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The Big C! RIP Kim, see pg. 218

It is better to follow instructions.

After being put under, no matter how lightly, some times we don’t know anything for several hours later, even if we act like we do and could make important mistakes that driving could cause a wreck.

My first time, guess they gave me too much of that stuff and they tell me I was awake right off and fine, we went to eat, then I picked up my mail at the post office and they drove me home.

That evening I looked at the table and there was the mail?
How did it get there?
I didn’t remember any of that, leaving the clinic, going to eat and getting my mail or what I did all afternoon.
Did I fed my horses properly and cleaned after them?
I checked and yes, they were fed and cleaned after, but I sure didn’t remember any of that at all.
No telling what would have happened if I was driving and had to make a quick decision when I was just not really there?

Next time I told them about that and they gave me less stuff and I was awake right afterwards and fine, no amnesia the rest of the day, like the first time.

One reason for someone there all the time is that some times, they have to do other that requires someone making decisions.
The third time, I had previous abdominal surgery for a mass that ended up not being cancer.
That surgery scrambled my innards so the gastroenterologist “could not get up in there”.
They woke me up, my friend had to drive me to the hospital where they finished the colonoscopy the old way, with a barium enema and contrast x-rays.
That is not as good, but second best to find anything there that should not be.

They have reasons for what they do, they have seen it all, so provide for any that may come up.
Better follow directions.

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Driving to the Dentist the day after I had 23 teeth pulled was a realllly bad idea.
Son took me to the surgeon and went to a friends house 1/2 mile away.
Procedure was supposed to take 2 hours.
When they called him 45 minutes later he asked them if I was in an ambulance !!
Nope, they only had to pull 2 teeth and the rest just rolled right out.

I was washed out but coherant for about 3 hours. Except I was forgetting that I had asked him that question or told him the same something 15 minutes earlier.
But the next 36 hours got scary bad coming down from the drugs.

Had to be a FAMILY member, my surgeon refused to allow his proliferol patients to get in a cab with a stranger.

My not wonderful GI guy got heavy handed and left me with bleeding internal abrasions.
But now with medicare coverage starting I can go to the hospital across the street for my next one and walk home.
Can`t do that when your insurance covered GI group is 45 minutes away.

Sending some Saturday Jingles ~ hoping you feel better soon
YES please call first thing Monday to report your discomfort …

Jingles & ((hugs)) laced with strength and comfort for Sannois today ~ AO ~


Hope you’re feeling better soon…it’s a great time to call in a few Mental Health Days!

Take a few days off and get some bird houses hung outside!

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Hugs and jingles. I hope you find out more information quickly and that you feel better. Glad you’re calling the Dr monday.

By the way, I turn 50 this year and had pretty much decided to blow off the colonoscopy, but I’m going to have it done.

God knows I could use a good cleansing anyway. :wink:


Good going Rubygirl. in truth if I had gone when I was 50 I might not be doing this thread.
And as for a good cleansing, it is that, and I actually felt great the morning of the test. :slight_smile:

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Losing 8 lbs is a good incentive, how nice is that.

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LMAO!!! I think it is probably back, although I am not eating much so who knows.

What are your symptoms?

my Dad had 2 bouts of colon cancer, surgery for both and has lived another 30 years!


I am afraid it will be TMI. Suffice it to say, Doc said it is partially blocking.
You can PM me!

Happy everything day. Not doing anything special today, Feel a bit better, so finally going to do some vacuuming. LOL
Another reason why I hardly vacuum, the 2 old cats, Especially Handsome. He is so afraid of it. even after 16 years.
You can not even pick it up not running without him retreating under something. I always feel bad for him.
If I have not said it lately you guys are awesome, Maybe the jingles helped make me feel a bit better, They sure lift my spirits. :yes:


{{{HUGS}}} undoubtedly THE scariest DX ever for anyone!

BTDT X2 for Breast CA - 18yrs apart - but going on Year 2 post surgery & feeling great.
Another old friend has a rare thyroid CA & has to travel 3H every few months for therapy. Good News is my place is on the route to treatments, so he & wife stop by to visit.
Another (male) friend is also a 2X Survivor - testicle & 30+yrs later, a node on his throat.
He told me Cancer is afraid of us & comes to us to hide. :mad:


Thinking of you this morning and sending more jingles. Give the cats a cuddle. Cats are good medicine :slight_smile:

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Awesome 2dogs!! So many success stories I hear, Gives me hope! :slight_smile:

A little observation here. I emailed a few friends that I have known for years, We are in contact, though not frequent, long distance from each other.
Funny I got no reply. I think some folks just cannot deal with the C word, even if it is not their own.
The odd thing is, they both sent me birthday letters. LOL
Oh well. I reached out. :confused:

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The bad news …

‘Hold on Harriette’ :winkgrin:… a gentle heads up * people get :eek: get strange about most of life’s serious struggles. It’s a sharp learning curve to adjust to their often times rude/ insensitive comments or lack of communication … it hurts .
While most often it is that they just are stymied and scared … sometimes they just can’t respond and again it hurts …,

I’m glad you reached out as one’s support system is essential but just be forewarned.

Now for the GOOD news …

Cothers will communicate and hold you up
We will post to your thread … email if you would prefer…call if you’d like …

We have your back … don’t forget that and whenever your world seems unfriendly

please know

YOU’VE GOT A FRIEND /FRIENDS … here …:smiley:

ALWAYS … promise Sannois ~

Get rest ~


Most people don’t know how to act or react to someone having cancer. The majority of people go skipping through life never thinking of their own mortality so when suddenly faced with a friend or loved one having cancer…they choke. They’re not sure what they can say without coming across as being flippant or uncaring and some are afraid of sounding like a broken record of everything you’ve already heard.

You might still get some replies after they’ve had some time to think about what they will or want to say.


Everyone needs a Zu Zu in their life! :yes:


This. A thousand times this.