It’s on the Hallmark movie channel right now. I’ve never seen it. Seems quaint so far.
I love this movie… the book was great too, but definitely geared more toward an adult audience than the Disney-ized movie is
This movie is awfully “Gee golly gosh shucks darn it!”.
Its pretty cute. My favorite: horse trailer pulled by Kurt Russel’s Roadster. LOL! And all those flat saddles!
I wore my VHS copy out when I was little…I think it inspired my love of grey horses. It’s pretty great.
The book is even better
I had a bit of a stressful day, and this movie is perfect for unwinding purposes. :yes:
Loved it when the girl used the horse brush on her own hair. :lol:
Crap! I just remembered it now–forgot to DVR it! Crap crap crap!
Ah, well… Netflix!
I caught some of it last night and it was nice to watch something interesting without nudity, swearing, blood, sex, etc. Sometimes I just need a nice “fluffy” movie to watch to take the stress level down a notch!
So, who was that grey horse in real life?
A thoroughbred named Aberali:
Wonder who the rider was–looks slightly like Kathy Kusner (?)
Yes, Kathy Kusner.
I used to set up “jumps” of couch cushions and do courses while watching the movie. After about a year of this the movie got “lost”, mom and dad are lucky I didn’t need therapy after that. :lol:
I was amazed at how accurate the course in the movie was, after seeing these great WIHS historical photos:
Hallmark Movie Channel’s facebook page has instructions for some cute horse cupcakes to go along with the movie.
I have this on DVD… working on a collection of all the classics like this… Though I always remember thinking at the beginning and he’s getting on/off the elevator… why aren’t those stirrups run up? :eek:
Lex - its a 1960’s Disney movie… which = gee golly gee :lol:
Aside from loving the convertible MG pulling horse trailer and loving apparently the first RV horse trailer (bar + TV set up)
What about the crazy show coats??
I don’t think Kathy Kushner was the rider - my former trainer was a horse movie trivia fanatic… will check w/ her she also knows who the horse was which was also a famous horse - Like Snowman or something… will post back
Helen Bolton riding Aspercel!!! I can recite almost the whole movie to this day!!!
Crazy show coats = leading edge of fashion at the time.
Up until the late 60’s you pretty much had a choice of wearing a black coat, or a black coat. You were starting to see some colors about the time the movie came out, at least on the left coast. I know the movie inspired me to go out and buy (or persuade the parental unit to buy) an new bright-blue coat. The contrasting-color chokers were also the rage, even before the influx of the colored coats. Nick Karazissis’ sister, Natasha, had some great coats that, rumor had it, her mom made, including a yellow number with black buttons.
I don’t have any photos of me in the really bright coat, but here’s one a few years later. Also note the too-short boots, flat tack, and braiding for a pretty low-level schooling show. But we did win a nice crystal bowl.
I just found my dogged-eared copy of the book - missing cover, water stained pages but still one of my favorite books!:yes: Every time I see the movie, it always gives me the “warm & fuzzy” feeling.