The Big NYC Carriage Thread/UPDATES posts #41-51 NEW/EQUUS/Fran Jurga #67

Just saw the hannity spot! Go get em! They make this whole situation look so clear!

Our old friend and supporter Liam Neeson has entered the fray again on our behalf!

Also, Sean Hannity will be doing a segment on us at 10:50pm EST tonight![/QUOTE]

I’ll have to check and see if it’s on Sean Hannity’s website!

Have been sharing these out…important fight

Here is a link to the Hannity segment:

Here is a link to the Hannity segment:[/QUOTE]

I posted the URL as a separate thread to highlight it.

If people see the link and click on it, it might rise to the attention of the marketing dept at Fox News and they might consider this subject intersting enough to continue to follow.

So hopefully people are clicking away and sending the link to friends to click s’more.

Remember exponential growth…if 2 people send to 2 people who send to 2 more who send to 2 more…you quickly get a lot of views.

Here is a link to the Hannity segment:[/QUOTE]

I have never before watched Fox news, because they are hard to get in our area.
I have to say that those people talking there at the end were very sharp, for not knowing what the issues behind animal rights extremists are.
They were very nonsense and common sense driven.
I was surprised, really, that they could see behind the hype to the real issues here.
Good for them!

Don’t know if that will really help that much the carriage side.
Too many people just don’t think past what they are fed to think.
We know who here has the riches for the PR to tell people how to think.:frowning:

It is a bright spot in a very difficult situation for NYC carriage people.
For those of us that have animals, they are our canary in the mine.

Everyone that spoke there did extremely well, thank you.:slight_smile:

Some more updates!!

The New York State Horse Council urges national support of the NYC carriage horses, and Fran Jurga picks it up here:

Terrific segment Sunday morning on WABC with Diana Williams, an in-studio interview with our association President:

Chicago weighs in on WCBS:

NY Post editorial this morning:

It’s really great that the media is finally catching on and reporting the situation with the NYC carriage industry. I just wish they had been paying attention sooner!

The fact that only 2 council members have visited the stables, and that De Blasio has never visited, is enough to make their position on banning the carriage horses ridiculous. They haven’t even bothered to create the appearance of impartiality.

This may wind up to be the best thing to happen to the carriage industry. It’s finally out in the open and lots of people who knew nothing or were indifferent at best are suddenly starting to think about this. All the flaws in the ban approach are out in the daylight and are being picked apart by all segments of the media. I think you suddenly have far greater support than you ever could have forseen.

Oh, and the Teamsters membership is the cherry on the top of the cake!

Anybody else feel Fran Jurga would ban the horses if she could. Keeps slipping in things like

“Central Park has long echoed with protests from horse advocates who would like to see the horses move on to safer territory, but since the recent election of Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, the carriage horses that stroll around Central Park have become a stop-him-now symbol for conservative foes who know an emotional fight over animals is a great way to involve the masses.”

“While most horsepeople would likely agree that the horses are in a dangerous job and might be safer off the streets”

“What began as a tempest in a Manhattan teacup has escalated into a national news story with many implications”

Never was a tempest in a teacup but a national movement… horse’s job is not inherently dangerous and it isn’t onl conservative foes trying to do DeBlasio down who are against the horse ban.

Glad for the press. Just pretty sure she’s not for the NYC horses.

Malone in the ABC video was great! Hope the spotlight continues to shine.

We went on a ride this weekend and fed dozens of carrots to fat horses who know how to ham it up.

I can’t even explain how much of a personal connection I feel to this situation. I don’t know if it is my love for the working horse, my Irish genes, a successful small business (and having a small business of my own), a positive immigrant story or what, but I truly feel this is a unique and special group that needs to stay in business.

I absolutely love when the drivers realize that they don’t need to tell me about the carousel or any special building, but instead get to share their personal stories about how they came to this country (if they drive, own, etc). I love when they gush about their horses and start showing off pics and videos of them doing the stuff that all of us love about our own horses. I love when they tell me quirks about their animals, where the itchy spot is, the games they play, etc.

I have taken many taxi rides in NYC, and just trust me, no matter how friendly I am, I have never, ever had a conversation with any of them as pleasant as I have had in any carriage I have ever ridden in.

That twit in the hannity spot…what in heck does she know about horses? Not much apparently. Now I could rock hr boat with examples of cruelty that would make her head spin.

^ You want help? A carriage ride in NYC is on my bucket list!:smiley:

Here’s a letter from Dennis Foster of the Masters of Foxhounds Association: Dear MFHA Members:

Since most of us are horse lovers as well as dog lovers this should interest you. The issue is extremely important to the horse world and if they ban carriage horses in NY it will affect other animal disciplines. They not only want to ban carriage horses from New York, but… they want to dictate to the owners who they can sell them to. The ban would require the horses NOT to be sold to anyone who would use them for work. They could only sell them to individuals as companion animals or to sanctuaries.

Are we getting to the point that any time any animal is used for work or provides a service it is considered cruel or inhumane? Horses have been pulling carriages forever; are carriage driving, racing, eventing, dressage, endurance riding and trail riding cruel/inhumane? Animal rights doctrine will tell you they are. Is working a bird dog, hunting hounds, or using seeing eye dogs or livestock dogs cruel? It’s all connected in the animal rights master plan to change our lifestyles to the way they would like us to live. The HSUS/animal rights strategy is to take each of their targets down one at a time and then state by state.

The article does a good job explaining both sides of the issue so read it and be your own judge. This is much bigger than NY carriage horses. Just where does it stop? It won’t, if we continue to allow organizations like HSUS, PETA and people ignorant in the ways of animals to dictate how we use and live with animals.


Executive Director

Masters of Foxhounds Association

Sorry, he’s referring to this article:

The Horse News Jan. 2014 issue had a full page article on the NYC Carriages.

Look at page 6.

lolalola, is that MFHA letter posted anywhere online to share? I’d like to send it do some FB friends, but couldn’t find it posted on the MFHA site or FB page. Thank you!

The editor of Horse News is very supportive of the NYC carriage horses. She knows what a slippery slope this is.