I believe this outlet aims to share ideas respectfully, so I will not engage in the nonsense you wish.
Rather I would suggest that you take the time to review the NY Times post from May 6, 2023, which appears to indicate the intents of the horse owner and trainer at the time. From the May 6, 2023, NY Times. “Mike Repole, Forte’s co-owner, said that the colt suffered the bruise on Wednesday. Repole said he and Pletcher called in their veterinarians and the state vets tasked with monitoring the health of the horses and clearing them for competition.”
"The state veterinarians monitored Forte daily. Forte galloped at about 7:45 a.m. on Saturday. He was examined again by the state vets, who told Repole the colt was still a “tick” off and was going to be scratched.”
I saw the videotape from May 6, 2023, and the horse was clearly unsound. Go look at it is all over the Internet. Granted, the horse’s condition may have worsened overnight, but based on Repole’s statement, the game plan was to race Forte
. Below is the p[os from teh NY TIMES Go read the NY Times article at https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/06/sports/horse-racing/kentucky-derby-forte-scratched-horses. Suggest you read NY Times before you attack.
If you, in all your knowledge and wisdom, feel that teh information of the NY Times is mistaken, please let them know, and please ask them to post a correction based upon whatever information you may have. Take care.