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The Day After: What's your greatest fear?

It seems inevitable that we are headed towards a cataclysmic and epic war. This is a prospect I never thought I’d witness in my lifetime; it’s a prospect which paralyzes me with fear for life as I’ve known and enjoyed it; it’s a contemplation which fills me with dread and panic for my children.

That the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon should be attacked so throughly and viciously, the fact that terrorists were able to slip through airport (non)security to highjack four planes to wreak such horrific violence, undermines my sense of security as a citizen of North America; and inevitably I have to wonder whether any of us are safe and will this ever end.

It seems inevitable that we are headed towards a cataclysmic and epic war. This is a prospect I never thought I’d witness in my lifetime; it’s a prospect which paralyzes me with fear for life as I’ve known and enjoyed it; it’s a contemplation which fills me with dread and panic for my children.

That the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon should be attacked so throughly and viciously, the fact that terrorists were able to slip through airport (non)security to highjack four planes to wreak such horrific violence, undermines my sense of security as a citizen of North America; and inevitably I have to wonder whether any of us are safe and will this ever end.

I think what frightens me the most . . .I am currently listening to newstalk radio throughout the US. Are American’s really that poorly informed? The comments I have been hearing are false or fabricated. The news hosts keep telling these folks that they have their facts wrong, yet the caller continues to argue. They are misquoting the President and everything else they have heard to justify their thoughts. I don’t understand how this is happening, please don’t “flame” me, however where are these folks living under a rock? One caller just stated that we should do exactly what Israel does when they are attacked. “just blow up the village where the terrorists hide behind women’s skirts”, hello Israel does not do this, the news host was kind enough to point out. However brainless Bob insists that “Yup” they shore du!! The news host in his utter disdain asked the dear gentlemen to get his facts straight prior to voicing his views. Let’s keep ourselves informed, properly! We have access to the facts, let’s make the most of them in this emotional trying time.

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!!

…what I fear most is the people of this country willing to give up more of their rights and freedoms all in the name of security.
How can anyone in this country look into the eyes of the WWII generation and say they want security over freedom?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lisa:
Quote: “Originally posted by Moose:
That someday terrorists of such a mindset will attain weapons of mass destruction and use them.”

That’s what the planes were.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

True. But chemical, biological & nuclear weapons will kill on a wider scale. At the same time that the trade center in '93 was bombed and failed, japanese subways were bombed with gasses from a religous sect (and somewhat failed). I guess the thought that any type of terrorism is trying to be perfected is chilling.

Like DMK, I’m afraid we won’t catch the perpetrators and won’t be able to bring them to justice.

I’m afraid that we’ll lash out against a scapegoat in an effort to “do something.”

On the flip side, I’m afraid we won’t do enough and these kinds of things will continue.

I’m afraid of “copycats.” Everywhere I look I see something that could be used as a weapon: that aerosol can and a lighter, that shard of glass, etc.

I’m afraid of panic reactions. The next time someone on a flight who looks a bit “foreign” reaches into their carry on bag, will they be mobbed by fellow passendgers?

PS: Fiero, I believe it was Nagasaki (sp?).

I’m afraid that I won’t ever feel as safe as I did before yesterday morning.

I’m afraid we will not catch the perpetrators

I’m afraid I will look at fellow American citizens with distrust merely because of their heritage.

I’m afraid of what will happen to a nation that prides itself on the most open door policy and eqaulity to all people regardless of race, religion or political beliefs.

Being afraid is one thing. Acting on your fears is an entirely different matter.

We are horse people, we form a relationship with an animal that outweighs us by a factor of 10. We ALL have to conquer our fears on a regular basis to be succesful at that which we love. This is just a much bigger test.

I am thinking many of the same thoughts as all of you.

I’m sure Heidi feels the same way, but my biggest fear is what will happen to the Canadian way of life up here. We have always been a very peaceful and free country (although obviously too lax in our security ) and the knowledge that there are now large numbers of armed RCMP guards at our international airports and border crossings is very hard to accept. Our Prime Minister has pledged to up the security of the entire country and the ramifications scare me.

