The funeral has begun. You are all invited to attend the wake

I can’t keep it inside anymore. I can’t stay silent. Somebody needs to tell the truth, and it needs to be me! (Or Linda Tripp - she was on TV AGAIN last week, ratting on some other government agency. I digress. . . .)

Duffy2, it LOOKS like I was responsible for the demise of the Thread, but if you look closely, you will notice that MERRY leapt onto the suggestion that the thread. . . meet its maker. She leapt with. . . almost too much enthusiasm. And she hoped nobody would notice.

And they almost didn’t notice. . . .

While I was lambasted by those less perceptive than you (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, and YES, I am still miffed and believe I deserve an apology!!!!) who thought I was the one trying to kill the Thread, those who were truly paying attention noticed Merry’s quick response to my suggestion.

Nobody queried what it meant, however, until just now. Makes you wonder. I mean, Merry seemed to be enjoying the Merry Thread. Merry seemed to be an active, sincere poster. But how much do we REALLY know about Merry, . . . if that is her name??

(Now, before anyone leaps on me for teasing Merry (and by “anyone,” I mean YOU, Bumpkin and dublin! ), note that I am indeed teasing. Of course, that does not necessarily mean that Merry does not have blood on her hands. . . .)


The Rate It button at the bottom of the page is responsible for the ratings. The Canadians had five stars, and I gave them a 1. Their rating dropped to 4.

So vote early and vote often. We, the posters, control the stars.

I’m always shocked when I go into the local saddlery and see the new HSMs with their daughter buying up the store. There have been times when I’ve seen them at the counter with the works: saddle, bridle, girth, pads, boots, and every grooming accessory known to man, etc. etc. And the jealously steps in, as I remember scraping enough money together (money earned at Target, or should I say Tar-jay to buy one piece of tack at a time, and borrowing the rest from my trainer. I was so happy when I finally had everything I needed…and about that time each thing slowly needed replacing, one by one!

Merry, I agree with you about the TS Supreme Hunter breeches…aren’t they great? I love the feel of the fabric, and the fit is way better. I could not find a pair of the 2 way stretch pants that actually would fit my waist and my thighs! Oh, and the 4 way are truely stretchy…I can vouch for that! A few years ago, the first time I wore my first pair of TS’s, I fell off onto a jump cup. My thigh needed 10 stitches, but nothing happened to the TS’s! Even the massive blood stains came out after much soaking in cold water!!!

Wow Am I getting a dose of religion. Suave feels that a GNO might be in order What say you all?

Our diversification plan fell right in our lap.
Warmblood racing, it’s a natural. OK, it’s not natural, but that makes it all the more interesting (and lucrative) This might be a harder sell as a non-profit enterprise, but we’ll think about that tomorrow.

Weeble attempts to work on plans for devlopment of racing, but the CALIFORNIA SUNSHINE is making her sleepy. Hear that Canadians…sunshine, mid-70’s, eh?

“ahhhhhh,” elizabeth says, jingling her curb chain bracelet with excitement, “we are going to be rich, RICH, I tell you.”

Now, we need to do some serious organizing. Which first - Jerry, Oprah, Today? Oh, and that guy. . . what’s his name. . . Regis - he wants to ditch the chick he just signed up and have coreene join him in the director’s chair. He said something about having a “zipper’s only” clause in the contract, however.

Let me go draft that contract up. . . . .

Oh, can somebody please make the lab put down the Ginsu knife set? I mean, really.

You are a spy! I am ashamed!!!

…staggers in from the kitchen and announces that the alcohol reinforcements are coming up the driveway just as she speaks. And a catering friend has whipped up a little snackage since the dip is low.

Why not go for the whole enchilada, so to speak…all 5 stages!! Better you drown your sorrows, than to have the rain drown you…

Wasn’t it the Canadians whining about the length of the thread that caused Merry to have it die in the first place? That we sacrificed the original thread for the good of the whole BB isn’t that enough to make us the superior clique? Infact one of the reasons we were raised to cult status. Now I must go burn a few hairnets

your attempts at sabotage make weeble sad My fellow CA clique’sters know where my heart is. (and the rest of my body and my horses as well)

And by the way, Tin, snow you say? CALIFORNIA SUNSHINE, mid-50’s, and lots of snow! Squaw Valley, Heavenly, less than 2 hours from weeble, but nice try.

[I]"Beep beep. Get out of the way!. . . "

“Mama, was that a golf-cart hearse that just drove by?”[/I]

[B]I was envisioning that we would all ride Funeral Thread, since for $500,000 he had better be a hunter AND a jumper AND perhaps play polo during the off season. Actually, everyone would ride him except me. I just want to stand at the fence at the show ring and shout at AAJumper and Beezer “You have to have more than that.”

(Meaning, step on the gas.) I think I would sound very professional shouting that. . . at least in my day-dreams I do.[/B]

Oh, wow! Jumping is fun. Congratulations, Kari. And I like Magan’s horse, too. Black and white are nice colors for a horse!

I have a horse, Buster. He is an Appaloosa, so he has lots of spots. His body is white, but it has red and brown spots on it.

He lives in New York, but I am trying to find a barn to keep him at. Irvine is not too far away from where I live - which barn do you keep Cosmo at?

…hangs on to SuaveReno’s arm to keep from falling into the punch bowl and whispers that one of the waiters from the catering company she called in for reinforcements is a real cutie patootie and begins making (crossed) eyes at him.

[This message was edited by coreene on Feb. 27, 2001 at 04:12 PM.]

I bought 2 new blenders, in case we break another one we will have a spare. Since I was driving the truck I just hitched the Ice cooler from outside the 7-11 to it that way I won’’ have to leave my grieving friends again. Dropped the preacher off at the first church that I saw. I hope it is the correct one.
I will make more Margaritas now.

I’ve had that happened before…I clicked on the Post Now button, and immediately realized I wanted to change something. So I click the Stop button on my browser, and it appears nothing has been transmitted yet. But low and behold, my post ends up on the thread.

I’m not SuaveReno, but “There, there.”(Virtual head-patting coming your way)

Merry once again, resounds us with logic! Enterprise you say? Hmmm, we can also sell the 5 M Masque. Great little spot to get people introduced. Sit, relax, have a few. Pomona is always filled with, well people? We will just have to work on that endearing enterprise.

Off to gather her thoughts, she heads for a phone book. Let’s see if Pomona would allow us to run the WB’s. If not, we can find a bush track, there’s always Vallejo…No, think it’s a parking lot now…Weeeb’s she whines…help us. Coreene is now defrocking another good looking young man. We will never get any food at this rate!!

No, they’re photos to go along with my resurgence on the modeling scene. Remember? I’m really Anna Nicole Smith. Or is it Joan Rivers? I get so confused these days!

“What I really need,” Merry says, “is a vacation. You know things are getting tense in my life when I ask my husband for emotional guidance.”

One of the reasons why I’m upset?

The koi pond is being graded over! The tractor man is coming this week! Yes, I will soon be riding in my arena again, tromping on the graves of so many shriveled carp carcasses!

Um, we are falling way behind. Am I the only one still here at 8:30 in the morning?? Just me, my wine and the casket. It isn’t an open casket is it?