The funeral has begun. You are all invited to attend the wake

Oh my Zaboo, you look, well almost over dressed. We do like your offering!! Thank you rusty for getting the preacher to a new location. He was becoming a wee bit much! Love bringing back the entire ice machine,what a brain storm. Now we won’t have any more excuses. coreene, do up your blouse, trust me we will all remind you of your exploits. When are those refreshments coming?
Stuffed goose??? Why that’s nothing more than one of the dog’s toys? Heidi???

Oh, speaking of the mud in Indio, my poor friend fell off into the mud there this past week! Poor thing! Hmmmm…I’ll have to stop by Sport Chalet on my way out to Indio and look into renting that scuba gear…at least some fins and goggles…

AAJumper prompts fellow gatherers into standing ovation for Merry and the completion of her article. Actually, they are hoping that she will be so honored by the ovation, that she will spring for another round of chalupas. After all, it is Beezer’s credit card. AAJumper orders a plate of nachos with extra guacamole…she figures that if this weather continues, she will need that extra layer of blubber to keep her warm…

My dear, dear friends in California…sometimes, envy, jealousy and desparation resembles panty lines - it’s visible.

Chins up girls, don’t let your defeat at our manicured and lovely hands devastate you.

You’ll always have the smog, the pollution, the fault lines over us – tell you what, as a little pick-me-up, because yes, we are that gracious, we’ll even return David Hasselhoff.

[This message was edited by heidi on Mar. 09, 2001 at 02:53 PM.]

Welcome, Rexford!
Everyone jangled their curb chains in a welcoming tone and uttered, “Welcome, Rexford!”

But how do we know you’re not a Canadian in disguise? Can you answer the following questions?

  1. True or False:
    Former president Richard Nixon (alias “Tricky Dick”) was born in Yorba Linda, virtually just down the street from Merry’s sister, Beezer.

  2. Fill in the blank: “My, those look like a lovely couple of ___________. I’d like them for some guacamole this evening.”

  3. Multiple choice: The unofficial state mascot of California is: A)the seagull
    B)a homeless man who was once a screenwriter for "The Michael Richards Show
    C)the Taco Bell chalupa chihuahua

  4. True or False: Proper huntseat show attire in California includes a pair of either Ray Ban or Oakley sunglasses.

  5. Complete this sentence: “Yes, I know that my cellphone is visible underneath my huntcoat, but I cannot be without it. I never know when my __________ is going to call.”

Essay Question (10 pts.) In a few complete sentences, respond to the following:
I am not impressed by show-business types. Movie stars, schmovie stars. Heck, I grew up competing with…

Neatness counts!

[This message was edited by Merry on Mar. 15, 2001 at 12:23 AM.]

[This message was edited by Merry on Mar. 15, 2001 at 12:25 AM.]

I’m hoping for a blackout at my office, so I can go home and swim!!! Who needs AC anyway??? Hee hee…I’m just excited because our pool was completed last October, right after the hot weather left! It was in the 80’s here today…I broke out my spring season suit to wear to work, with sandals!!! I bet the Canadians can’t make that claim!

AAJumper dons her Hobie sunglasses and begins to make plans to hit the beach. After all, the cult needs to get out of this stuffy studio on such a gorgeous day. She worries for a moment about her exposing her newly acquired scars from the Jack Russells, but the surf calls! And Rusty’s margaritas would sure hit the spot while lying around on a beach chair, watching the waves. Aaaahhhhhh…

Oh Beezer, how could you let Merry buy that stuff in the cardboard box, then pass it off in a carafe? Guess it is time for this wonderful, memorable thread to hit the sunset trail. But, it is such a sad farewell. Think of all the wonderful hours that have been spent, with idle chatter. Remembering, the good and the OH so funny. How can we let that go? Plus now that we are having fierce competition from the northern hemisphere we have to do something, right?

Wait! Isn’t Cook’s Corners that Hells Angels hang-out on the back side of O’Neill Park, the old way to Coto de Caza?

We want to go there… why???

Okay, not to resurrect the thread, but since we’re all climbing into a limo and we need some chit-chat, who all has either A) rented horses at the rental stable in O’Neill Park, or B) shown/trained at Coto de Caza in the past or lately? Show of hands!

Here Merry, just for you

Yes, we need a theme song or anthem. You know, something familar and catchy, and mildly hypnotic. That way, long before the knife-wielding dog stabs his way through the crowds, people will hear our tune and say, “Oh, here come those nutty Muck Mud Masque people!”

Merry wonders if instead of a tambourine we could get the same effect by jingling curb chains?


Is it, could it be… the one and only FLEET APPLE???

(I can’t believe I’m actually posting here at 5:15 am!!!)