I am also afraid of the retribution/retaliation that may arise from all of this from both the US and other Western countries. I do not think that more violence is the answer.

When I woke up today, I truly had the sense that nothing was the same.

What really hit me yesterday though was when I was walking home there were newsboys on all the main corners of downtown handing out the special edition of the Vancouver Sun that had “The Horror” written on the first page. It is the first time in my lifetime that I ever remember a special edition being printed at the end of the day. It made me stop and consider that this may have been how our parent’s generation felt and experienced at the start of WWII.

Too much to think about at the moment.

What Lisa and Jparkes said…

Lead, follow, or get out of the way…

What am I most afraid of today? That once I “confess” this, my BB friends will think badly of me … because, lord knows, I’m not thinking too highly of myself right now.

I am deeply, deeply afraid that someone will answer the phone on the other end of the endless list of names and telephone numbers that I am being asked to call. That I will connect with someone who has lost a loved one. That the numbness and shock will suddenly wear away and I will be forced to confront that I am doing the one thing I’ve sworn I would never do in this job: Find disaster victims’ families.

I hate to admit this: I sent my father down his street this evening, because one of the people aboard one of the planes lived at the end of his street. I couldn’t reach anyone on the phone; but since I recognized the address… It’s a nice place, he tells me a short time later; freshly painted, well-kept lawn, car in the driveway. But he doesn’t know her; had never met her. So I’m left to wonder about who she was, this woman who chose my parents’ rural little oasis in Southern California to call home, who had the unfathomable bad luck to be on United Flight 175 on Tuesday morning.

Maybe I would have really, really liked her. Heaven knows I’ve ridden down the trail in front of her house innumerable times.

And I fear that, soon, the reality will set in that I’ve lost long-distance friends and colleagues. I know of at least two. I have no doubt that there will be more.

I am often proud of the job the media does. There have been times during the past endless hours that I have been moved beyond pride. But my colleagues have also made me cringe. My job right now is making me cringe. And for all of that, I apologize to all of you.

I’ve paused just long enough to touch base with people who understand that, for me, life is generally measured in nickers, squeals, snoogie marks on my T-shirts and dried horse sweat under my fingernails. My biggest fear is that that world will never tilt back on its axis. That the simple pleasures will never be quite so simple again.

Bulletin Board Goddess

My support for you Beezer, you are doing what I could never do but is highly important. As Heidi said we need to celerbrate the people who lost their lives, as people not just another number.

My fears. I have alot right now, some are completely selfish but here are a few:

-I fear that this happened once, it will happen again. Anywhere. To more unsuspecting INNOCENT people

-I’m scared for my cousin who is in the Canadian army just waiting until someone says the word so he can go retaliate. There are many more like him, right now driven by their feelings and backed up by the extensive training. That is scary

-I’m scared for the lives of everyone around me. I find myself in public places looking around trying to take in all the unknown faces and their actions. This way if anything tragic happens here and I survive maybe I can put a personnality to a picture in a newpaper or on the news.

-I’m scared for America.

-I’m scared that this will bring racism back in full force

-I fear that in years down the road this will still be carrying on and that people will respond to the news of 10,000 dead in a manner like “oh really? didn’t we just loose 10,000 on monday?”

-I fear that in the wake of whatever happens that Canada will be blamed for the start of this. I know some people here that feel that we are why these people got into the states and if select Canadians feel that way, them others must as well.

Because we have been isolated from large scale terrorism for so long, it has been relatively easy for us to feel a sense of security. This is not the case in many other parts of the world, where threats and terrorism are more common. There are entire generations in certain parts of the world, certainly in the Middle East, who take it for granted that people get blown up going to the grocery store, in hospitals, or on their way to school. Understandably, many in those populations has a different perspective on personal safety and the value of human life. Those who have grown up hearing over and over again how the United States is both evil and responsible for the terrible circumstances these people live in, can be expected to rejoice when they learn that their “enemy” has been attacked.

