. Was at FR riding a neighbor’s horse.