The funeral has begun. You are all invited to attend the wake

Invoking BB rule #2: “issues, not individuals.”

I don’t think swipes at other posters are really appropriate.

After all, we’ve all got to get along…

No way! Some members would not, could not mount a horse without one! SOME of us need those (kidding Merry kidding!) and would never want to do anything to upset the “No Bounce Gods”. Now how about the padded riding underwear!

Suave: It’s not that Merry doesn’t WANT you to have sharp objects. It’s just that the crazy black Labrador would see said object, grab it and start threatening people with it … I’m telling you, this is one weird dog. So, really, Merry is protecting you.

Beezer thinks diversification is a fine idea … in principle. But she worries that the cult … er, NONPROFIT … might be spreading itself too thin. And there is nothing worse than a Merry’s Marvelous Mucky Mud Masque that is spread too thin!

becomes an honorary CalClique-ster for suggesting such an appropriate theme song. It works on soooo many levels.

Beezer gives AAJumper a little shove. "Listen, Missy. I’m all over that Lawn Dart Jumpers class. I even have the Life Flight Air Ambulance bill to PROVE it!"

This is beginning to look like the sequel to “Suffering Pines” but to the California clique, it could be even better than the Virginia oriented original.

Keep it up, gals!

Cheers, Maggi

By the way, while we give the blender a rest, how about serving a little “Canadian Club” over ice? LOTS OF ICE!

You must be 'cause no one’s really sure what that means.

I ain’t neva birthed no babies

Those evil northerners…Wty wanders off to find Rocky, we will give them something to think about. Hooded robes, my patoot! Curse us will they, hmmmmm, curbs swinging lightly in the air. The chant the chant, A/A, Merry, Beezer, weeble, coreene and dear dear elizabeth…the 5 M’s need protection. Go HUNT ROCKY… Oh protector, hear our plea.

No more wind, no more rain, we need sun to end this pain. Ummmmmmmmmm, ummmmmmmmmmmm.

Matt Lauer and margaritas … DIBS!!!

Did Bill give it you???

Dang this place is so hot I suggest we all rip off our ratcatchers and relax a little. More margarita’s pleeze Rusty.

N2Jumpers enjoy Mammoth and definitely take a laptop. there’s too much to miss.

Is it Bill’s toupe that the JRTs are playing tug o war with?

I must make more Margaritas, I must make more Margaritas. That is my new mantra along with my secodary new mantra I must proof read my posts. I must proof read my posts.

Hey, I have an entire collection of leather halters, thank you very much! Some I’ve won (actually they’re the cheapest quality), and a couple are show halters for shipping and ornamentation. I mean, geez, Pam, this is California! I don’t wear a hairnet in my lessons, either. Don’t tell me that upsets you, too, LOL!

As for nylon, no, it doesn’t mildew. Plus, it comes in such purdy colors, too!

By the way, dublin, we’re supposed to get 3-5 inches of rain in 24 hours. Now, which stage of Larry Miller’s “bit” do I want to be in now?

Thanks Merry, I agree I’ve done my part.

The last one wuz 15 pounds and it came out sideways. I didn’t scream or nuthin! (Katey spits on the floor an then kicks some dirt around)

coreene is back, coreene is back! Everyone jangles their curb chains in delight.

“Now, if any of you want to defect to Canada, now’s your chance,” Merry advises. “They may have taken our thread record, but they’ll never take our freedom!”

(Can you tell Merry watched “Braveheart” last night on cable?)

A barn name…how about Koi Boy?

I see - his name is Cosmo. Nice name!!

Oh, and Merry, thank you for the gift.
However, if you allege that you were related to the Thread, and the thread died without a will, you might be entitled to take under intestate succession. Or if you were married, the property of the thread might be community property. FYI- the bar exam is Tuesday.

I think its time we hijack their horses with all of them aboard. I don’t think I have ever seen so many HOT, STRAIGHT, ENGLISH riding men in one place! Wowzers!

Heidi is sending a goose for the wake. (Read Beezer’s Noah thread to find out why) Pate’, anyone?

Kipling …Merry. Browning…Merry. Whitman…Merry. Nope can’t tell the difference.
A classic is still a classic.

As far as nylon halters go, have a ton of them. But mine get turned out sans halter, they just come in when they’re called.