The funeral has begun. You are all invited to attend the wake

With one post, weeble knows way more about Elizabeth than she was expecting.

The mere fact that the Canadians are challenging us to prove our superiority is proof of the desperate frame of mind they possess. We do not need to prove anything. We gave birth to the Merry thread saw it through it’s life and sadly through it’s death. We gave birth to the Wake thread which in it’s infancy has already acheived cult status. They can’t come close, they know it, and it’s killing them.

weeble removes her helmet to identify herself to the rest of the cult. She asks Elizabeth, “Do you think when we go beg, I mean, solicit funds for our non-profit, we will have to stand to one side of the yellow line?”

Unlocking the thread? Resurrecting it? Ohhhh, that is truly the stuff cults are made of. Dealing with things that have passed on. . . .

Here’s the real question, ladies: why have we gone dry? I mean, we were merrily drinking, blenders whirring. . . . and then. . . nothing. Was there a vow of abstinence I missed?

wytymn4, I haven’t done well undersaddle since I was in a school horse show about thirteen years ago. It was a one-shot deal; I was on a horse named Champ. I peaked early on the flat, and there is no going back..

No, I think I will stick to coaching. “Wait, waaaaait. Hold, hoooooooooold,” elizabeth shouts to AAJumper from the ringside.

As to the Koolaid man, I wonder if I should make provisions in the contract for the situation where our scam. . . errr cult . . . has to be broken up for tax reasons. If we have to liquidate, I do NOT want Koolaid man to have a piece of Koi Boy.

Please forgive me for taking so long to return with more Tequlia and Margarita fixins. But I had to actually get some paper work done today and attend a family birthday party . How ever I am back and the blender will now go into over time, since I left my dear friends here with out adequate beverages.

When he… what? Announced that he was Canadian???

We’re going to Maui in two weeks – I’m looking forward to escaping this miserable weather!
(It’s pouring outside as I write this,ARRRGGG…)

ughhhh . . . <<grunt>> . . . ehhhhhhhh. . . <<grunt>>

You are getting too big, Thread, for me to be boosting you back up the page. Try to stay up on the top of page one, please.

Now I’m hungry from all the exertion. Where’s AAJumper or Merry with some munchies? Weeble, got any guacamole?

[This message was edited by elizabeth on Mar. 09, 2001 at 11:40 AM.]

And then Merry could sell them on QVC … just like her alter ego on another thread – Joan Rivers!!

Let’s see…it’s in the 80’s, we’re riding, we’re showing, the green pastures of Northern California are lush and tall and the horses are getting fatter and shinier by the hour. We’ve broken out the shorts and tank tops and updated our sunglasses for the year. The cult is thriving and it appears the only thing green in Canada is their envy

Oh, and Merry, the Canadians really don’t look like us…they’re paler!

Sushi???Sushi??? That is the best!!! Okay so Wooly Bully, and sure why not? We can dance. “It’s your party and you can cry if you want to”. Sorry just couldn’t resist

Beezer gently pulls Merry aside and whispers, “I think I have figured out the problem with your competing memories of Emmett Kelly. You’ve just had a little too much of that wine cooler. You’re merely seeing TWO Emmett Kellys. It’s a common problem with people at wakes.”

Or is he awaiting dublin in Maui?

Don’t tell me that’s you and chunky child alongside him? Are Canadians allowed to get out in the sun like that? Don’t you melt or burn when exposed to UV rays?

Ah yes, AAJumper, guac’ and chips for everyone! ‘Avocadoes: the green gold of California’… or is that manure?

While passing around a plate of the fresh nachos, Merry poses this question: So, what’s your worst rain-related horsey horror story?

Will I be de-frocked now that Beezer has revealed on another thread (“Only a rider…”) that I have, ah, occasionally “relieved myself” inside the horse trailer at shows when it’s too far to the port-o-potties? Is this going to be like another Jim Baker/Jimmy Swaggart moment?

Merry takes a swig from her bottle of frosty Gatorade. “By the way, Beezer, the tractor man, Mario, stopped by and evaluated the former koi pond. He shall return on Thursday a.m. to ‘do’ the arena, which ironically will coincide with the farrier appointment, so we’ll have an interesting morning.”

Merry isn’t sure how the cultists will take the news, that Mario thinks he can move enough arena soil around to prevent the formation of another koi pond in the future!

LOL Beezer we may be different but we share a common love of prime rib and garlic mashed. While y’all are huddling with your tequila, make room for a fun lovin’ Canadian and her 2-4 of Blue??

Well Beezer, it was hard work skiing that fresh powder, but someone’s gotta do it. As for Merry’s pond…well, waterskiing season is just around the corner…maybe it’s time to break out the ol’ ski. Lemme see…AAJumper digs around in her closet… yup, got my ski, life vest, gloves…who’s gonna hold up the flag? Beezer, toss me the rope. You all set up there Merry?


SHould we start building an Ark or just stay here in El Torito. At least if we have to wether the storm we have all of the necessary supplies, Guacamole, Chips, Margaritas, (and I don’t have to make them).

Merry whips out her Hallmark collectible Star Trek Christmas ornaments and says, “Yes! It’ll be William Shatner! He can slather our Muck Mud on his bald head and declare that it cures baldness. And he can do it while riding around on a high-steppin’ Saddlebred!”

Oh boy, I’ll bet elizabeth will love us for bringing this up again… Hee-hee!

Yawnnnn, this is WAY too early. Ahhh rexford, you know how we Californians love our chalupas! elizabeth, we will forgo the scotch, unless you would like an Irish coffee with breakfast, so close to St. Paddy’s day as we are.

Thus unsrambling her brains, wty heads for the kitchen, hey! The frig is empty!! Back to bed, someone will get us some food???

Sorry to hear about your loss, please accept my sympothies but it was time. And now I must say…

Bring it on BAY-BE!
You’ll be surpised at how much time we Canadians have during winter, 30 pages HA! I could do that in my sleep BTW, it’s snowing YET again.