The funeral has begun. You are all invited to attend the wake

Ahhhh, Suavereno, you must be a mommy. You made me feel much bettter. I like that story!!

Yes, weeble, we must stay to the yellow side of the line. We are a law-abiding, nonviolent cult. (Except when we have to sic the labrador, who is now packing heat since I took his knife, on someone.)

Ah, but you see dear Tin, snow will make you RUST! Why on earth do we want that? Wty muttering to herself like a bag lady trundles off.

Get those blenders hopping, I see a new and more intent thread popping up. coreene, you will just have to behave yourself, good grief woman, these waiters will never bring us anything shortly. rusty, start your motors elizabeth we need sustenance, weeble where are those plans. We can do this, seems to me there is a track close at hand we could resurrect? Beezer, get Spot ready, she will be breaking from the gate in no time

This silly $%#^&%% computer would not let me post earlier today, and now I forgot all of the things I was going to post. So I guess I will just go rattle my curb chains and make more Margaritas. What flavor do my fellow cult members want now?

I guess I will just have to drink all of these Margaritas by myself. Since everyone else has left me alone with the deceased thread and the JRTs. I wonder if they would like to share a pitcher of Margaritas? That could have a scarry result. I can just imagine the headlines.

Suave, where were you hiding that one?

Beezer, looks to me like poor elizabeth didn’t pass her bar exam.

Yup, I got up at 6:00 so I could “do” the horses before the rain hit, but it’s not raining yet… so I guess I could’ve ridden!

I just keep scratching potential shows off my calendar. I try to imagine what it would’ve been like, attending a horse show: the sun, the friends, the food stands, the long wait between rounds in the baby greens, the port-o-potties…

elizabeth I told you not to over do. Yikes, you will get a hernia from pushing this thread!! Phew…errrumph You are right this is waaaay too heavy. No munchies??What happened to all for one and one for all??

If I’m selling things on QVC, no doubt you’ll be buying them!

coreene sees that Merry and Beezer are in a snit. She wants to stop the fighting, but she’s so involved with Jose (or is it Raul by now?) that she can’t come to the rescue. Instead, wtywmn and Suave break up the two sisters.

“We can’t let quarrels disrupt the karma of the cult!” rusty says. “Think of the legal hassles! elizabeth would be brain-fried!”

Beezer fears the worst has happened. Coreene has been silenced by the GREAT ROLLING BLACKOUT OF 2001! Beezer knows this because a Times photographer has pictures of Coreene’s blacked-out place of business. We are all in the dark … literally, this time, instead of the usual figurative.

“Now, where were we?” Beezer wonders. “Oh, yes. Elizabeth, dear, as grand as a movie contract sounds, I fear Merry is just too booked to write the screenplay. Have you talked to Stephen King?? And AAJumper, sorry for the damage the terrieristas caused. But really, those scars will look sooooo good with your other ones, don’t you think? Oh … what I wouldn’t GIVE for a mango margarita right now … HINT, HINT, people!”

If you agree (extra post there), I will be happy to add to the eulogies.

Coreene, seeing everyone in triplicate, suggests a rowdy trip for all at the wake to Cook’s Corner for a little honky tonk.

Expessive orthopedic shoes on my old school horse sucked off as soon as he ventured in to the black lagoon (arena).

Horse laying down and wallowing in the arena with saddle on with starteled student looking on. WHen said horse figures out she is in trouble, she rolls all the way over 3 times. SHe figures allready in deep doo doo might as well go for it.
SHe is still with us because the saddle tree did not break. That is the one good thing about mud it has some give to it.

We’re just relieved that you’re, um, relieved.

Merry feast your eyes

Ahhhhh, so if the Koi pond in the ring goes away, I guess the Koi will have to go into the bathtub in Merry and Mr. Merry’s house. Would you bathe with them, or would they go in the guest bathtub?

Rusty, your blender is shooting up sand! Careful, please. I hate getting sand mixed in with my suntan lotion.

So it was a bird feeder that I poured the Margaritas into? Well the cats are happy and so are the mice because all the cats are to tipsy to catch them.

I’ll hold the flag while making more Margaritas.
The arenas might as well be used for something these days and water skiing is about the only sport the are good for. Although mine has been used for mud skiing lately.
How does one Mud Ski?
First you put a lounge line on a horse thast has been couped up for a few days. Then take it to a muddy arena and attempt to lounge it. The skiing is faster with out any forms of control execpt a halter. Stud chains, bitting rigs and side rains tend to slow one down.

How about an ark constructed of tortilla chips?

“Actually, rusty, we’ve gotten little or no rain recently,” Merry says matter-of-factly. “The major part of the storm system just keeps passing us by.”

At that instant, Beezer leaps from her seat at the restaurant booth and konks Merry over the head with the salsa bowl. “You idiot! Shut up and stop tempting Fate! If you aren’t careful you’ll be out re-stocking the koi pond once again.”

And, since we’ve had and lost David the Hoff, we certainly can and should have William the Shat. Perhaps Elizabeth won’t notice if we use his royal name.

Welcome, Rexford!
Everyone jangled their curb chains in a welcoming tone and uttered, “Welcome, Rexford!”
But how do we know you’re not a Canadian in disguise? Can you answer the following questions?

  1. True or False:
    Former president Richard Nixon (alias “Tricky Dick”) was born in Yorba Linda, virtually just down the street from Merry’s sister, Beezer.

True, true. And he had the pink house in San Calmente, too.

  1. Fill in the blank: “My, those look like a lovely couple of AVACADO’S_______. I’d like them for some guacamole this evening.”

  2. Multiple choice: The unofficial state mascot of California is: A)the seagull
    B)a homeless man who was once a screenwriter for "The Michael Richards Show
    C)the Taco Bell chalupa chihuahua
    ---------------all of the above--------------

  3. True or False: Proper huntseat show attire in California includes a pair of either Ray Ban or Oakley sunglasses.Actually, my WalMart’s work just fine. But then again, I never was one of the “cool” people. Anyway, when I loose my WalMart sun glasses I don’t have to take out a second on the house to replace them.

  4. Complete this sentence: “Yes, I know that my cellphone is visible underneath my huntcoat, but I cannot be without it. I never know when my �Significant other�______ is going to call.”

Essay Question (10 pts.) In a few complete sentences, respond to the following:
I am not impressed by show-business types. Movie stars, schmovie stars. Heck, I grew up competing with… Horses, hoggs and hussies

Neatness counts!

Was that neat enough? It’s really hard to answer all those tough questions. For the true, false I just rattled my curb chain and said a few Incantations to the GOD FLEET APPLE and hiis itty bitty rider.

Question for you: Who was Fleet Apples’ stable mate that may or may have not been on the team? Hint: he was grey.

We should start a “do you remember” trivia thread. Like, who was the stunt rider(s) for the Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit?null