How many watched last night when the first photos from Kabul were shown - and hoped that the missiles that were falling on the city were the first wave of retailation by the US? Even in the absence of hard evidence that the Afghans were in any way responsible …

Certainly there are increased security measures that can and probably will be implemented. I think it is likely that our airports may begin to adopt some of the practices that are common in “more dangerous” parts of the world. I also think that after some time has passed, people will begin to rail at the delays, restrictions and inconveniences these practices will cause.

None of these measures can guarantee anyone’s individual safety, of course. Obviously it is statistically unlikely that any one person will be involved in a terrorist act (compared, say, to a car wreck.) But the while the reality is that the world is not always a safe place, I think it is important that we show the world we are not cowering in terror. I applaud those at the Pentagon who went to work today and showed the rest of the world that our government is still running effectively. I applaud those who are brave enough to carry out the rescue work in NYC.

It is important for those who attacked us to understand that while buildings fell and lives precious to us were lost, ultimately the acts of terrorism have FAILED. We are not cowed, we are not subdued and we WILL FIND AND PUNISH those who had the audacity to attack us.

that my life as I know it has ended irrevocably.

I’m afraid that my godchildren will grow up in a very different world.

I’m afraid that violence and ignorance and hate will prevail.

I’m afraid that the burden of suffering will be endured by those most oppressed and downtrodden.

I’m afraid that we as a species will never learn to co-exist.

Just because you’re of Middle Eastern extraction doesn’t mean you’re a fanatic.
Just because you’re Muslim doesn’t mean you embrace the Jihad.
Anymore than calling yourself a Christian guarantees that you actually practice Christianity.

I am afraid that two of my friends have not checked in and that they are gone. Please say prayers!!

I’m really afraid that we will go to great lengths to shore up our airports, meanwhile, terrorists will find a new way to attack, maybe via biological or chemical means.
I’m afraid we will lose our civil liberties… something that just needs a little more momentum to happen.
I’m afraid we will close our borders to the good foreigners who aren’t seeking to hurt us.
I’m afraid we will lose a whole bunch of our brothers and sisters in a war we will never win, unless we find a united enemy (to me, fighting terrorism is like fighting drugs - with no clear enemy, who do you focus on?)
I hope that we end our dependence on OIL, then we could tell that part of the world to go to hell, we don’t need your oil, you don’t get our money. NOW is the time to pressure auto makers to make super efficient vehicles and discover solar power. If we can put a man on the moon, we can make a quality vehicle not dependent on oil.

Ride it Like You Stole It…

after having F-15 planes fiy over my house last night and having air craft carriers off jones beach(long island)i am just afraid… period

I am afraid for everyone in the world right now but most of all I am afraid of Nuclear weapons. I am also worried that we as Canadians will be blamed for allowing such individuals into our country and thus getting access to the US. However, I am most afraid for all the rescue workers currently attempting to find any survivors in both the WTC and in the Pentagon.

May God be with each and everyone at this time.

we’ll over react… or that we are over reacting now.

My SO went to fill up his car last night, I went with him. We had to wait in line!! Can you imagine?

While this is a very serious situation, with lots of emotions running high–fear, anxiety, grief, I just hope we all keep our senses and not revert to a mob mentality. Unfortunately, I think I see that happening.

Spel chekers, hoo neeeds 'em? Alan James Bean

Oh Beezer, you are performing a job; and if your posts are any indication of your humanity, concern, and compassion, I, for one, know that you would not exploit anyone’s pain for the gain of your employer at this tragic and horrific time.

Having spent the last two days in front of the television set, and personally projecting for a second, I think many of the families of the tragic victims of the attacks want the opportunity to celebrate and memorialize their loved ones. The countless Americans who perished lived lives which were defined by more than this horrific act. Use the opportunity to celebrate them - and those who loved and cherished them. Let’s not allow their annonymous victimization to define the richness of who they were.

I trust, and know, that you, Beezer, would never exploit their pain. Let’s celebrate their lives; and while we’re at it, acknowledge that you’re performing a job, and will do so better than most.

Great big hugs to you Beezer.