Ahhh rusty, it looks as if we’re falling apart. The Lab has taken off in the general direction of Beezer’s pygmy!! This may get ugly…A/AJumper welcome back, you know we saved some of, ahem, Merry’s boxed wine for you. But the margaritas are grand, rusty got a new blender and zowee So, since we now know Cook’s is an angel’s hangout, hmmmm, this might be very interesting dahlin.
Hey, where are one of Merry’s babies? We could long line him with the snowboard behind and hit the Koi pond?? A/A will you do the honor? Lordy, me thinks it was that last batch of margi’s. Phew, haven’t done things like this since a teen. As she quietly toodles off, looking for the snowboard…

Hey, William the Shat just hosted the Miss USA contest! We could’ve used him then to smear Muck Mud Masques on all the contestants. (He might’ve loved that assignment).

By now the flan was getting limp and runny. Merry brought up one last topic before figuring it was time to split from the restaurant.

“How can we get our scam… I mean, non-profit product… out into the horse show marketplace? Can we sponsor a class? Which one? Or a divisional championship? Boy, don’t ya’ think exhibitors would love to win a free jar of the stuff? And then we can set-up a booth for free facials by the port-o-potties!”

…and swears off waiters. Says she only made out with them because one looked like Antonio Banderas and one looked like Ricky Martin and she’d felt that Champagne-induced need to live a little La Vida Loca.

She finds her Filofax, which unfortunately has little drips of crab dip and guacamole smeared on Saturday where’d she’d scrawled SUAVE RENO in coral lipstick. “Why is this here?” she wonders, and then vaguely remembers something about trying to hook up with SR on Saturday.

Now thoroughly confused, and PO’ed about the crab dip on her Filofax, she bossily orders one of the servants to clean it up and wanders off looking for Suave Reno, with her GOLD curb chain bracelets a-jingling.

[I]I’m with you, weeble. who REALLY needs power when we’ve got sun and sand and margaritas and koi jerky?

and we’ve got cool evenings down here in santa monica, too, so we can stroll along the coast line in a sweatshirt if we want. of course, i guess the canadians can do the same. . . if they’ve got three turtlenecks, long underwear, snow pants, and a down jacket on!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!![/I]

Even though I’m terribly upset that you, elizabeth, had a spat with someone other than your fave sparring partner, moi, I have stumbled onto a picture of my dear Rick, which I have linked below, perhaps to the detriment of my friendship w/ Rick.

Must admit, my boy looks good in the picture.

Apparently in my bitter sorrow for not receiveing any inheritence, and then given a Typo Circuit as consolation, I decided to drown my sorrows in the drink of choice. I must have been passed out for some time now because Monday Morning I log on and have missed 5 pages of posts! Well, lucky for you all, I am back…but with a major headache. I am thinking I’ll just go back to sleep. Wake me up when it stops raining and my life can return back to normal.

Merry is beside herself with grief. Coreene comforts her. Beezer has gone off to chase her Jack Russells, who are out chasing the labradors who are out chasing the orphan filly who is chasing the pygmy goat…

The pallbearers line up to hoist the Thread’s coffin into the hearse. rusty, AAJumper, and Suave Reno go to one side. There’s a sudden lurch and it looks like the coffin is about to take a header, spilling pages of BB gossip all over the driveway, but dublin, just a lurker and Mo take up the other side and hoist the coffin into the hearse.

“Oh, weeble,” Merry sobs, “it’s so hard to say good-bye! What if we had only kept it on life support a little longer? Might we have had a thread so long that the darn Canadians would never catch us?”

Chanda and Chef think it only polite to set down their slices of cheesecake to comfort Merry.

PamM climbs behind the wheel of the hearse and guns the engine.

“Let’s make tracks to the cemetery!” she cries, and the hearse is off…

[I]Please, let’s try to stay organized.

Who is going to draft the infomercial?

And can we get Suzanne Summers (sp?) to be on the infomercial, using the ab machine while her face is covered in Miraculous Merry’s Mud Masque? [/I]

Suave, when you mention the jingle, I gotta laugh. Have you heard the TV commercial for Closet World? I guess it’s a place where you go (or call) to have them install or revamp your closet space! Anyway, they have this voice-over of a guy that sounds like a Michael Bolton knock-off (who’s a knock-off himself of a Motown singer). Anyway, it’s this laughable jingle/song about “Get yourself a closet…”

So hey, if there can be a theme song/jingle for CLOSETS, we can surely have one for our muck-based mud cream!

Come HERE. Come on. Back to the first page.

How embarrassing. Picking your thread up from the second page is as bad as picking your thread up from the holding tank at the local jail. Let’s hope we all learned a lesson from this. (sigh)